Ministry of Power

Year End Review 2020 – Ministry of Power

83 new sub-stations commissioned, 224 sub-stations augmented and 27,261 Distribution Transformers Installed under DDUGJAY from April to Nov. 2020 despite lockdown

Loans worth Rs.45083 Cr disbursed/released and Rs.118508 Cr sanctioned against the liquidity infusion package announced by Government in May 2020

CCEA approved Rs. 1810.56 crores for Luhri stage-I (210 MW) HE Project in Himachal Pradesh

Nearly 12000 ckm of transmission lines (220 kV and above) addedDuring 2020 (upto October 2020)

Power Ministry issued Round-The-Clock (RTC) power Guidelines to promote RE Power

Real Time Market (RTM) and Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) launched to enable procurement of renewable power from the Power Exchanges

Posted On: 30 DEC 2020 1:03PM by PIB Delhi

1.    Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY):

Government of India launched Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) scheme with total outlay of Rs.75893 Crore (DDUGJY: Rs.43033 crore and RE Component: Rs. 32860 crore). Projects with total cost of Rs.44416 Crore have been sanctioned in 33 States/UTs. Besides, additional amount of Rs.14270 crore has been sanctioned for creation of additional infrastructure to support 100% household electrification. As on 30.11.2020, an amount of Rs.49457crore has been released as GoI grant since 2014-15.


Rural Electricity Infrastructure (Including additional infrastructure created for household electrification under DDUGJY &Saubhagya)


As on 30.11.2020, 1754nos new sub-stations are commissioned; 2142nos sub-stations are augmented; 5,75,115nos distribution transformers are installed; 4,91,338 Kms of LT lines and 2,03,085 Kms of HT lines (11 KV and 33 KV) are erected and 1,22,049 Kms feeder separation completed. Besides, metering of 1.48 crore consumers, 2,08,924 Distribution Transformers and 13,190Feeders have been completed.


Achievement during 2020-21 (01.04.2020 to 30.11.2020)




Achievement during 2020-21 (01.04.2020 to 30.11.2020)

New Sub-Stations



Sub-Stations Augmented



Distribution Transformers Installed



LT lines



HT lines(11 KV and 33 KV)



Feeder Separation




Besides above , metering of 5.45 Lakh consumers, 35,889 Distribution Transformers and 471 nos. Feeders have been completed from April,2020 to Nov.2020.

An amount of Rs.932 Crore has been released as GoI grant during 2020-21.


2.    Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) (as on 13.11.2020):

  • Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) was launched in the year 2014 with an Outlay of Rs. 32,612 crore for improving and augmenting the distribution and sub-transmission systems in Urban areas with a view to improve reliability.
  • Under the scheme, system strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution network has been completed in 448 circles cumulatively covering over 3000 towns. The major achievements are as follows:
    • 927 new 33/11 kV Power Sub-Stations (PSS) commissioned; Capacity augmentation of more than 1500 exiting PSS completed
    • Over 33,000 ckm of new overhead lines charged for better power reliability
    • More than 75,000 ckm of Underground/Aerial Bunched cables laid to reduce losses
    • About 56,000 new Distribution Transformers charged for improving power supply in towns
    • Around 45 Mwp of Solar Panels installed on Govt buildings and Substations as contribution towards green energy
    • More than 1.15 lac Smart Meters installed
  • All Smaller Towns have been IT-enabled under IPDS in AP-East, Telangana & Uttarakhand for improved consumer services etc. For better work flow management in the Utilities, IPDS has also funded Enterprise resource planning (ERP) across several Utilities, out of which implementation has been completed in 11 Utilities. 98 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Substations are under progress in various States
  • Under the older projects subsumed under IPDS, all 1290 towns have been IT enabled, and SCADA systems have been completed in 57 towns. System strengthening works have been completed in 1197 towns.
  • Though the progress of IPDS was affected by COVID-19 pandemic, the physical progress reached more than 90% for the system strengthening works in the current year. The details of the works accomplished under IPDS in new projects in the current calendar year are as follows:


