Ministry of Women and Child Development
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Ministry of Women and Child Development celebrating Adoption Awareness Month 2024 during November

Theme for Adoption Awareness Month 2024 is “Rehabilitation of Older Children through Foster Care and Foster Adoption”

Various activities to be organized during the month to engage larger public, disseminate information about adoption and foster adoption

Posted On: 06 NOV 2024 4:28PM by PIB Delhi

Adoption Awareness Month is an annual event where CARA and all its stakeholders come together to raise awareness about the legal process of adoption. Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), Ministry of Women and Child Development celebrates November as National Adoption Awareness Month to promote legal adoptions in the country. As part of the campaign, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, is celebrating the occasion at Lucknow on 21st November 2024, Uttar Pradesh. The theme for Adoption Awareness Month 2024 is "Rehabilitation of Older Children through Foster Care and Foster Adoption”.


The Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) has planned a mega campaign along with other events to draw attention to adoption-related issues, with emphasis on the adoption of children who are older, have special needs, or are currently in foster care.

Like previous years, this year's campaign divides into offline and online activities to raise awareness on the theme. Ladakh, Assam, Mizoram, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, West Bengal, and many other states are planning to organise awareness events this year.

Prospective adoptive parents (PAPs), adoptive parents, older adoptees, and other stakeholders will interact with each other and share their experiences and suggestions on adoption, foster care, and foster adoption. Interactive sessions, cultural events, competitions, and Q&A with PAPs and stakeholders are some of the programme highlights of this mega campaign.

In collaboration with the MyGov India platform, CARA is launching a special campaign for online events. CARA is conducting activities such as storytelling, poster making, slogans, pledges, and online surveys through the MyGov portal to engage larger public and disseminate information about adoption and foster adoption. CARA also posts informative content on social media platforms to raise awareness about legal adoption, foster care, and foster adoption.



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