Prime Minister's Office
English rendering of PM’s address at the launch of Viksit Bharat 2047 -- Voice of Youth via video conferencing
Posted On:
11 DEC 2023 12:36PM by PIB Delhi
My colleague in the Union Cabinet, Dharmendra Pradhan ji, governors from across the country, distinguished personalities in the field of education, ladies and gentlemen!
Today is a very important day concerning the resolutions of a ‘Viksit Bharat’. I extend special congratulations to all the governors for organizing this workshop related to the ‘Viksit Bharat’. You have brought all those colleagues who bear the responsibility of guiding the youth of the country together on one platform. The role of educational institutions leads to individual development, and the nation is built through individual development. In the era in which Bharat finds itself currently, the campaign for individual development has become extremely crucial. I extend my best wishes to all of you for the success of the Voice of Youth Workshop.
Every country experiences a phase in its history when it propels its developmental journey multiple folds ahead. It's like the ‘Amrit Kaal’ (golden era) for that nation. For Bharat, this ‘Amrit Kaal’ has arrived now. This is the period in the history of Bharat when it is about to take a quantum leap. There are numerous examples around us of countries that have, at a certain point in time, taken such a quantum leap and transformed themselves into developed nations. That's why I say, now is the time for Bharat, this is the right time. We must make the most of every moment of this ‘Amrit Kaal’; we can't afford to lose even a single moment.
Our prolonged struggle for freedom is also an inspiration for all of us. When we entered the field with a goal, with enthusiasm and determination, considering freedom as the ultimate objective, we succeeded. During this period, be it through Satyagraha, the path of revolution, awareness about Swadeshi, or the consciousness of social and educational reforms, all these streams together became a source of the strength of the freedom movement. It was during this era that institutions like Banaras Hindu University, Lucknow University, Visva Bharati, Gujarat Vidyapith, Nagpur University, Annamalai University, Andhra University, University of Kerala, and many others contributed to strengthening the consciousness of the nation. This was the time when a new awareness about freedom among the youth was spread across all streams. A whole generation dedicated to freedom emerged. A thought developed in the country that whatever has to be done, it should be for freedom, and it should be done now. If someone spun the wheel, it was also for freedom. If someone boycotted foreign goods, it was also for freedom. If someone recited poetry, it was also for freedom. If someone wrote in a book or newspaper, it was also for freedom. If someone distributed pamphlets, it was also for freedom.
Similarly, today, every individual, every institution, every organization must move forward with the pledge that whatever I do, it should be for a ‘Viksit Bharat’. Your goals, your resolutions should have only one aim - ‘Viksit Bharat’. As a teacher, think about what you can do to help the country achieve the goal of a ‘Viksit Bharat’. As a university, think about what you can do to make Bharat developed rapidly. In whatever field you are in, think what and how it can be done so that Bharat moves ahead rapidly on its path to becoming developed?
Your role in the education institutes that you represent is to channelize the energy of the youth towards this goal. Every youth coming to your institutions has some special features. They should be connected to the stream of building a ‘Viksit Bharat’ regardless of their diverse thoughts. I would like you all to think, even beyond your scope, and think out of the box to contribute to the vision of Viksit Bharat@2047. You should launch special campaigns, provide leadership and express things in simple language so that more and more youth from every college and university in the country can join this campaign. The Viksit Bharat@2047 section has been launched on MyGov today. It includes a section for ideas related to the vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’. Since the beginning of the word ‘Idea’ starts with 'I,' the section needs ideas that describe what individuals can do themselves. As 'I' comes first in Idea, it also comes first in India. It means that if we want to achieve success, attain goals, and bring about the right results, it all starts with our own 'I.' On this online ideas portal --MyGov platform -- suggestions can be given for five different themes. There is also a provision for awards for the top 10 suggestions.