Works Accomplished under IPDS in Current Year




Achievement in 2020

Jan 2020- 13 Nov 2020


New Substation



Capacity enhancement & Additional Transformers



Over-head Lines

HT (33 & 11KV)



LT (440 V)




Aerial Bunch / Under Ground



Distribution Transformers




Smart/ Prepaid






Solar Panels




3.    Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (SAUBHAGYA):

  1. of India launched Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har GharYojana – Saubhagya in September, 2017 with the objective to achieve universal household electrification by providing electricity connections to all willing un-electrified households in rural and all poor households in urban areas across the country, by March, 2019. All States have declared electrification of all households on Saubhagya portal, except 18,734 households in LWE affected areas of Chhattisgarh as on 31.03.2019. Electricity connections to 262.84 Lakh households have been released from 11.10.2017 to 31.03.2019.

Subsequently, seven States reported more un-electrified households which were un-willing earlier, later willing to get electricity connection, identified before 31.03.2019. States have been asked to electrify these households under Saubhagya.

As reported by the States, 280.89 lakh households have been electrified since 11.10.2019 up to 30.11.2020 under Saubhagya.

As on 30.11.2020 an amount of Rs. 6,220.23 crore has been released as GoI grant for implementation of Saubhagya.

During the year 2020-21, as on 30.11.2020 (i.e., from 01.04.2020 to 30.11.2020), electricity connections released to 4.13 Lakh Households.


4.    Smart Metering:

  • In the current financial year, Ministry of Power has issued guidelines to all States to convert all existing consumer meters into Smart meters in prepaid mode. Operation of Smart meters in prepaid mode would allow consumers to pay as per their own financial convenience and electricity consumption requirements.
  • EESL, a JV between CPSUs in the power sector, has been providing Smart metering services to various Utilities as per MOUs entered into with them. EESL has also established innovative financing arrangements for the Smart metering projects that would enable them to provide smart metering services to the DISCOMs without requiring any outright CAPEX funding from the States/Utilities. The recoveries against the funding towards smart metering installations would be taken as a monthly annuity from the Utilities over a period of seven to eight years.
  • Apart from installations in NDMC for about 50,000 consumers, EESL has also started installation of Smart meters in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan. Out of these States, the maximum installation is in the State of Uttar Pradesh, where more than 7.78 Lakh smart meters have already been deployed across 11 cities.
  • More than 19 lakh smart meters have been installed in the country as detailed below:


Sr. No

Name of State/ DISCOM/Scheme

Smart Meter installations


Smart Grid Pilot Projects












Utility Owned Projects





5. Liquidity infusion scheme for Power Sector under Atma Nirbhar Bharat

  • As a part of Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan as announced by Hon'ble Finance Minister on 13th May, 2020, Govt. of India decided to infuse liquidity of Rs.90000 Cr in the power sector through PFC and REC Ltd. to enable the sector to maintain power supplies and keep the lights on, as cash flows had plummeted during lockdown imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19.  Under this intervention, REC and PFC would extend special long term transition loans upto 10 years to Power Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) for liquidating outstanding dues of Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) Generation (Genco) & Transmission Companies (Transcos), Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Renewable Energy (RE) generators as existing on 30.06.2020. Against the liquidity infusion package, Rs.118508 Cr worth of loans have been sanctioned and Rs.45083 Cr has already been disbursed/released. Further, it has also been approved to allow Utilities in States which  do not have adequate headroom against State receivables or working capital limits under UDAY to avail the benefits of Liquidity Infusion Scheme


