Ministry of Defence
India stands for rule-based international order for peace & prosperity in Indo-Pacific: Raksha Mantri at 11th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus in Lao PDR
Shri Rajnath Singh pitches for Buddhist doctrines of peaceful co-existence for global peace
“India has always practiced dialogue for resolving complex international issues”
“Need to deepen understanding of the interlinkages between climate change & security threats”
RM calls for developing an ADMM-Plus Defence Strategy on Climate Change
Posted On:
21 NOV 2024 2:55PM by PIB Delhi
“India stands for freedom of navigation & overflight, unimpeded lawful commerce and adherence to international law for peace & prosperity in the Indo-Pacific,” said Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh while addressing the 11th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus forum at Vientiane, Lao PDR on November 21, 2024. Sharing his insights on the discussions on the Code of Conduct, he stated that India would like to see a Code that does not prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of nations which are not party to these deliberations. The code should be fully consistent with international law, in particular the UN Convention Law of Sea 1982, he added.

On the ongoing conflicts & challenges to international order, Raksha Mantri asserted that it is “providential” that the 11th ADMM-Plus is being held in Lao PDR, which has internalised the Buddhist principles of non-violence and peace. He was of the view that it is time that the Buddhist doctrines of peaceful co-existence be embraced more closely by all, as the world is increasingly getting polarised into blocks and camps, leading to increasing strain on the established world order.
“India has always advocated and practiced dialogue for resolving complex international issues. This commitment to open communication and peaceful negotiation is evident in India’s approach to a wide range of international challenges, from border disputes to trade agreements. An open dialogue promotes trust, understanding, and cooperation, laying the foundation for sustainable partnerships. The power of dialogue has always proven effective, yielding tangible results that contribute to stability and harmony on the global stage. India believes that genuine, long-term solutions to global problems can only be achieved when nations engage constructively, respecting each other’s perspectives and working toward shared goals in the spirit of cooperation,” said Shri Rajnath Singh.
Describing 21st century as the ‘Asian Century’, Raksha Mantri said the ASEAN region, in particular, has always been economically dynamic and bustling with trade, commerce & cultural activities. He added that, all through this transformational journey, India has remained a trusted friend of the region. Citing a quote by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, while he visited South East Asia in 1927, ‘Everywhere I could see India, yet I could not recognise it’, Raksha Mantri stressed that the statement symbolises the deep and widespread cultural & historical ties between India and South East Asia.
On India celebrating a decade of the Government’s Act East policy, Shri Rajnath Singh pointed out that the dividends are paying out in the strengthening of India’s ties with ASEAN and Indo-pacific nations. This vision re-emphasised the pivotal role of ASEAN as a cornerstone of the nation’s policy, he added.
In view of the natural disasters wreaking havoc in different parts of the world, Raksha Mantri stated that it reminds of the perils of climate change. He complimented the chair for choosing the most relevant topic in today’s scenario for the 11th ADMM-Plus Joint statement. “Strengthening resilience to climate change in the defence domain requires multi-stakeholder engagement, from developing innovative solutions to managing the adverse impacts of climate change. This includes protecting vulnerable populations as well as safeguarding our defence installations,” he added. Raksha Mantri highlighted the need to deepen the understanding of the interlinkages between climate change and threats to security. He called for developing an ADMM-Plus Defence Strategy on Climate Change.
Shri Rajnath Singh drew attention to the Global Commons - the shared natural resources and ecosystems essential to sustaining life and bringing prosperity on the planet. He underscored the need to safeguard these Global Commons in a just and balanced manner by not resorting to unilateral actions. These resources provide invaluable ecological, economic, and social benefits that extend beyond national boundaries, he said.
The 11th ADMM-Plus forum consisted of 10 ASEAN countries, eight Plus countries, and Timor Leste. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Laos General Chansamone Chanyalath.

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