Ministry of Minority Affairs
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Special Campaign 3.0 concludes  in the Ministry of Minority Affairs and the organizations under its control

Main focus areas of the Campaign include effective disposal of various references, public grievances, cleanliness drive, disposal of scrap etc.

Approx. 34000 square feet of space  freed and a revenue of Rs. 74000/- generated from scrap disposal

Posted On: 28 NOV 2023 6:45PM by PIB Delhi

Ministry of Minority Affairs (MoMA) has concluded the Special Campaign 3.0 held from 2nd October till the 31st October 2023 with the commitment to foster cleanliness, minimize pendency, institutionalize Swachhata, strengthen internal monitoring mechanism, train officers in records management, and digitize physical records. MoMA is relentlessly engaged in reducing pendency and promoting cleanliness with an aim to reduce compliance burden and promote ease of living to the citizens. Apart from the Ministry, Autonomous Bodies and PSUs under the Ministry also actively participated in the campaign.

Union Minister of Minority Affairs, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani  participated in the cleanliness drive at the Ministry and the adjacent areas at Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi encouraging the Ministry staff to adopt best cleanliness practices in daily life and furtherinspiring greater participation in the Special Campaign 3.0.

Secretary, Minority Affairs, and Additional Secretary, Minority Affairs, reviewed the progress made during the campaign regularly on weekly basis and instructed all the JSs/DDG to dispose off pending references and also to weed out old files/physical records including disposal of scrap/waste material. The status of achievement in disposal of pending references have been regularly updated on the SCDPM Portal.





Cleanliness drive at MoMA Office, CGO Complex, New Delhi

Review Meeting by AS (MA).


Major achievements during the campaign are given below:

(i)  All the 527 Public Grievances and 126 PG  Appeals pending as on 14.09.2023 have been disposed off.

(ii) Cleanliness drives have been conducted at all the four sites identified for cleanliness drive during the Special Campaign 3.0.

(iii)  Approx 34000 SQFT  space has been freed by disposal of scrap/waste material/garbage.

The cleanliness campaign was conducted at 4 locations during Special Campaign 3.0. During the Campaign, approx. 34000 square feet of space was freed and a revenue of Rs. 74000/- was generated from scrap disposal. 100% (610 out of 610) files identified for weeding out has been weeded out during the campaign.


Laxmi Nagar,  New Delhi

Durgah Khwaja Saheb, Ajmer



(Release ID: 1980509) Visitor Counter : 559

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