6.   Hydro Power development

  • Two out of four units (i.e. 300 MW out of 600 MW) of Kameng hydropower project of NEEPCO in Arunachal Pradesh commissioned in February 2020.
  • Revival of Rangit Stage-IV (120 MW) project in Sikkim, which was stalled since October 2013, through takeover by NHPC Ltd. through NCLT bidding. Letter of Intent (LOI) dated 24.01.2020 has been issued in favour of NHPC Ltd. by Resolution Professional.
  • Revival of Dugar (500 MW) HE Project in Himachal Pradesh through new allotment to M/s. NHPC by GoHP as earlier developer, M/s. DHPL, decided not to go ahead with the implementation of the project.
  • Revival of Reoli Dugli (476 MW) HE Project in Himachal Pradesh through new allotment to M/s. SJVNL by GoHP as earlier developer, M/s. L&THHPL, decided not to go ahead with the implementation of the project.
  • Revival of Ratle (850 MW) Project in UT of J&K, which was stalled since July 2014 due to various issues between M/s. GVK and GoJK, MoU was signed 03.02.2019 for implementation of the Project through a Joint Venture Company between NHPC and JKSPDC with shareholding of 51% and 49% respectively. PIB recommended the proposal on 07.09.2020.
  • CCEA Approval of Rs. 1810.56 crores (May, 2020 PL) accorded for Luhri stage-I (210 MW) HE Project of M/s. SJVNL in Himachal Pradesh.
  • Investment Approval of GoI to Dhaulasidh (66 MW) HE Project of M/s. SJVNL in Himachal for an amount of Rs. 687.97 crores (May, 2020 PL).
  • Construction started at two projects namely Kutehr (240 MW) HE Project in Himachal Pradesh and Kiru (624 MW) HE Project in J&K.
  • On the advice of the Central Govt., the state govt. of Himachal Pradesh has provided the following relaxations to reduce tariff of hydroelectric projects to less than 4.50/kWh:
    1. Deferred free power,
    2. Agreed for 50% reimbursement of State GST,
    3. Booking 1.5% LADF to any head other than project cost,
    4. BOOT/ BOOM for 70 years.

     On the above lines, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh signed agreements with 3 CPSUs viz. NTPC, NHPC and SJVN for setting up 10 hydropower projects of 2917 MW on Chenab river entailing an investment of about Rs. 28,000 crore.

  • Guidelines being prepared for operationalising the following measures to promote hydropower sector approved by the Union Cabinet on 07.03.2019 :
    1. Declaring Large Hydropower Projects (>25 MW) as Renewable Energy
    2. Hydropower Purchase Obligation(HPO)
    3. Tariff rationalisation measures
    4. Budgetary support for flood moderation component &
    5. Budgetary support for enabling infrastructure like bridges, roads etc.

  The guidelines for HPO, Budgetary support for Flood Moderation and Enabling Infrastructure are under advance stage of discussion and likely to be issued soon. The saleability issues facing hydropower would be addressed through HPO, tariff rationalisation measures and budgetary support for flood moderation and enabling infrastructure like roads, bridges etc. Large Hydropower projects (>25 MW) would also become eligible for green funding after being categorised as renewable energy source.


7. One Nation-One Grid-One Frequency:

  • During 2020 (upto October 2020), 11921 ckm of  transmission lines (220 kV and above) has been added.
  • During the same period, Transformation capacity addition is 35,760MVA
  • Inter-Regional Transfer capacity of addition during 2020 (upto October 2020) is of  3,000 MW (during 01.01.2020 to 31.10.2020)


 8.During 2020 (upto October 2020) MoP has approved implementation of ISTS transmission projects with estimated cost of Rs. 25945.3 crore  under RTM/TBCB mode.


9. Setting up of Renewable Energy Management Centre (REMC):

To enable forecasting and scheduling of renewable resources and efficient management of intermittent & variable renewable generation, POWERGRID was entrusted by Govt. of India, to establish Renewable Energy Management Centres (REMCs). All 11(eleven) REMCs, co-located with 7 State Load Dispatch Centers (Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat & Rajasthan), 3 Regional Load Dispatch Centers (Bengaluru, Mumbai & New Delhi) and NLDC, New Delhi were commissioned during the year 2019-20.

