Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Posted On:
10 FEB 2025 5:20PM by PIB Delhi
As per 12th Schedule of the Constitution of India, urban planning including urban planning & urban development is the function of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)/ Urban Development Authorities. Government of India supplements the efforts of the States through schematic interventions/ advisories. It provides financial and technical support to the States.
The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India has issued Urban and Regional Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines, 2014 ( 20Vol%20I(2).pdf). The Chapter - 6 “Sustainability Guidelines” of URDPFI guidelines 2014 deals with various aspects of sustainable urban development.
Under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), a sub-Scheme ‘Formulation of GIS based Master plans for 500 AMRUT cities’ is being implemented by MoHUA. The Sub-Scheme aims at geo data base creation and formulation of GIS based Master Plans. At present, 461 AMRUT Cities in 35 States including Maharashtra are on boarded under the scheme and Master Plans for 229 towns have been finalized so far, which include 44 towns of Maharashtra. Under AMRUT 2.0, the sub-scheme Formulation of GIS based Master Plans has been extended to cover Class-II Towns with population of 50,000 - 99,999. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed with National Remote Sensing Centre and Survey of India for creation of geo database.
MoHUA is supporting States/ Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in capacity building activities through various Schemes of the Ministry such as AMRUT, for improving the capacities of ULB functionaries, elected representatives, etc., Under AMRUT, against the target of 45,000 functionaries, 57134 functionaries have already been trained so far. Under AMRUT 2.0, capacity building programs are conducted for all stakeholders including contractors, plumbers, plant operators, students, women and citizens.
MoHUA has designated 4 Institutes in different regions as Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Urban Planning and Design, which inter alia impart certified trainings/ certified courses to Civil Servants, State Town Planners, Municipal Officials, practitioners/professionals, young students etc. These centres have been provided endowment funds of ₹ 250 crore each.
Besides, MoHUA has also designated 6 institutes as AMRUT Funded Centre of Urban Planning for Capacity Building. The role envisaged for these institutes inter alia includes subject specific trainings to Municipal officials/ Town and Country Planning officials, augmenting capacity building of State / Local authorities and hand hold them in urban planning.
All States/ UTs including Maharashtra can avail the training facilities of these centres.
The Government has announced the Scheme for Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment (SSASCI) in 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25, under which States are incentivized for taking the urban planning reforms. The details of urban planning reforms under SSACI are as under:
Scheme for Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment 2022-23 – Part – VI (Urban Planning Reforms). The reform components included Modernization of Building Bylaws by removing contradictions and optimizing land use, Adoption of modern urban planning tools like Transferrable Development Rights (TDR), Implementation of Local Area Plans (LAP) and Town Planning Schemes (TPS), Implementation of Transit-oriented Development (ToD). Further States were incentivized for Creation of Sponge Cities, Removing Taxation for running the Buses for Public Transport.
Scheme for Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment 2023-24 – Part – III (Urban Planning Reforms). The reform components included Augmentation of human resources by hiring qualified urban planners, Implementation of Town Planning Scheme (TPS)/ Land Pooling Scheme, Modernization of Building Bylaws, Promoting in-situ slum rehabilitation, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), Transferable Development Rights as planning tool, Strengthening natural ecosystems of urban areas through urban planning, development of waterfronts etc.
Scheme for Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment 2024-25 – Part – XIII (Urban Planning Reforms). The reform components include implementation of Town planning Schemes / Land Pooling Scheme, rationalization of Building Bye-laws/ Zoning initiatives, comprehensive parking paradigm, creative re-development of cities, Planning of Peri Urban areas, Transit Oriented Development, Technology based reforms, climate sustainability through urban planning, comprehensive mobility plan for ease of transit in NE/ Hilly states etc.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Shri. Tokhan Sahu, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
Jane Namchu/Sushil Kumar
(Release ID: 2101370)
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