Ministry of Commerce & Industry
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

40th India International Trade Fair 2021 to be held from November 14-27 at Pragati Maidan

Posted On: 04 OCT 2021 5:55PM by PIB Delhi

This year, the annual magnum opus of India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), the 40th edition of India International Trade Fair(IITF)will manifest its theme “Atmanirbhar Bharat” with a focus on economy, export potential, infrastructure supply chain, demand andvibrant demography. Inspired by a great vision of the  Prime Minister of India, Shri NarendraModi, the event is  organised  as  integral part  of “ AzadiKaAmritMahotsava”- commemoratingthe 75thyear celebration  of  India‘s Independence in newly built halls of International Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (IECC) as well as in the existing halls at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from November 14 to 27,2021.  The fair will be organised as per the preventive measures to contain spread of the pandemic.

The fair also manifests undying spirit of business fraternity who faced tremendous challenges due to the pandemic. Significantly, the theme reflecting their determinationto showcase excellence of brands and create a new opportunity for growth and attain self-reliance in sectors like agriculture, micro, small & medium enterprises (MSME), power, tourism, etc.

IITF with B2B and B2C components is one of the largest integrated trade fairs in South- Asian region.  The format of IITF has business; social, cultural and educational dimensions that are weaved together where visitors and exhibitors, media persons, marketing professional, social activists, NGOs etc. all converge to explore their objectives. Domestic as well as overseas buyers source their needs. A number of Government organisations and departments use this platform to spread awareness about their programmes and policies among the public.  As such, almost all States and Union Territories of India participate in this mega event, which depicts the picture of ‘Mini-Bharat’.

Apart from trade and industry related conference and seminars, the fair offers branding opportunity on large LED screens installed at strategic locations in fair premises. Branding sites available at specific locations inside Pragati Maidan on payment basis (for more details visit ).  Besides,other major attractions and promotional facilities include: Mobile application, investment and joint-venture opportunities, transfer of technology option, start ups and SMEs cultural and State Day celebrations.

Hall-Wise Product Profile at IITF 2021





Partner /FocusState/UTand Partner /FocusCountry


Foreign Participation/ Big Company/ Textile & Garment


Cosmetics and Electronics/ Jewellery/ Footwear


Food & Beverages

Government and Statutory bodies, EPCs /Commodity Boards, etc.

H 2-5 (FFs)

Pavilions of States and Union Territories

H7(A-H) & Open Area

SARAS, NIRDPR, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Ministry of Social

Justice and Empowerment, etc.

H8 - 11

GovernmentMinistries/Department/Board/PSUsofCentralandState Governments

H12 and H12A

Good Living / Multi Product





Business Days

General Days

November 14-18, 2021

First five days exclusively for B2B

November 19-27, 2021


9.30 AM to 7.30 PM

Entry to the Exhibition


9.30 AM to 7.30 PM (Exhibitors)

10.00 AM to 5.30 PM (General Public)


Extensive arrangements are being made to make the fair convenient for participants and visitors.  These include: Protocol facility, media centre & International business lounge, wheelchairs for specially-abled persons (Divyang), sale of entry tickets at selected metro stations, Bank and ATMs, fire service station, ambulance & first-aid facilities, food outlets & States’ Cuisines, limited parking for participants/exhibitors is available this year and free entry on all days of the fair to Senior Citizens/specially-abled persons from any gate on production of valid government ID stating date of birth.  Persons accompanying will have to purchase entry tickets.




(Release ID: 1760853) Visitor Counter : 7917

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