During the year 2019-20, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India entrusted POWERGRID with the responsibility of establishing an REMC in Telangana and an Energy Management Centre in South Andaman, which are under implementation.


10. Major Transmission Projects Commissioned in Year 2020 till 31thOct’2020


  • Pole 4 of Champa and Kurukshetra HVDC Station have been commissioned in Mar’20,thus adding 1500 MW of interregional capacity in the year 2020.
  • 765 kV D/C Chilkaluripeta – Cudappah line (577 Ckm), 765 kV D/C Vemagiri – Chilakaluripeta line (558 Ckm) and 765/400 kV, 3000 MVA Chilakaluripeta S/S, all these projects awarded through TBCB route, have been commissioned in Jan’20.
  • 800 kV HVDC Raigarh (HVDC stn) - Pugalur (HVDC stn) Bipole Link (3531 Ckm) has been commissioned with Raigarh and Pugalur Station HVDC Terminal (Pole-I) charged in Sept’20, thus adding 1500 MW of interregional capacity during FY 2020-21.
  • Alusteng-Zainakote 220kV D/c transmission line having length of 45 Km was commissioned on 15.02.2020 by JKPTCL, which is funded under Prime Minister's Reconstruction Plan (PMRP-2005). With these lines, 220kV Transmission System for inter-connection of Zainakote -Alusteng (Srinagar) - Lehhas established 220kV connectivity with Northern Grid and would provide reliable power supply to the strategically important Ladakh region, which is also an area of defence establishment.
  • LILO of 220 kV D/C Zainkote-Delina line at Kunzar (length =20km) and 220/132kV, 320 MVA Alusteng Sub-stationhave been commissioned in Feb, 20.


11.Coal Linkages accorded under SHAKTI Policy

    1. SHAKTI Policy Para B(ii) (Linkage on Auction basis for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) having long term PPAs): In the 3rd Round linkage auction held in May, 2020, Coal linkages of 3.466 MTPA (G13 grade equivalent) were awarded by CIL for balance capacity of 4510.5 MW to 05 Nos. of Thermal Power Projects.
    2. SHAKTI Policy Para B(iii) (Linkage on Auction basis for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) without PPAs): Auction got completed on 07.02.2020. A total capacity of 3775 MW (total 5995 MW) which did not have PPAs have secured linkage for 7.15 MTs of coal (G13 grade equivalent).
    • iii. SHAKTI Policy Para B(viii)(a) (Linkage on auction basis for non-PPA capacity for Short Term & DAM):
    1. Ministry of Power issued a methodology in this regard on 02.12.2019 to carry out such auction at every quarter to cater to the dynamic requirements of short term and day-ahead markets (DAM). Amendment to the methodology was issued on 12.05.2020.
    2. In 1st round of auction (quarter April – June, 2020): 1.57 MT has been booked by 9 successful bidders with a zero premium.
    3. In 2nd round of auction (quarter July- September, 2020): 0.744MT (G13 grade quantity) has been booked by 8 successful bidders with a zero premium.
    4. In 3rd round of auction (quarter October – December, 2020): 0.41 MT has been booked by 6 successful bidders with zero premium
    5. In 4th round of auction (quarter Jan-Mar'21) 14 nos. of requisitions have been received in CEA, total normative quantity of 9.90 MT (G13 grade equivalent). Auctions under process by CIL.


Reduction in Coal Import for blending.

In view of increased availability of domestic coal, Ministry of Power (MoP) vide letter dated 28.04.2020 had advised generating companies that are importing coal for blending purposes to make efforts to replace their import with domestic coal. The power plants have also been advised by the CEA not to import coal for blending purposes and get their likely import of coal substituted with domestic coal. These efforts have yielded results and Coal imported for blending purpose during April-September, 2020 registered a decrease of about 54% as compared to the last year 2019.

