Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

More than 4 lakh people participated in Ayushman Bharat block level Health Melas on 20th April; 484 blocks organized Health Melas on day three across the country

More than 71,000 ABHA Health IDs created; 17,000 PMJAY Golden Cards issued and 36,000 teleconsultations done

Posted On: 21 APR 2022 4:01PM by PIB Delhi

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in collaboration with States and Union Territories is celebrating the 4th Anniversary of Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs) under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav from 16th April to 22nd April 2022. The celebrations are being carried out with great enthusiasm and fervour across the country. Union Health minister, Health Minister of States/UTs, MPs, MLAs, senior officials of the Union Health Ministry, Principal Health secretaries/ Health secretaries of States/UTs, senior officials of the State Health department, representatives and local dignitaries are also visiting the AB-HWCs and creating awareness among the public reading the importance of AB-HWCs in providing affordable and accessible Health care.

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From 18th-22nd April 2022, Block level Health Melas at more than one lakh AB-HWCs in at least one block in each district of the State/UT are being organised across the country. Each block level Health Mela would be for one day and each block in the State/UT will be covered.


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On the third day of the Health Mela, more than 4 lakh people participated and around 484 blocks organized Health Melas across the country. Further, more than 71,000 ABHA Health IDs were created and 17,000 PMJAY Golden Cards issued in addition to thousands of screenings being done for Hypertension, diabetes etc.


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Record 3 lakh teleconsultations through e-Sanjeevani platform were done in a day at Ayushman Bharat - Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs) on 16th April 2022. This has been the highest number of teleconsultations ever done at AB-HWCs on a single day, surpassing its earlier record of 1.8 lakh teleconsultations per day. On 20th April 2022, more than 36,000 teleconsultations were done throughout the country.


The state-wise Block Health Mela report as on 20.04.2022 is as under:



HFW/Block Level Health Melas/21stApril2022/

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