Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Ministry holds meeting with representatives of NSFs, reaffirms strict compliance of Sports Code
Posted On:
04 FEB 2021 6:30PM by PIB Delhi
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has asked the National Sports Federations (NSFs) to comply with the provisions of the Sports Code and carry out requisite amendments in their constitutions and bye-laws for bringing them in conformity with the Sports Code provisions.
Shri L.S. Singh, Joint Secretary (Sports) took a virtual meeting with representatives of NSFs on 4th February 2021 and reaffirmed to the NSFs that compliance of Sports Code provisions is binding on NSFs and they should not only follow the provisions outlined in the Sports Code in managing their affairs to the extent the Sports Code provisions are applicable, but also take immediate steps for making requisite amendments in their constitutions/bye-laws so that they are in sync with the Sports Code.
While renewing the recognition of NSFs, the Federations have been given time of 6 months except in case of 5 NSFs, who have been given a time period of one year due to the special nature of the 5 sports, to align their constitutions/bye-laws with Sports Code. Joint Secretary (Sports) stated categorically that the amendments should be carried out without any further delay and within the stipulated timelines. NSFs were also informed that no further extension in timeline would be possible hereafter. It was also reiterated that failure to comply with the Sports Code by any NSFs would lead to de-recognition of the NSFs concerned. At the meeting, Joint Secretary (Sports) acknowledged that some NSFs have already amended their constitutions/byelaws, which are being examined in the Ministry.
Representatives of the NSFs, while appreciating the efforts of the Sports Ministry for holding the meeting, informed the Ministry that they have already amended their constitutions in line with the Sports Code and also assured that they will make further amendments if needed, as per the provisions of the Sports Code.
NSFs have also been asked by the Ministry to furnish the information with regard to compliance of Sports Code provisions on fortnightly basis to the Ministry so that the Delhi High Court is also apprised of the same, as the matter is being monitored by the Delhi High Court.
(Release ID: 1695224)
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