Ministry of Railways
Shri Anil Kumar Khandelwal takes over as Member Infrastructure, Railway Board
Posted On:
22 FEB 2024 5:29PM by PIB Delhi
Shri Anil Kumar Khandelwal, General Manager of East Central Railway has taken over the charge of Member Infrastructure, Railway Board & Ex-Officio Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Railways on 20th February 2024.
Mr. Khandelwal, a 1987 batch officer of the Indian Railway Service of Engineers, holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from MNIT, Jaipur and M.Tech from IIT, Roorkee.

With over 35 years of invaluable professional experience, Mr. Khandelwal has played a pivotal role in the construction and maintenance of the Indian Railways' infrastructure.
His career includes overseeing and delivery of numerous significant railway construction projects. He commenced his journey in the challenging Naxalite area of South Central Railway as Assistant Engineer/Bellampalli and subsequently held roles in SCR, Southern Railway, Railway Board, Northern Railway, USBRL Project, and again in Railway Board in various capacities before joining General Manager/East Central Railway.
Notably, he served as the Chief Administrative Officer/Construction for the prestigious USBRL Project and contributed to the construction of the world's highest railway bridge, the Chenab Bridge. As Executive Director/Track Machines at the Railway Board, he made notable contributions for make in India and transforming India from a track machine importer to an exporter.
During his tenure as Executive Director/Non-Fare Revenue, Railway Board, Mr. Khandelwal achieved a remarkable milestone, realizing the highest ever Non-Fare Revenue of Rs. 10,368 Cr. (6.2% of the total revenue) in 2016-17.
His exceptional leadership skills were further showcased when he was specially appointed as the first Principal Executive Director of the Gati Shakti Directorate, Railway Board. In this role, he spearheaded initiatives to break down departmental silos, fostering a collaborative approach to planning, sanctioning, and monitoring projects. The result was record-breaking performance in project sanctioning and delivery, with Indian Railways commissioning highest-ever track in year 2022-23.
Beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Khandelwal is a well-rounded individual. He has a background in sports, having played basketball at the state level. As the President of Sports for Northern Railway, he led the team to win the prestigious Kaul's Gold Cup for the best sports performance in 2021-22, marking a historic achievement for the Northern Railway.
His commitment to lifelong learning is evident through his participation in strategic management programs at INSEAD, Singapore, ICLIF, Malaysia in 2007, and the Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. He is also a distinguished fellow and life member of several prestigious institutions.
(Release ID: 2008084)
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