Improved coal availability

The expected availability of coal from various domestic sources during 2020-21 is about 644 MT (CIL: 526 MT, SCCL: 55 MT and Captive: 63 MT) against the coal requirement of about 645 MT for the plants designed on domestic coal. So, there is sufficient availability of coal.

Further, coal receipt has substantially increased from 561 MT in 2015-16 to 638 MT in 2019-20. The coal stock available with the power plants monitored by CEA on a daily basis is about 34.16 MT as on 02.11.2020 which is sufficient for an average of 19 days.

12. Waiver of ISTS Transmission Charges and Losses for Solar & Wind Power

In Order to promote generation from renewable sources of energy, Ministry of Power has issued an Order on 5th August 2020 for extension of waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges and losses for transmission of the electricity generated from solar and wind projects commissioned till 30th June 2023.

It may be noted that earlier in line with the provisions of Tariff Policy 201, this Ministry had issued waiver order for ISTS charges and losses for transmission of electricity generated from solar and wind sources of energy on 30.9.2016. Such wavier of ISTS charges and losses has been extended from time to time.

13. Reduced rate of Late Payment Surcharge

  • In order to address the problems faced by electricity Distribution Companies due to COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry of Power has on 28.03.2020 issued directions to CERC under section 107 of the Electricity Act 2003, for specifying reduced rate of Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) for payments which become delayed beyond a period of 45 days (from the date of presentation of the bill) during the period from 24th March 2020 to 30th June 2020 to generating companies and licensees treating the restrictions placed by the central government vide its order dated 24.03.2020 to contain COVID-19 as an event of force majeure.
  • It was also provided in the MOP letter that for generating companies and transmission licensees whose tariff was determined under section 63 by the Central Commission, discoms may claim relief from its obligations regarding the rate at which LPS is to be paid, as per force majeure provisions given in respective power purchase agreement. On directions of the Ministry, CERC has issued necessary orders on 03.04.2020.
  • Through letter dated 20.08.2020, Ministry of Power has advised Generating Companies and Transmission Companies to charge Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) at a rate not exceeding 1% per month on the principal dues (excluding LPS) for all payments made by Discoms under the Liquidity Infusion Scheme of PFC and REC under Atmanirbhar Bharat.


14. Guidelines for procurement of Round the Clock power (RTC Power) from Renewable Projects through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding

With the aim of promoting RE power and to provide Round-The-Clock (RTC) power to the DISCOMs from renewable energy sources, Ministry of Power has issued RTC power Guidelines vide notification dated 22.07.2020.  The amendments made in the said guidelines were notified in Gazette of India on 03.11.2020.  Now the complemented power may be used from any fuel sources.


15. Introduction of Real Time Market (RTM) and Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) through Power Exchange

  • Two new products in Power Exchange were launched - Real Time Market (RTM) and Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM). RTM was launched from 01.06.2020 enabling Discoms and other buyers to procure power nearer to delivery time. GTAM was launched from 21.08.2020 enabling procurement of renewable power from the Power Exchanges. The introduction of Green Markets on the Power Exchanges will facilitate achievement of green energy targets in a most efficient and cost optimized manner.


16. Deepening of Short Term Market

  • Short-term transactions of electricity in Day Ahead Market in Power Exchanges have seen increase in traded volume and decrease in prices of electricity. During the period under review (January-September) the volume of electricity traded in Day Ahead Market has seen growth the energy volumes of around 18 % whereas during the same period prices of electricity have been reduced by around 18%. The share of short term electricity traded in Power Exchanges was around 5%  of total electricity generated excluding generation from renewable and captive power plants.


