Office of Principal Scientific Advisor to GoI
Inauguration of Decentralised Waste Management Technology Park at New Jaffrabad, East Delhi
A project of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India in collaboration with East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC)
Posted On:
28 MAR 2022 1:09PM by PIB Delhi
The Waste to Wealth Mission of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, in collaboration with the East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) is inaugurating Decentralised Waste Management Technology Park in New Jaffrabad, East Delhi on March 29, 2022, for onsite processing of fresh Municipal solid waste. The aim is to make a scalable onsite processing Technology Park with aim of zero waste and zero energy which can be replicated.
Schedule of Event:
11:00 am
The arrival of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Govt. of India
11: 05 am
Inauguration/ Opening ceremony
Technology demonstration and interaction of the PSA to the GoI and Commissioner EDMC with the technology providers
11:10 am
Technology 1 – Waste segregation unit
11:15 am
Technology 2 – MRF & Gasifier
11:20 am
Technology 3 – Plasma Pyrolysis unit
11:25 am
Technology 4 – Wastewater treatment unit
11:30 am
Technology 5 – Floating waste removal technology
Hall Event
11:35 am
11:40 am
Address by the Mission Director, Waste to Wealth Mission
11:45 am
Address by the Municipal Commissioner, EDMC
11:50 am
Address by the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Govt. of India
11:55 am
Vote of thanks
Project Background
The East Delhi Municipal Corporation area has 469 colonies across 64 wards which supports about 23.5% of Delhi's population and generates on an average about 2000 tons of MSW (approx. 30 TPD from each ward). The Jaffrabad dhalao is of many open dumping points which receive 10 tons per day of fresh waste equivalent to waste generated by 22,000 persons (28% of an East Delhi ward) and unsegregated, unprocessed waste is directly sent to Gazipur landfill. Although SWM Rules 2016 mention the mandate of waste processing but due to lack of availability of technologies and land, Urban local bodies are not able to comply with this approach.
Considering the challenges faced by Urban and rural Local bodies, Wealth Mission ( in collaboration with East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC), has set up Decentralized Waste Management Technology Park at New Jaffrabad. The Technology Park is a pilot, providing end-to-end solutions for waste management, from semi-automated segregation of municipal solid waste to on-site compaction and treatment of the waste to demonstrate conversion of open dumpsites (dhalaos) to decentralized waste processing sites. The Decentralised Waste Management technology park covers around 1000 sqm of area (area currently utilized for open dumping or secondary collection site) with 10 Ton per day capacity.
At the Technology Park, 10 TPD Municipal waste shall be segregated onsite and treated resulting in volume reduction and conversion into 1 TPD compostable fractions, 2 TPD combustibles fractions, 1.5 TPD recyclables. The facility also has a waste compaction unit for reducing the volume for handling & transportation. The combustible waste will then be processed on-site, leaving only 5-10% of inerts reaching landfills. In addition to incoming MSW, floating waste from the adjacent 52-cusec drain will also be collected and processed on-site. This will also ensure SWM compliance of Urban Local Bodies under Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 and for reducing the load on landfill sites, without the procurement of new land for setup and disposal. Decentralized processing of waste is a step towards “Zero Landfill” with the added advantage of reduction in the transportation of the waste.
Technologies deployed at Decentralized Waste Management Technology Park
The Decentralized Waste Management technology park has piloted five technologies with an integrated approach for a one-stop solution for incoming fresh waste. Following Technologies are deployed at the site:
- ‘Xaper’ (by M/s E3 Waste Solutions, Punjab) – A indigenous semi-automated technology that segregates fresh mixed municipal solid waste into compostable, recyclable, combustible, and inert fractions.

The open dumpsite or dhalao is replaced by xaper for onsite segregation and processing.
- ‘Plasma pyrolysis Unit’ (by IIT Delhi) - for thermal disintegration of carbonaceous material in an oxygen-starved environment into environment friendly components.

- Enviro-RISE R-A1100’ (by M/s DESMI India LLP) - technology from Denmark for removal of floating solid waste from the 52-cusec drain flowing adjacent to the technology park site,

- ‘Gasifier’ (by M/s GD Environmental Pvt. Ltd., Maharashtra) - A 150 kg/h plant for gasification of municipal solid waste (including COVID-19 waste) and possible conversion to energy

- Johkasou STP (by M/s Daiki Axis India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi) - A decentralized sewage treatment technology to meet the operational and non-potable water requirement at the site through treatment, recycling and reuse of wastewater flowing in the 52-cusec drain.

Advantages of Technology Park:
- Decentralized on-site waste processing
- Minimum land requirement
- Onsite waste treatment, processing, compaction, and the possibility of conversion to energy
- Reducing secondary waste transportation cost
- Moving towards zero landfill
- Scaled up/replicated across various cities in India
The decentralized Waste Management Technology Park aims for Zero waste, Zero energy and Zero Landfill. The successful demonstration of this pilot will allow the model to be replicated in cities, towns and villages across India.
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