When I talk about suggestions, the sky is wide open before you. We need to prepare a generation in the coming years that will be the backbone of the country, providing leadership and direction. We need to prepare a young generation for the country that prioritizes the welfare of the nation and places its duties above all. We shouldn't limit ourselves to just education and skills. As citizens, we also need to make efforts in the direction of how to keep the citizens of the country vigilant 24/7. We need to instil awareness in society that they should not jump traffic signals no matter whether cameras are installed or not. People should have such a sense of duty that they should reach the office on time and work diligently to fulfil their responsibilities. Whatever products are made here, their quality should be so excellent that the consumers should feel proud when they see the 'Made in India' label on it.
When every citizen of the country, regardless of their role, starts fulfilling their duties, the country will also progress. Now, for example, issues related to the use of natural resources. When seriousness about water conservation increases, when seriousness about saving electricity increases, when the use of chemicals to save Mother Earth decreases, when there is a seriousness about using public transport more, society, the country and every sector will experience a significantly positive impact. I can give you numerous examples of such positive impacts.
You'd also agree that these are small things but they have a significant impact. Your suggestions on how to give new energy to the cleanliness movement would also be crucial. Your suggestions on how our youth can cope with the side effects of modern lifestyle would also be important. Besides the world of mobile phones, our youth should also explore the outside world; that is equally essential. As a teacher, you need to plant thoughts in the minds of students, both in the present and future generations. You also need to become a role model for your students. When the citizens of the country think in the interest of the country, only then can we build an empowered society. And you also know that the way society thinks is reflected in governance. If I talk about the field of education, there are so many subjects related to it. After a three to four-year course, our educational institutions provide certificates and degrees. But shouldn't we ensure that every student has some mandatory skills? Discussions on these topics and related suggestions will clearly define the path of the journey towards a ‘Viksit Bharat’. Therefore, you should lead extensive discussions on these topics at every campus, institution, and state level as part of a comprehensive process of deliberation.
This ‘Amrit Kaal’ of building a ‘Viksit Bharat’ is akin to the intense focus we often witness during exam days. Students are confident about their exam performance, yet they leave no stone unturned until the last moment. Each student invests everything, aligning every moment with a single goal. And when the exam dates approach, the dates are declared, it feels like the entire family's examination date has arrived. It's not just the students; the entire family operates within the realm of discipline. For us too, as citizens of the country, the exam date has been declared. We have a 25-year period of “Amrit Kaal’. We have to work around the clock for this ‘Amrit Kaal’ and for the goals of a ‘Viksit Bharat’. This environment requires us to collectively shape it into a family, and this is a shared responsibility for all of us.
Today, the world's population is rapidly aging, and Bharat is empowered by its youth. Experts suggest that in the coming 25-30 years, Bharat will lead in terms of the working-age population. Therefore, the eyes of the entire world are on the youth of Bharat. Youth is not only the agent of change but also the beneficiary of change. The young colleagues in colleges and universities today are the ones who will shape their careers in these crucial 25 years. These youth will be building new families, creating a new society. Thus, determining the kind of ‘Viksit Bharat’ we want is a right that belongs to our youth most of all. With this spirit, the government aims to connect every youth with the action plan for a ‘Viksit Bharat’. It wants to incorporate the voice of the country's youth into the policy framework for the ‘Viksit Bharat’. Since you are in close contact with the youth, the contribution of all of you is highly significant in this regard.
We need to walk the roadmap of progress, and it won't be solely determined by the government; the nation will shape it. Every citizen will have to give his input and actively participate in it. ‘Sabka Prayas’, meaning everyone's effort, is a mantra that turns the biggest resolutions into reality. Whether it's the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Digital India campaign, dealing with COVID-19, or the idea of Vocal for Local, we have all witnessed the power of ‘Sabka Prayas’. It is through ‘Sabka Prayas’ that a ‘Viksit Bharat’ will materialise. You, the learned individuals, are the ones shaping the vision of the country's development, channelling the youth power. Therefore, expectations from you are more than ever. This is a grand campaign to script the future of the nation. Every suggestion from you will enhance the grandeur of a ‘Viksit Bharat’.
Once again, I extend my best wishes for today's workshop. I firmly believe that the movement starting today will lead us to a ‘Viksit Bharat’ by 2047. The journey begins today, leadership is in the hands of educators, students, and educational institutions, and it's a period that builds the nation and the generation itself. I wish you all the best! Thank you.
DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.
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