Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

CAQM announces revised GRAP schedule for Delhi-NCR in wake of the upcoming winter season

It urged citizens to follow the Citizen Charter under GRAP earnestly towards control and prevention of air pollution in NCR

Posted On: 18 SEP 2024 4:41PM by PIB Delhi

Moving forward with an aim to further strengthen the measures to combat air pollution especially ‘Very Poor’ and ‘Severe’ air quality stages generally encountered in the National Capital Region (NCR) during winters, the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & Adjoining Areas (CAQM) has announced revised Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) for the entire NCR.

The revised GRAP schedule will come into force in the entire NCR now and different stages will be imposed accordingly through specific orders issued from time to time as per the air quality conditions of the region.

GRAP is an emergency response mechanism for entire NCR, based on Average AQI levels in Delhi, that brings together multiple stakeholders, implementing agencies and authorities to respond to situations of deteriorating air quality in Delhi-NCR. GRAP for NCR has been formulated after careful consideration of scientific data, stakeholder inputs, expert recommendations along with field experience and learnings in the past years.

The revised GRAP contains targeted actions that need to be taken by the agencies responsible/ implementing agencies when Air Quality Index (AQI) of Delhi goes beyond a certain threshold or is expected to go beyond a certain threshold as per the dynamic model and weather/ meteorological forecast provided by IMD/ IITM.

Based on the dynamic model and weather/ meteorological forecast by IMD / IITM on a day-to-day basis, actions under Stages II, III and IV of the GRAP shall be invoked in advance of the AQI reaching to the projected levels of that stage, provided also that the higher projected AQI levels are likely to sustain for longer periods (say 3 days or more).

The key changes/ revisions in the GRAP schedule include the following:

Stage II – ‘Very Poor’ Air Quality

(DELHI AQI ranging between 301-400)


Schedule for regulated operations of DG sets across all sectors in the NCR


Capacity Range of DG sets

System to be adopted for control of emissions

Regulations for use

62 kW (73 kVA)

to less than

800 kW (1000 kVA)

Dual fuel mode


Retro-fitted ECDs through certified agencies

No restrictions


19 kW (23 kVA)

to less than

62 kW (73 kVA)

Dual fuel mode

No restrictions


Note: DG Sets not working in a dual fuel mode, only owing to non-availability of gas infrastructure and supply, shall be permitted only for prescribed emergency services.


Stage III – ‘Severe’ Air Quality

(DELHI AQI ranging between 401-450)



Construction & Demolition activities:


(i)  Enforce strict ban on the following categories of dust generating/ air pollution causing C&D activities in the entire NCR:

  • Earthwork for excavation and filling including boring & drilling works.
  • Piling works.
  • All demolition works.
  • Laying of sewer line, water line, drainage and electric cabling etc. by open trench system.
  • Brick / masonry works.
  • Operation of RMC batching plant.
  • Major welding and gas-cutting operations. Minor welding activities for MEP works (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) to be, however, permitted
  • Painting, polishing and varnishing works etc.
  • Cement, Plaster / other coatings, except for minor indoor repairs/maintenance.
  • Cutting / grinding and fixing of tiles, stones and other flooring materials, except for minor indoor repairs/maintenance.
  • Water Proofing work (Excluding Chemical water proofing)
  • Road construction activities and major repairs.
  • Transfer, loading / unloading of dust generating materials like cement, fly-ash, bricks, sand, murram, pebbles, crushed stone etc. anywhere within / outside the project sites.
  • Movement of vehicles carrying construction materials on unpaved roads.
  • Any transportation of demolition waste.


(ii) All construction related activities, other than those listed under (i) above, which are relatively less polluting / less dust generating shall be permitted to be continued in the NCR, subject to strict compliance of the C&D Waste Management Rules, dust prevention/ control norms including compliance with the directions of the Commission issued from time to time.


(iii)  All C&D related activities, including those under (i) above, shall be continued to be permitted only for the following categories of projects, however subject to strict compliance of the C&D Waste Management Rules, dust prevention/ control norms including compliance with the directions of the Commission issued from time to time:

  1. Projects for Railway services and stations
  2. Projects for Metro Rail Services and stations

(c) Airports and Inter State Bus Terminals

(d) National security/ defence related activities/ projects of national importance;

(e) Hospitals/ health care facilities

(f) Linear public projects such as highways, roads, flyovers, over bridges, power transmission/ distribution, pipelines, tele-communication services (Only for non-open trench works)  etc.

(g) Sanitation projects like sewage treatment plants and water supply projects etc.

 (h) Ancillary activities, specific to and supplementing the above project categories.

New Addition

GNCTD to impose strict restrictions on plying of Delhi - registered Diesel operated Medium Goods Vehicles (MGVs) to BS-III standards or below, in Delhi, except those carrying essential commodities / providing essential services.  

New Addition

GNCTD to not permit BS-III and below diesel operated LCVs (goods carriers) registered outside Delhi, to enter Delhi, except those carrying essential commodities / providing essential services.

New Addition

Do not permit Inter-State buses from NCR states other than EVs/CNG/BS-VI diesel, to enter Delhi (excluding buses /Tempo travelers operated with All India Tourist Permit).

The highlighted changes indicate only the key amendments in the revised GRAP. The complete details of the revised GRAP are available on the official website of the Commission i.e.,  The revised GRAP shall serve as a tool towards the abatement of adverse air quality in NCR generally witnessed during the peak winter months.

CAQM also urged citizens to follow the Citizen Charter earnestly towards control and prevention of air pollution in NCR.



(Release ID: 2056075) Visitor Counter : 1145

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