Ministry of Jal Shakti
Posted On:
24 MAR 2025 12:21PM by PIB Delhi
Since August, 2019, Government of India is implementing Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in partnership with States to make provision of potable tap water supply in adequate quantity, of prescribed quality and on regular & long-term basis to every rural household in the country. Water being a state subject, the responsibility of planning, approval, implementation, operation, and maintenance of drinking water supply schemes/ works, including those under the Jal Jeevan Mission, lies with State/UT Governments. The Government of India supports the States by providing technical and financial assistance. States/ UTs report data (related to coverage of tap connections and progress of the mission) through the means of field survey on households provided with tap connections and remaining households, or as per the methodology adopted by States/ UTs in this regard. Details of such surveys are not maintained by Ministry of Jal Shakti.
For capturing the coverage of tap connections in States/ UTs, Ministry of Jal Shakti has developed a robust online JJM dashboard which provides State/ UT, district and village-wise progress of the mission. After reporting of the data regarding progress of JJM, by States/ UTs on JJM dashboard, the same gets recorded and starts reflecting on JJM dashboard which is available in public domain and can be accessed at:
As per the information reported by States/ UTs on JJM dashboard, around 89% of Schools and 85% of Anganwadis are reported to have been covered with tap water supply in the country.
This information was provided by THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR JAL SHAKTI SHRI V. SOMANNA in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
(Lok Sabha US Q3428)
(Release ID: 2114292)
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