Ministry of Defence


Posted On: 14 AUG 2021 10:50PM by PIB Delhi


AUGUST 15, 2021, 0001 HRS

President Shri Ram Nath Kovind, has approved following Gallantry awards to Indian Navy personnel on the eve of Independence Day 2021.

Shaurya Chakra

1.         Captain Sachin Reuben Sequeira

Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)


  1. Captain Prashant Handu
  2. Commander Sunil S Korti
  3. Commander Bipin Panikar
  4. Lt Commander Raj Krishna Manu
  5. Prahlad, MCA (Flight Diver) II






CaptSachin R Sequeira is currently appointed as the Commanding Officer of INS Kochi. During the recent cyclonic storm Tauktae in the North Arabian Sea, INS Kochi, under his able leadership, undertook Search and Rescue Operations, in extremely challenging weather and sea conditions, resulting in saving over 125 lives from the stricken Barge P 305 at the Offshore Development Area (ODA).

On 17 May 21, the ship was sailed with dispatch to render assistance to Barge P-305, which was sinking under the influence of the severe cyclonic storm Tauktae, off the ODA. On being directed to sail with dispatch, the ship was successfully able to prepare and cast off within one hour under extremely challenging conditions of 40-45 kns winds, blinding rain and nil visibility. Displaying thorough professionalism, exemplary leadership, the officer guided the ship to close the stricken barge, giving the distressed crew reassurance of assistance by the Indian Navy.

The increasing perilous conditions of 50 kns winds, swell height of above 10 mtrs, sea state 7/8 and intense spells of rains, precluded rescue by boat, Gemini divers or shore based air ops. Faced with extremely limited options, the officer took the bold decision of maneuvering the ship to close and recover survivors directly from the sea. This demanded utmost courage, bold action, adept ship handling and astute thinking as the drift in area was over 5 kns and swell conditions resulted in violent ship motions. The survivors were closed nonetheless and were recovered onboard through various innovative ways such as use of scramble nets jumping ladders and lines. The Officer, keeping the mission of saving lives foremost, over and above the safety of his own team and the ship, led and guided his officers and ship's company tirelessly throughout the day & night over a period of 36 hours. His courageous action, motivation of the crew and composed decision making enabled rescue of 125 personnel, including over 65 survivors recovered in dark hours, without injury or loss of life of his crew.

The successful and daring execution of the Search and Rescue Operation under unprecedented stress and extreme rough weather highlights the extraordinary leadership, professionalism and fortitude of the officer. This brave act of leadership and courage was in keeping with the ethos of the Navy and in service of the Nation in times of peril and adversity. For his extraordinary bravery, courageous leadership, exemplary grit and determination, in the face of extremely challenging conditions, the officer is recommended for the award of Shaurya Chakra.





  1. Capt Prashant Handu (04454-Y) is curently appointed as the Commanding Officer of INS Kolkotta. During the recent cyclonic storm Tauktae, in the North Arabian Sea, the ship under his able leadership, undertook Search and Rescue Operations, in extremely challenging weather/sea conditions, resulting in saving of several lives
  1. On 17 May 21, in response to Cyclone Tauktae, the ship was ordered to sail with  despatch to assist vessels in distress off the coast of Mumbai.With Captain Prashant Handu at the helm, the ship cast off in extremely adverse weather, with winds gusting upto 60 knots and negligible visibility. The ship was directed to render assistance to MV Gal Constructor, which had taken in water in her engine room and was in danger of sinking. With steadfast resolve and determination, the officer as the On-Scene Commander, followed the striken ship into shallow and unfrequented waters, remaining poised to  evacuate the crew, should the need arise. The officer convinced the Master of MV Gal Constructor not to abandon ship, which could have resulted in casualties in the rough sea conditions. Instead the ship was let to drift into shallower waters to run aground off Mahim. This innovative approach enabled all 137 crew of the ship to be safely airlifted.
  1. Kolkotta was thereafter directed to augment the SAR effort for Barge P-305. Despite blinding sea spray, rain and Sea State 7/8, the officerdisplayed extraordinary leadership, professionalism and fortitudeashe utilised all the resources at his disposal to search for survivors. Determined not to leave behind any fellow mariners, he also took the command decision to lower his ship’s divers to faciliatate recovery of mortal remains. He tirelessly spearheaded SAR efforts of Kolkata for the next two days, recovering five survivors and mortal remains of 18 deceased. In sea conditions that put his ship, men and machinery to the ultimate test, Captain Prashant Handu’s stoic determination and courage was a beacon to his ship’s crew.
  2. The successful and bold execution of Search and Rescue Operations, in extreme weather conditions, highlights the unparalleled bravery, bold decision-making, presence of mind and risk-taking ability of the officer. His actions are in keeping with the naval ethos of ‘Duty, Honour and Courage’. For his exemplary leadership and resolute valour, which resulted in safe evacuation of the crew of MV Gal Constructor, recovery of five survivors and 18 mortal remains, he is strongly recommended for award of Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry).





