Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Status of adoption of green hydrogen in the country
Posted On:
23 DEC 2023 10:24AM by PIB Delhi
The Union Minister for New & Renewable Energy and Power has informed about the status of the adoption of green hydrogen in the country.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing the National Green Hydrogen Mission, approved by the Union Cabinet on 4th January 2023, with an outlay of ₹ 19,744 crore. The overarching objective of the Mission is to make India the Global Hub for production, usage and export of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives.
The present status of adoption of Green Hydrogen in the country is as follows:
- GAIL Limited has started India’s maiden project of blending Hydrogen in City Gas Distribution grid. Two precent by volume of hydrogen is being blended in CNG network and 5 vol% of hydrogen is being blended into PNG network at City Gas Station of Avantika Gas Limited (AGL), Indore in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
- NTPC Limited has initiated blending of Green Hydrogen up to 8% (vol/vol) in PNG Network at NTPC Kawas Township, Surat, Gujarat from January 2023.
- Besides these, other PSUs have taken up various projects such as:
- Hydrogen based Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Buses in Leh by NTPC
- Hydrogen based Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Buses in Greater Noida by NTPC
- Oil India Limited has developed a 60 kW capacity hydrogen fuel cell bus, which is a hybrid of an electric drive and a fuel cell.
- Demonstration pilot plants for production of Green Hydrogen through water electrolysis using solar power, biomass oxy steam gasification and CBG reforming for refueling 15 no. of Hydrogen Fuel Cell buses by Indian Oil
In addition, several entities have announced plans to set up production facilities for Green Hydrogen/ Green Ammonia in India.
Since Green Hydrogen adoption in the country is at an initial stage, through demonstration projects, its impact on job creation, reduction in dependence on oil and exports has been limited so far.
However, the expected outcomes of the National Green Hydrogen Mission, by 2030, are as follows:
- India’s Green Hydrogen production capacity is likely to reach 5 MMT per annum, contributing to reduction in dependence on import of fossil fuels. Achievement of Mission targets is expected to reduce a cumulative ₹ 1 lakh crore worth of fossil fuel imports by 2030.
- This is likely to leverage over ₹8 lakh crore in total investments and create over 6 lakh jobs.
Under the Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) scheme (Mode – I, Tranche – I) of the National Green Hydrogen Mission, Request for Selection (RfS) has been issued for selection of Green Hydrogen producers for setting up production facilities of 450,000 tons for Green Hydrogen in India.
This information has been given by the Union Minister for New & Renewable Energy and Power Shri R. K. Singh, in a written reply to a question, in Lok Sabha on December 21, 2023.
PIB DELHI | Alok Mishra / Dheep Joy Mampilly
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