Ministry of Defence
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

LT Gen PS Bhagat Memorial Chair of Excellence Instituted at the United Service Institution of India

Posted On: 14 OCT 2022 4:12PM by PIB Delhi

On the 103rd birthday of late Lt Gen PS Bhagat, ex-Colonel Commandant of the Bombay Sappers and SIKH LI Regiment, the Indian Army has dedicated a Chair of Excellence in his memory at the United Service Institution of India (USI).

The formal announcement of the establishment of the Chair of Excellence was made by Gen Manoj Pande, Chief of Army Staff, at a solemn ceremony organised at the USI of India, Delhi on 14 October 2022 in presence of two former Army Chiefs Gen VP Malik (retd) and Gen MM Naravane (Retd), Lt Gen SN Sharma (Retd) former Engineer-in-Chief and veteran in his 100th year, Lt Gen DP Pandey, Commandant Army War College and Colonel of the SIKH LI Regiment and Mrs Asali Verma celebrated author & daughter of Lt Gen PS Bhagat (Retd). During the ceremony, Rs 5 lakhs honourarium to the nominated Chair of Excellence was handed over to Maj Gen BK Sharma (retd), Director, USI.

Late Lt Gen PS Bhagat who served as the first General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the re-raised Northern Command was an outstanding professional and a prolific writer. The Chair of Excellence is a befitting tribute to the astute leadership and professionalism of the General. Late Lt Gen PS Bhagat Memorial Chair of Excellence which is being established between 01st October to 30th September every year will focus on Emerging Defence Technology pertaining to the Armed Forces. The inaugural Chair of Excellence is being awarded to Maj Gen SG Pitre (Retd) to author a book on the “Legacy of Lt Gen Prem Bhagat : A visionary and Strategic Leader”. As part of the establishment of the Chair of Excellence, Gen VP Malik (Retd) has consented to deliver the inaugural edition of the annual Lt Gen PS Bhagat Memorial Lecture on 14 October 2023 to coincide with the birth of  Lt Gen PS Bhagat.

Speaking on the occasion, the Army Chief recounted that Lt Gen Bhagat was a visionary who was passionate about strategic thoughts and therefore, his 103rd birthday provided an opportune moment to reinforce the Services’ bond with their intellectual institutions. The Chair will be open to Veterans of three Services and civilians having expertise in the field of emerging defence technologies.




(Release ID: 1867770) Visitor Counter : 1591

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