Ministry of Women and Child Development
802 One-Stop Centres (OSCs) operational across India to Support Women in Distress
Posted On:
12 MAR 2025 5:15PM by PIB Delhi
The One Stop Centre (OSC) is a component of the Sambal vertical under the umbrella Mission Shakti. It provides integrated support and assistance under one roof to women affected by violence and those in distress, both in private and public spaces. It provides services like medical aid, legal aid and advice, temporary shelter, police assistance and psycho-social counselling to needy women. As the scheme is demand driven, the States and UTs are encouraged to set-up at least one OSC in each district and additional OSCs in those districts which have higher rate of crime against women or have bigger geographical area or high population or are in aspirational districts. As on date, 802 OSCs are operational across the country either in own building or pre-existing government building or rented accommodation.
The Ministry has held capacity-building sessions for the functionaries of One Stop Centres by engaging expert resource persons from NIPCCD, NIMHANS, UNFPA, NALSA, and National Informatics Centre for facilitating sessions on psycho-social counselling, gender-based violence case management, gender sensitization and dashboard operations.
OSC is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme where Central Government provides 100% financial assistance to States/ UTs. The implementation of this scheme lies with the State Governments/UT Administrations. Funds are being released on the basis of guidelines of Department of Expenditure, prescribed for Single Nodal agency (SNA) or SNA SPARSH of the Public Financial Management System (PFMS).
This information was given by the Minister of State for Women and Child Development Smt. Savitri Thakur in Rajya Sabha in reply to a question today.
(Release ID: 2110882)
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