1.         Cdr Bipin Panikar (42711 W) First Pilot and the Captain of Seaking 42 B helicopterdisplayed exceptional bravery, courage and unmatched professional competence whilst undertaking a daring and successful rescue of 03 survivors of barge P305 in the aftermath of Cyclone Tauktae in extremely hazardous weather conditions, marginal visibility conditions, high swell with wind speed of the order of 45-50 kts.

2.         On 18 May 21 post passage of devastating cyclone Tauktae close to Maharashtra coast, the Western Naval Command was tasked with immediate Search and Rescue of personnel overboard from barge P 305 in  Arabian Sea 60 to 70 Nm away from Mumbai.Cdr Bipin Panikar displayed phenomenal grit and purpose as he prepared the plan for rescue of the survivors with attention to detail on the previous night. The officer displayed immense professional competence as he meticulously calculated the fuelling requirement to ensure maximum time on task which proved to be a matter of life and death for rescuing the final survivor from the area.

3.         As 2i/C of the squadron, the officer lead by personal example and volunteered to be the first responder and undertook the maiden helicopter launch towards air rescue effort in adverse weather conditions on fringes of helicopter operating limits. Upon take off the officer braved numerous bad weather systems developing close to Mumbai and undertook a thorough briefing of his crew and delegation of responsibility to ensure optimal utilisation of available men and material resources. With winds around 45-50 kts and reduced margin of power available to the helicopter resulting in difficulty in hovering, the officer exhibited tremendous flying skills and unmatched resilience in winching up two survivors in the area. He also spotted another survivor by the time he finished battling weather and winching up two survivors. While the operation was underway, the officer was quick to realize that they are running low on endurance and would face head winds to the tune of 45 -50 kts while returning back to base. The officer decided to push the envelope of men and machine and take a calculated operational risk despite being low on endurance in order to save yet another life and staying true to the commitment of no man left behind. Keeping immense faith in himself and the helicopter, the officer successfully winched up the third survivor and shaped his way back to the base upon reaching the endurance limit of the helicopter, but not before relaying the exact position of survivors in the area to the ship nearby resulting in their expeditious recovery. 

4.         As the first pilot and Captain of Aircraft the exceptional courage, bravery and fortitude displayed by Commander Bipin.G.Panikar in the face of extremely dangerous, hazardous and unforgiving weather conditions resulted in the successful rescue of three lives of sunken Barge P 305. For utmost exceptional courage, fortitude, skill and display of valour during the search and rescue operation of survivors of sunken barge P305, Cdr Bipin Panikar (42711 W) is very strongly recommended for the award of Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry).





  1. Lt Cdr RK Manu as the ASWO/ Diving Officer of INS Kochi, displayed extraordinary leadership skills and courage with complete disregard to his personal safety during the Search and Rescue operations undertaken by the ship, during Cyclone Tauktae, resulting in saving of 125 lives. Through personal example, the officer led his team of men during the rescue mission for 36 hrs at a stretch, under extremely adverse weather conditions.


