Ministry of Science & Technology

DST-SERB in collaboration with INSA launches photo & film competition with the theme “Science through My Eyes”

Posted On: 30 JUN 2020 5:29PM by PIB Delhi

Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) is organising a photo/painting and a one-minute-film competition. The competition aims to help people go beyond their discipline and see, understand, and appreciate science around them. A critical look will help in fostering and promoting the scientific spirit, interest in research and will encourage creative abilities.


The theme for the competition is ‘Science through My Eyes.’ Any suitable sub-theme under this main theme may be chosen. Some examples of sub-themes are science in the lab, kitchen, sports, hospital, at home, or at work. The creation may include any work in the above forms related to the COVID 19 virus, healthy life, geo-heritage, health, fascinating space, and any sub-theme covered under the main theme ‘Science through My Eyes.’


“Democratisation of science through science everywhere and science for all is a compelling theme which will be an important aid in developing the scientific temper in the society at large, inspire the young in pursuit of quality, innovative knowledge, and indeed contribute in the development, security and economic needs of an Atma Nirbhar Bharat,” said Prof Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, DST.


The competition is open to Indian nationals only. There is no entry fee. Entries will be under 3 groups-- doctoral students (Ph.D.) and Post-doctoral Fellows in any discipline, those pursuing professional degrees like MBBS, MS, MD, M Tech, MBA in any discipline, practicing scientists and any other working professionals such as doctors, engineers, technical staff, film-makers, para-medico… etc. A team of two may also be made to create the work. The entry can be in the name of an individual or a team of 2 individuals.


The entries may be e-submitted anytime during 11 AM on 30th June 2020 and 5 PM on July 15th, 2020.

(For more details:




(Release ID: 1635366) Visitor Counter : 1212

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