Ministry of Defence
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav run by HQ IDS from Jhansi to National War Memorial

Posted On: 14 OCT 2021 7:06PM by PIB Delhi

Key highlights:

  • The run to commemorate Rani of Jhansi, who laid down her life in 1858 in First War of Independence
  • Also, in remembrance of Declaration of Formation of Provisional Govt of Free India by Netaji Subash Chandra Bose on October 21, 1943
  • CDS General Bipin Rawat will flag in the run at National War Memorial          

As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (Hq IDS) is organising a run from Maharani Laxmi Bai Smark, Gwalior to National WarMemorial in New Delhi between October15-21, 2021. In the spirit of Jointness and living up tothe motto of ‘Victory through Jointness’, the team comprising of six officers and oneNCO from the Tri-Services, will cover the distance of 350 kilometres in seven days.

The run will also commemorate Rani of Jhansi, who laid down her life in 1858at Gwalior in the First War of Independence and Declaration of Formation of theProvisional Government of Free India by Netaji Subash Chandra Bose on October 21, 1943.

The team is led by Commodore Joginder Chandna, who at 56 is the eldestmember of the team and an experienced ultra marathoner. His exploits includerunning 310 kilometres in 36 hoursin 2016. The second naval officer in the team isCommander Mandip Kaur, a certified scuba diver and an experienced inter-city ultramarathoner. The Indian Army is represented by two para troopers: LieutenantColonel Swaroop Singh Kuntal, an ultra marathoner, national level cyclist, triathlete, ironman &ultraman and Naik Hari Om, who was member of the Battleof KanglaTongbi Platinum Jubilee Run 2019 from Jabalpur to Secunderabad, adistance of 777 kilometres.


The Indian Air Force is represented by Air Commodore VS Choudary, wholed the Air Force Ultra Marathon Team from Pathankot to New Delhi in 2015 tocommemorate 50 years of the 1965 Indo-Pakistan War and Wing CommanderPankaj Vatsyayan, whose ultra-marathon experience includes second position in thetough 160 kilometre-run in Rann of Kutch. The youngest member of the team is FlightLieutenant Rishabh Jeet Kaur Bhatia, who ran from Kargil to Kohima in 2019 – adistance of 4,500 kilometres in 45 days - to commemorate the 20thAnniversary of KargilVictory.

Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawatwill flag in the team at the National War Memorial onOctober21, 2021.



(Release ID: 1763984) Visitor Counter : 1021

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