  1. The ship was deployed for rendering assistance to a sunken barge P 305 with over 250 personnel onboard about 40 Nm off Mumbai. On arrival in the area weather conditions with wind speeds over 50 kns, swells height of above 10 mtrs and Sea State 7/8 precluded any kind of boat/Gemini or diving operations. Throwing of life rafts and lifebuoys also proved ineffective due to intense current and strong winds that swept the devices away. Under such conditions the officer displayed outstanding composure and presence of mind in recommending innovative use of scramble nets, jumping ladders, lifebuoys and lifelines for the rescue operations. During the course of this rescue, the officer, observing that many survivors too weak to climb the nets, unilaterally and without thought to his own safety repeatedly lowered himself over the side onto the net and assisted survivors to climb onboard. In this manner the officer was singly responsible for 10 lives being saved. Further faced with continuing flagging spirit of survivors being recovered, the officer led his small team to contribute every sinew of energy to physically haul up the scramble nets with survivors clung onto it with their residual strength. Through such untiring efforts, over 36 hrs, the officer saved over 30 lives and was singularly responsible for the high overall number of lives saved by the ship.


  1. For this act of bravery in the face of most challenging conditions, displaying courageous and bold leadership in saving lives of personnel at sea, the officer is highly recommended for award of Nausena Medal (Gallantry).



PRAHLAD, MCA (FD) II (120312-N)



1.         Prahlad, MCA(FD) II, No. 120312-N, borne in the Marine Commando Flight at INS Shikra,  displayed unprecedented bravery and valor in saving a total of 28 lives of which 03 survivors were on the verge of drowning in open sea in extremely hostile and perilous weather, 80 nautical miles off Mumbai.


2.         At about 0630 hrs on 18 May 21, Sea King 515 was the first aircraft to be launched from INS Shikra to undertake Search and Rescue operations for survivors of Accommodation Work Barge P-305, who had sunk post sustaining heavy damages due to Cyclone Tauktae. The survivors had been in water for more than 12-14 hours in extremely adverse weather conditions of sea state 4/ 5, wind speeds in excess of 50 kts and swell of 5-7 meters. Prahlad, MCA (FD) II, No. 120312-Nunflinchingly, volunteered for the mission as Free Diver of Sea King Bravo aircraft SK 515 with the unswerving focus to save the lives of the stranded crew members.


3.         On arrival at the scene of action, during the ensuing search, the crew sighted a barely conscious survivor who was adrift braving the merciless sea and desperate to be rescued. The aircraft was promptly manoeuvred to hover in extremely demanding conditions under accurate and prompt conning by Prahlad, MCA (FD) II. He then was lowered down into the treacherous sea for picking up of the survivor by Double Lift method. However, owing to the exceptionally challenging weather conditions of gusty winds and heavy swell, picking up of survivor proved to be considerably daunting as the survivor was continuously drifting away from the aircraft and was helpless as well as almost lifeless. Realising the precarious state of the survivor, the Free Diver decided to swim to the survivor to affect a successful rescue. With total disregard to own safety and braving the unrelenting seas, the diver was successful in bringing the survivor below the aircraft and subsequently was winched up to the aircraft. He went on to rescue two more survivors who were adrift in the area nearby, each time putting his own life at risk in very challenging weather conditions. This evolution which was extremely physically demanding requiring grit, exceptional swimming skills and determination to complete the strenuous task at hand, was undertaken by the sailor.


4.         Similarly, on 18 May 21, SC 558 was launched to rescue survivors from a barge which had run aground 46 nm north of Mumbai. Once again it was Prahlad, MCA (FD) II, who came forward and volunteered for the mission despite him having flown relentlessly for all SAR missions. Although the barge had helo deck, the same was found to be unsuitable for landing of Sea King helicopter. The challenging weather conditions of gusty winds, intermittent rain and heavy seas only made the task harder. Vertical obstructions in vicinity of the helo deck only added to the difficulty of the task at hand. It was professionalism of the highest order coupled with immense experience and exceptional presence of mind displayed by the diver which resulted in successful and safe rescue of 25 survivors from the barge in adverse weather conditions.

5.         Prahlad, MCA (FD) II,No. 120312-N  with absolute disregard to his own safety and life, undertook these unparalleled rescue missions single handedly  in extremely hazardous and hostile sea state. It is his commendable swimming skills and years of experience as a Flight Diver that saved the lives of 28 personnel from a near death situation. The exceptional bravery, initiative and nerve displayed by the Flight Diver merits recognition and he is strongly recommended for award of Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry).


Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)Awardees




Captain Prashant Handu                                     Commander Sunil S Korti





Commander Bipin Panikar                                  Lt Commander Raj Krishna Manu



Prahlad MCA (Flight Diver) II



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