azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences actively involved in strengthening clinical research infrastructure in Ayush

Initiatives to enhance community engagement in public health research

Posted On: 25 MAR 2025 6:11PM by PIB Delhi

The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Ayush, has actively taken steps to address the recommendations on establishing research networks and enhancing community engagement in Ayush research. Over the past three years, CCRAS has developed collaborative networks for interdisciplinary and integrative research to foster evidence-based advancements in Ayurveda. The details of ongoing collaborative research projects are enclosed as Annexure. Further, CCRAS has undertaken several initiatives to enhance community engagement in public health research, such as the Mission Utkarsh, Ekalavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) programme. Furthermore, CCRAS has undertaken several initiatives to enhance community engagement in public health research through Government Outreach programs like Ayurveda Mobile Health Care Program under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (AMHCP- SCSP), Reproductive and Child Health Program under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (RCH- SCSP) and Tribal Health Care Research Program under the Tribal Sub Plan (THCRP-TSP).

Various research initiatives and clinical trials are being conducted by Research Councils and National Institutes under the aegis of Ministry of Ayush to standardize protocols, conducting evidence-based research, and integrate Ayush clinical research. The details regarding the same are available on Ayush Research Portal (https://ayushportal.nic.in.).


The details of ongoing collaborative research projects in Ayurveda




Name of Project

Name of the Collaborating Institutes

Clinical Research Projects


A phase II trial to study efficacy, toxicity and imunomodulatory effect of Carctol-S in high grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer at first

serological relapse collaborative project.

The Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer & CARI, Mumbai


Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of PTK as an add on therapy in the patients of Tuberculosis  on  ATT  -  A  double  blind

randomized control clinical study

K.L.E. Academy        of        Higher Education & Research, Belagavi


Evaluating the efficacy of Ayurvedic intervention as add on to conventional treatment and explore the interaction of epigenetics, neuro/gut biomarkers and neuroimaging in pediatric ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperacidity Disorder)

National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS) Bengaluru


Double blind randomized placebo controlled multicentric clinical trial of Ayush M-3 in the management of Migraine.

NIMHANS, Bengaluru


Ayurveda therapeutic regimen as on Add-on to optimized conventional management of Parkinson’s disease: an RCT for assessment of clinical Cortical excitability neuroimmune and Autonomic function parameters.

NIMHANS, Bengaluru


Efficacy and safety of Ayurveda Formulation Trikatu as add on to standard care in Dyslipidemia - a randomized controlled trial

All    India   Institute   of   Medical Sciences (AIIMS) , Bhubaneswar


Efficacy of Ayurveda regimen (mild purgation and internal oleation) in comparison with Allopathic regimen (Letrozole) along with Yoga module in the management of unexplained and anovulatory female infertility: A RCT

Indian               Institute               of Technology (IIT) , Mandi


Topical Oil Pooling (Karnapurana) with Kshirabala Taila and supple mentation of Ashwagandha churna (TOPMAC) in presbycusis

- An exploratory randomized controlled trial

Institute of Communicative and cognitive                   Neurosciences (ICCONS), Shoranur, Kerala


Prospective, Randomized, Open-Label, Blinded End Point exploratory clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ayurvedic regimen as an adjunct to Hydroxyurea in the management of Sickle cell disease.

AIIMS, Bhopal


A multi-center study to assess the treatment adherence & tolerability of Ayush SR in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Shri B.M. Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya,                  Belgavi; Vaidyaratnam PS Varier Ayurveda



College, Kotakkal; Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research,                                        Bengaluru;

Adichunchanagiri            Ayurvedic Medical College, Bengaluru


Impact of Mukta Shukti Bhasma and Saubhagya Shunti in reversal of bone mineral density among Lactating women consuming traditional diet foods in Maharashtra: A randomized Controlled preliminary clinical study

National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health (NIRRCH-ICMR), Mumbai


Efficacy of Ayurveda interventions (Hridyarnava Rasa and Harityakyadi yoga) as an add-on to standard care in Stable Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) assessed through Global Longitudinal Strain Imaging Technique (GLSIT) - A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Ayurvedic Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre, Madhavbaugh, Pune


Prospective double blind randomized controlled clinical study on Ayurvedic intervention (Pushkar guggulu & Haritaki churna) in the management of stable coronary artery disease.

Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi


A randomized double blind placebo control clinical study to evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of Swarnaprashan in moderately malnourished children.

Sanjiv Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow


Efficacy and safety of Punarnavadi Mandura alone and in combination with Drakshavaleha compared to iron folic acid in the treatment of moderate iron deficiency anaemia among non- pregnant women of reproductive age group: a community-based three arm multicentre randomized controlled trial.



Randomized controlled trial of Anshumati Ksheer Paka in hypertension induced left ventricular hypertrophy

Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi


Anemia control among adolescent girls through Ayurveda interventions in the five districts under Mission -Utkarsh

All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi; National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA), Jaipur, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)’s Indian Institute of Public Health-Delhi (IIPH-D)


An exploratory series of n of 1 responder restricted study of Ayurveda regimen on quality of life among elderly population in Ballabgarh district of Haryana- A community-based study.

AIIMS, Ballabhgarh


This information was given by Union Minister of State (I/C) for Ayush, Shri Prataprao Jadhav in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.



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