Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Consultative Committee meeting held on 27.03.2023
Posted On:
28 MAR 2023 5:05PM by PIB Delhi
Shri Hardeep S.Puri, Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs has informed that 97% of wards today have door-to-door collection and approximately 75% of the total waste is being processed and 90% of wards are practicing source segregation. He further stated that at the time of launch of the Swachh Bharat Mission, 95 lakh tonnes per annum (i.e. 26,027 tonnes per day) of waste was treatment capacity across processes such as composting, bio-methanation, RDF and waste to energy plants. This has been enhanced substantially in the last 8 years, and presently, designed input capacity of functional waste to energy and waste to compost plants is approx.1 lakh TPD (incl. C&D waste processing plants). He was addressing the Members of the Consultative Committee attached to the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs here last evening. Shri Kaushal Kishore, Minister of State for Housing & Urban Affairs, Shri Manoj Joshi, Secretary, MoHUA, Shri Naresh Kumar, Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Commissioner, DDA, Commissioner, MCD and senior officers from the SBM attended the meeting on behalf of MoHUA. Shri Ramesh Bidhuri, Dr.Kalpana Saini, Thiru A.K.P.Chinraj & Shri Parvesh Sahib Singh were the Members of Parliament who attended the meeting.
Shri Hardeep S.Puri, Minister, while addressing the Members informed that as on date we have 2,285 functional waste to compost plants (centralized) with capacity to process 71,682 tonnes of waste per day (TPD), and another 73 plants are under construction, with approx. input capacity of 1,084 tonnes per day. We have 124 waste to energy (waste to electricity / bio-gas / bio-methanation) plants operational with input capacity of 5,296 tonnes per day, and another 8 plants under construction with capacity to process 2,788 TPD of waste. We have 2,028 functional Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) with capacity to process 42,478 tonnes of waste per day, and another 129MRFs are under construction. Additionally, we have 24 standalone functional RDF plants with input capacity of 12,420 Tonnes per day, although RDF plants are an integrated part of Waste to compost plants. As per data received from states and cities, there are currently 387 functional C&D plants, with input capacity of ~14,786 tonnes per day, and another 7 plants under construction with combined input capacity of ~107 tonnes per day.
During her presentation on Swachh Bharat Mission Urban and SBM Urban 2.0, Ms.Roopa Mishra, Joint Secretary, MoHUA informed the Members that under SBM U 2.0 the estimated cost of implementation SBM based on unit and per capita costs is Rs 1,41,600 crore. The Government of India share amounts to Rs 36,465 Crore. The balance amount shall be contributed by individuals as beneficiary contribution, States and amount shall be contributed by individuals as beneficiary contribution, States and UTs/ULBs/Private Sector under PPP. Wherever Private Sector funding is not available, States/UTs will need to provide the necessary funds. The balance funds are to be generated through various other sources of funds including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds from Public/Private Sector, external assistance etc.
The Members were informed that the following measurable outcomes are expected to be achieved by the end of Mission in 2026:
- All statutory towns become at least ODF+
- All statutory towns with less than 1 lakh population become at least ODF++
- At least 50% of all statutory towns with less than 1 lakh population become Water+
- All statutory towns are certified at least 3-star Garbage Free, or higher
Under SBM – Urban, the admissible components with broad funding pattern are
- Household toilets including conversion of insanitary latrines into pour-flush latrines (Rs.4,000 per toilet as an incentive for other than NE and Hill states, Rs 10,800 for NE and Hill states).
- Community toilets (Max 40% VGF).
- Public toilets (Max 40% VGF).
- Solid Waste Management (Max 35% VGF).
- IEC and Public Awareness (15%).
- Capacity Building and Administrative & Office Expenditure (A&OE) (5%).
Under SBM – Urban 2.0, a new Component of Used Water Management is also included for safe treatment of waste water in addition to the other components of SBM - Urban 1.0.
The Members of Parliament present in the Meeting highlighted issues related to rejuvenation of water bosies in Delhi, maintenance related issues of toilets in Delhi, individual household toilets in Tamil Nadu.
Shri Hardeep S.Puri, Minister informed that funding under Urban Planning reforms has been increased and policy interventions, Swachhtha related issues will get more funding and ensure better results in the near future.
Mentioning about some of the recent initiatives, Shri Hardeep S. Puri informed that MoHUA has revised funding guidelines for construction of IHHL: Central Share has been enhanced from Rs. 4000/- to Rs. 10800/- per unit of IHHL for the beneficiaries of Northeastern and Himalayan States in line with the funding pattern of SBM (Gramin). The SBM guidelines have been revised to include Public Toilets and Urinals also, under the purview of funding, in addition to the already existing funding for community toilets: the Central Government incentive for construction of community and public toilet blocks and urinals is in the form of 40% Grant/VGF for each toilet block constructed. MoHUA had introduced an ODF protocol to ensure full coverage of a city with adequate sanitation facilities. The protocol includes verification of cities’ ODF claims by an independent third party, who then certifies the cities as ODF. The certification is valid for 12 months, and cities have to get themselves recertified, in order to ensure that the ODF status is sustained. MoHUA has launched the ODF+ and ODF++ protocols, with a focus on sustaining ODF outcomes and achieving holistic sanitation. While ODF+ protocol focuses on O&M of community / public toilets by ensuring functionality and proper maintenance of CT/PTs for their continued usage, ODF++ focuses on no open discharge /dumping of untreated sewage including faecal sludge & septage in water bodies or open areas. Till date, 3,547 cities have been certified ODF+ and 1,191 cities have been certified ODF++. MoHUA introduced the Water+ protocol which is designed to ensure that all domestic used water including septage released from households, commercial establishments, institutions etc. is collected and treated to a satisfactory level and the by-products including treated effluent is reused before releasing the excess into the water bodies / environment in a sustainable manner. Till date, 14 cities have been certified Water +.
(Release ID: 1911487)
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