17. Efforts to reduce cost of power procured by Discoms

  • In  order  to  reduce  the  cost  of  power  procured  by  the  Distribution  Licensees, a  Pilot system  of Security Constraint Economic Despatch (SCED) was introduced in the last year where  for  thermal Inter  State  Generating  Stations  (ISGS), the merit order dispatch at national level shall be followed. Hence the cheapest generation will be available at the maximum level. This  mechanism  has resulted  in  savings  of  approximately  Rs  3  Crores  every  day  towards  power  procurement  cost  of  Distribution licensees. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has vide order dated 18.4.2020 has extended the time for pilot  for a further period up to 31st March, 2021. The Commission has also expanded the ambit of SCED by including the generators other than the thermal ISGS whose tariff is determined by the Commission.


18.  Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) for Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh

As per the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act 2019 dtd 9th August 2019, State of J&K has now been divided into Union Territory of J&K and Union Territory of Ladakh. Subsequently, under Electricty Act, 2203, vide notification dtd 18-06-2020, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) for Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh has been constituted.


19. The draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020

  • Some of the key issues being faced by the Electricity Sector are ensuring sanctity of contracts, performance of contracts, Payment Security Mechanism, Subsidy management, RPO Compliance mechanism etc.
  • In order to address those issues and increase sustainability of the sector, draft Amendments to Electricity Act 2003 was proposed. A draft proposed Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was circulated for comments of stakeholders on 17.4.2020. The comments received from stakeholders have been examined in Ministry of Power and revised draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 is under finalization.

20. Amendments in Tariff Policy

  • As per the provisions of Section 3 of the Electricity Act, 2003, the revised Tariff Policy was notified on 28th January, 2016. Certain Amendments to the Tariff Policy 2016 have been proposed to ensure consumer protection, increase financial viability of the sector, attract investments and promote transparency in power sector.
  • The proposed amendments to Tariff Policy inter alia includes consumer protection like- performance standards of Discoms, adequacy of power, penalty for power  cuts, inefficiencies of Discoms not to be pass through. Other issues of proposed amendments include payments to Gencos/ Transcos, Clarity on Change in Law provisions, promotion of renewable energy, Electricity tariffs to Electric vehicle charging stations, Direct Benefit Transfer, Smart metering, transparency in grant of  Open Access, addressing concerns over Regulatory Assets, revision of formula for calculation of Cross Subsidy and Additional Surcharges etc.

21. Impact of Energy Efficiency Schemes / Programmes

  • Electrical energy savings of 136.37 Billion Units, worth INR 67,039 crores
  • Thermal energy savings of 12.00 Million Tonnes of oil Equivalent, worth INR 22,083 crores
  • Total energy savings of 23.73 Million Tonnes of oil Equivalent i.e. 2.69% of total primary energy supply of the country
  • Total cost savings worth INR 89,122 crores approximately which is equivalent to reduction in CO2 emission of around 151.74 Million Tonnes


22. Energy Efficiency in Industry Sector:

  • PAT cycle –II ended on 31st March 2019 wherein 621 Designated Consumers (DCs) from 11 sectors have achieved total energy savings of about 13.28 Million tonnes of Oil Equivalent (MTOE) translating into avoiding of about 61.34 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide. These savings exceeded the notified target of 8.869 MTOE by about 25 %.
  • PAT cycle -III has been completed in March 2020 with the evaluation of 116 new DCs and the monitoring and verification of the energy savings in progress.
  • In April 2020, PAT cycle VI (2020-21 to 2022-23) has been notified wherein 135 Designated Consumers (DCs) with a total energy saving target of 1.277 MTOE have been included.  Energy savings of approximately 25 MTOE has been estimated to be achieved under the PAT scheme till completion of PAT cycle VI, with the participation of 1073 DCs and mitigating approximately 70 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide emissions.
  • To improve energy efficiency of MSMEs, significant efforts and progress has been made which also includes the bilateral partnerships exclusively for MSME sector. EC Guidelines for MSME sectors in India for 25 energy intensive SME sectors of India have been developed.
  • A knowledge portal namely Simplified Digital Hands-on Information on Energy Efficiency in MSMEs (SIDHIEE) was developed. The portal hosts variety of knowledge resources like case studies, best operating practices, details of latest energy efficient technologies etc.


