Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Digital Agriculture Mission

Posted On: 10 DEC 2024 5:02PM by PIB Delhi

The Government has approved the Digital Agriculture Mission on 2nd September, 2024 with an outlay of Rs. 2817 Crore. The Mission seeks to enable a robust digital agriculture ecosystem in the country for driving innovative farmer-centric digital solutions and making available timely and reliable crop-related information to all the farmers in the country. The Mission envisages the creation of Digital Public Infrastructure for Agriculture such as Agristack, Krishi Decision Support System, Comprehensive Soil Fertility & Profile Map and other IT initiatives undertaken by Central Government/State Governments. Agristack project is one of the major components of this Mission, which consists of three foundational registries or databases in the agriculture sector, i.e., the Farmers’ Registry, Geo-referenced village maps and the Crop Sown Registry, all created and maintained by the State Governments/ Union Territories. The Government is providing administrative and technical supports to the all the states for implementation of the Mission. As on 05.12.2024, a total of 29,99,306 Farmer IDs have been created and Digital Crop Survey (DCS) has been undertaken in 436 Districts in Kharif 2024. Agristack is a federated structure and the ownership of data is with the respective States only. The federated system has been built considering the privacy aspects as per Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act, 2023.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Ram Nath Thakur in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.



(Release ID: 2082787) Visitor Counter : 2768

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