Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Ministry of Corporate Affairs allows extension for filing of certain forms till 31.03.2023 without payment of additional fees
Posted On:
22 FEB 2023 7:01PM by PIB Delhi
Due to migration of MCA21 portal from Version 2 to Version 3.0 and change in way of filing in Version-3 and based on the request of Stakeholders, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has decided vide General Circular 05/2023 to allow further additional time till 31.03.2023 for filing of 45 forms launched on 23rd January 2023 without additional fees, to the stakeholders. This is in continuation of General Circulars No. 1/2023 dated 09.01.2023 and 03/2023 dated 07.02.2023.
Further, Form PAS-03 (for the purpose of allotment of share capital) which was closed for filing in Version-2 on 20.01.2023 and launched in Version-3 on 23.01.2023, and whose due dates for filing fall between 20.01.2023 and 28.02.2023, can also be filed without payment of additional fees till 31.03.2023.
In addition, reservation period for the names which are reserved under sub-section (5) of section 4 of the CA 2013 is extended by a further period of 20 days. The resubmission period under rule 9 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 falling between 23.01.2023 and 28.02.2023, is also extended by 15 days.
These changes have been given effect vide MCA General Circular No. 04/2023 dated 21.02.2023. The extension will enable stakeholders to seamlessly migrate to the newer filing system launched as part of MCA21 Version 3.0 portal.
(Release ID: 1901508)
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