23. Appliances Sector:

  • Voluntary star labelling program for Deep Freezers and Light Commercial Air Conditioner launched on March 8th, 2020.
  • Amendment notification of LED bulbs issued vide S.O. 2178 (E) dated 2nd July, 2020 to extend the validity of existing energy consumption standards by a period of 6 months beyond 30th June, 2020. Revised energy consumption standards valid from 1st January, 2021.
  • Amendment notification of Tubular Fluorescent lamps issued vide S.O. 1930 (E) dated 18th June, 2020.
  • The existing energy consumption standards of Washing machines, Microwave Ovens, Chillers which are applicable till 31st December, 2020 have been extended by a period of another 1 year i.e. from 1st January, 2021 to 31st December, 2021.


24. Building Sector:

  • 14 States and 2 UTs namely, Rajasthan, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Karnataka, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tripura, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Union Territories (UTs) of Andaman & Nicobar and Puducherry have notified ECBC for their states.  Other states are at advance stages of adopting the ECBC. Proposal for notification of ECBC is submitted for Cabinet approval in 7 states viz. Goa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim.
  • Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) Cells of BEE, housed at State Designated Agencies (SDAs), are supporting implementation of ECBC at State level. As on 31st October, 2020, 48 ULBs from 5 States have incorporated provisions of ECBC for building approval process.
  • As on 31st October,2020 264 buildings have been awarded star rating under various categories.

25. UnnatJyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA):

  • Over 36.66 crore LED bulbs, 72.05 lakh LED tube lights and 23.38 lakh energy efficient fans distributed across the country.
  • This has resulted in estimated energy savings of 48.13 billion kWh per year with avoided peak demand of 9,736 MW, estimated GHG emission reduction of 39 million t CO2 per year and estimated cost saving of INR 19,228 crore per year in electricity bills of consumers.

26. Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP):

  • Over 1.10 crore energy efficient LED streetlights have been installed across the country.
  • This has resulted in estimated energy savings of 7.45 billion kWh per year with avoided peak demand of 1,241 MW, estimated GHG emission reduction of 5.13 million t CO2per year and estimated annual cost saving of INR 5,212 crore in electricity bills of Municipalities.


27. National E-Mobility Programme:

Procurement process of 10,000 e-cars concluded. The price discovered for e-cars is 25 % less than similar cars in market. Till date,1514 e-cars deployed/under deployment for Government offices and 488 Captive Chargers (308 AC & 180 DC) commissioned in these offices.


28. Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure:

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles - Guidelines and Standards" were issued on14.12.2018 which were subsequently revised on 01.10.2019. An amendment has been issued on 08.06.2020 regarding capping of Tariff for Supply of Electricity to PCS and Definitions of Public Charging Station, Battery Swapping Stations, Battery Charging Stations and Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment. Public Charging Stations (PCS) installed by EESL/NTPC/PGCIL till September, 2020:

i. EESL : 97 (additional 56 No.s ready for commissioning by EESL in Delhi/NCR)

ii. NTPC : 90

iii. PGCIL : 13


29. Building Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP):

Building energy efficiency projects have been completed in 10,411 buildings including Railway stations and Airports.


30. Agricultural Demand Side Management (AgDSM):

Over74,262 energy efficient pumps have been installed in Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.


31. Retrofit of Air-conditioning to improve Indoor Air Quality for Safety and Efficiency (RAISE) programme

RAISE programme was launched by Union Power Minister on 20th July 2020. The programme focuses on improving indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, and energy efficiency (EE) in office’s air conditioning system. Considering employee’s occupational health and safety is paramount in any workplace amidst the COVID-19 scenario, EESL is providing such solutions across the country with standardization and demand aggregation approach.

EESL has undertaken a retrofit of its office air-conditioning and ventilation system. EESL’s corporate office in Scope Complex has been taken up as a pilot for this initiative.




(Release ID: 1684579) Visitor Counter : 3532

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