Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Press Note on EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts

Posted On: 30 SEP 2024 4:32PM by PIB Delhi

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) compiled and released the 7th consecutive issue of the publication “EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts” on 30th September, 2024 in accordance with the SEEA (System of Environmental- Economic Accounting) Framework which is an agreed international framework for the compilation of the Environment Economic accounts. The report is available at the Ministry’s website   

The current publication covers new area viz. Ocean Accounts. The report provides the framework for the compilation of the Ocean Accounts along with data for some of the extent and the condition parameters related to the oceans. The technical assistance has been provided by the Expert Group on Ocean Ecosystem Accounts which includes members from M/o Earth Sciences, M/o Environment Forest and Climate Change, Geological Survey of India, M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas etc.

The report also provides the Physical Asset Accounts and the Physical Supply and Use Tables for Energy utilizing the data provided by M/o Coal, M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas, Geological Survey of India and Central Electricity Authority of M/o Power following the SEEA- Energy Framework. The current publication also presents the updated values of Soil Nutrient Index compiled using the information collected for preparing Soil Health Card for the year 2023-24. In addition, the report also includes the taxonomic faunal and floral diversity of India, the status of the Leopard and Snow leopard, information on Genetic Conservation using data from the stakeholder Ministries/agencies. Also, the Species Richness of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened species by taxonomic groups has been compiled using spatial datasets from IUCN.

Some of the highlights from the report are as follows:

  1. There has been around 72% increase in the number and around 16% increase in area for the Total Protected Area during the period 2000 to 2023.

Number and Area (in sq. km) of total Protected Area in India from 2000 to 2023

  1. The coverage of Mangroves, which is an important sub ecosystem of the ocean ecosystem has increased around 8% over the years 2013 to 2021.

Mangrove Cover in India (in sq. km) over the years 2013 to 2021

The Ministry welcomes inputs/suggestions on the publication titled, “EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts” for future improvements.



(Release ID: 2060296) Visitor Counter : 946

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