Ministry of Communications
ITU’s Regional Standardization Forum (RSF) for Asia and Oceania region to be inaugurated tomorrow by Shri Devusinh Chauhan
Over 250 delegates from 20 countries to participate in the Forum
Forum to be succeeded by ITU-T Study Group 3 Regional Group Asia and Oceania (ITU-T SG3RG-AO) meeting from 09th August 2022 to 12th August 2022
Posted On:
07 AUG 2022 2:50PM by PIB Delhi
As a part of the celebrations during Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ministry of Communication is hosting the International Telecommunication Union’s Regional Standardization Forum (RSF) for Asia and Oceania region on 8 August 2022 in New Delhi. The theme of the Forum is “Regulatory and Policy aspects of Telecommunications/ICTs”. The Forum will be succeeded by four-day meeting of International Telecommunication Union-T Study Group 3 Regional Group Asia and Oceania (ITU-T SG3RG-AO) from 09th August 2022 to 12th August 2022.
The Regional Standardization Forum will be inaugurated by Shri Devusinh Chauhan, Minister of State for Communications.
The Regional Standardization Forum is a platform for constructive exchange of ideas, discussing standardization topics including inter alia India’s experience in various sectors of technology like Sustainable Digital Transformation and the Role of ITU Standards, Harnessing Technologies for Digital and Financial Inclusion in Emerging Markets, evolving Data Value Chain and Digital Health. The panel discussion aims to provide an insight to for Asia and Oceania Region’s experience from policy and regulatory perspective under various sub-themes. Regional Standardization Forum will be addressed by 15 eminent speakers which includes representation from Academia, International Organizations, ICT Sector and Government of India. Participation in the Forum is open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country which is a member of ITU who wishes to contribute to the ITU work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional, and national organizations. Over 250 delegates from 20 countries will participate in Regional Standardization Forum. The key takeaways from the deliberations in the RSF will be presented in succeeding meeting of the ITU-T Regional Group of Asia and Oceania for further work on Standardization in the emerging areas.
Department of Telecommunications will also host an exhibition at the same venue to showcase various innovative Digital products/services of India.
The Forum will be succeeded by ITU-T Study Group 3 Regional Group Asia and Oceania (ITU-T SG3RG-AO) from 09th August 2022 to 12th August 2022. The meeting is open for Member States and Sector Members of ITU-T and over 130 participants will contribute in the meeting. The meeting of Regional Group Asia and Oceania is taking place in physical mode after a gap of three years due to CoVID-19. The objective of this meeting is to contribute towards Standardization work of ITU-T Study Group 3 and also to secure the interest of Asia and Oceania region.
The meeting will begin by a Bridging the Standardization Gap training on “Effectiveness in Standardization” workshop for capacity building of the delegates participating in the Regional Group meeting. This will be led by Dr Bilel Jamoussi, Head of the study groups, ITU Geneva.
Apart from the ITU team from Geneva HQ, events will also be attended by Ms Atsuka Okuda, Director of the ITU Regional office for Asia and Pacific.
(Release ID: 1849356)
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