Ministry of Science & Technology
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

CSIR-NISCPR Celebrates its 2nd Foundation Day

Prof. B.N. Jagatap Deliveres Foundation Day Lecture

Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal Discussed the Strength & Rich Legacy of CSIR-NIScPR

Posted On: 14 JAN 2023 6:29PM by PIB Delhi

CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR), New Delhi celebrated its 2nd foundation on 13th January 2023. NIScPR is one the constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR-NIScPR came into existence on 14th January 2021 with the merger of two internationally acclaimed CSIR Institutions namely CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (CSIR-NISCAIR) and National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (CSIR-NISTADS). Since then, CSIR-NIScPR has been able to direct its activities towards becoming a globally respected institution in the domain of Science Policy research and Science Communication, using the rich legacy spanning around 100 years and a robust inherent capabilities of erstwhile institutions. Through its efforts the new institution has taken big strides to promote Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) Policy Studies and Science Communication among diverse stakeholders and act as a bridge at the interface of science, technology, industry and society.

Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR (sitting extremely right) while addressing the Foundation Day Function

In the Foundation Day Function, Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR discussed the strength and rich legacy of NIScPR in her welcome address. She further added, “We must keep on accelerating our activities to make those tangible, visible and fruitful to the society”.

Prof. B. N. Jagatap, Senior Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Bombay & Chairperson, Research Council, CSIR-NIScPR delivered the Foundation day lecture. He illustrated evolution of the Indian education system from English Education Act 1835 to National Education Policy 2020. His lecture was thought provoking as well as inspiring.


Prof. B.N. Jagatap, Sr. Professor, IIT Bombay delivering Foundation Day Lecture at CSIR-NIScPR


Many scientific publications released During NIScPR Foundation Day Function


On this special occasion, a number of scientific publications were released. Special Issue of the Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR) focused on ‘Industry 4.0: A Way Forward for Self-Reliance and Sustainability’ was released. TRL Assessment Bulletin, a book titled ‘Science & Technology Quiz: Celebrating AzaadiKaAmritMahotsav’, a Flip-book titled ‘Treasure of Indian Traditions’ was also released in presence of dignitaries of the function. The names of winners of the SVASTIK Photography Contest were announced on the occasion. This competition was organized in the year 2022.

During the Foundation Day Celebration, Ph.D. students of CSIR-NIScPR showcased their research and findings through the poster presentation. Dr. YogeshSuman, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR proposed the vote of thanks.



(Release ID: 1891256) Visitor Counter : 1804

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