Prime Minister's Office
English rendering of PM’s address on the release of commemorative coin to mark the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Posted On:
13 JAN 2019 1:10PM by PIB Delhi
वाहे गुरु जी का खालसा..वाहे गुरु जी की फतेह!!
I welcome all the dignitaries who have come here from different parts of the country. My best wishes to you all and to the nation on the auspicious occasion of Lohri. And I pray that this season of harvest be the harbinger of joy and happiness for the nation's food providers.
Today, the nation is celebrating the Prakash Parv of Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj. I salute Guru Gobind Singh ji, the creator of the Khalsa community, the protector of the humanity and an emulator of Indian values. My best wishes to you and all the people associated with Sikh Panth and Indian culture within the country and around the world on the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh ji.
The last year was celebrated as Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj's 350th birth anniversary year. In order to make this significant occasion of the Sikh community more memorable, I had the opportunity of dedicating a commemorative coin of Rs.350 to the people of India on behalf of the central government.
In a way, the coin of Guru Gobind Singh ji has been in our hearts for the past several years and will continue for the years to come. He was the one whose lofty ideals and work had been influencing and inspiring our lives like a valuable coin. Therefore, this is a small effort to etch his memory in our hearts. This is a small effort to express our respect and reverence for him and it gives us immense satisfaction.
Guru Gobind Singh ji's personality was a blend of multiple characteristics. He was not only a Guru but also an ardent devotee.
He was as much a warrior as was a great poet and a writer. On one hand he had a firm stand against injustice while on the other hand had a love for peace.
The nation, the world is familiar with his supreme sacrifice for the protection of humanity, country as well as religion.
इन पुत्रन के कारन, वार दिए सुत चार।
चार मुए तो क्या हुआ, जीवित कई हज़ार ।।
He had sacrificed his sons, his lineage for saving thousands of sons. What could have been a better example of sacrifice for one's nation and religion?
His patience and his valour were astounding! He was a fighter but his height of sacrifice was unprecedented. He used to fight against evil in society. He used to also fight against class discrimination and the poison of casteism. These very values are in the centre of building a New India.
Focusing upon the knowledge, Guru Saheb has always considered every word of Guru Granth Sahib as the life's mantra. He had said, 'Now every word of Guru Granth Sahib, its every page will continue to inspire the future generations. After the creation of 'Panch-pyare' and the Khalsa panth, he had tried to associate the entire nation with it.
The development of the Khalsa sect was the result of Guru Saheb's deeper contemplation and study over a long period. He had knowledge of vedas, Puranas and other ancient scriptures. Guru Saheb knew about the traditions of the Sikh community from Guru Nanak Dev's period to Guru Tegh Bahadur's time and of the events associated with the Sikh cult during the Mughal rule. He had put forward his ideas and thoughts on every issue or event happening in the country and the society.
Most of you must have read 'Dasamgranth Saheb'. His grip over language and literature was amazing! Every aspect of life has been explained in such a way that it touches even an ordinary person. The lucid language, the phrases, the verses and the flow – everything was mesmerizing. His knowledge and fascination for the Indian languages was incomparable.
Guru Gobind Singh ji's poetry is a simple expression of Indian culture and the philosophy of our lives. Just as his personality was multi-faceted, his poetry too was spread over a wide range of themes. Some great poets and writers consider him as an inspiration.
Culture of any country enhances its glory. In such a scenario, enriching and promoting the culture has always been the priority of the world's powerful civilizations. This effort is being made by our government for the past 4½ years.
Efforts are being made to carry the cultural heritage and the rich knowledge that India possesses to every corner of the world. The nation has succeeded in re-establishing its dignity with yoga and Ayurveda. This is going on relentlessly.
Efforts are being made so that the message of global health, prosperity and peace disseminated by our sages and saints benefits the entire world. We have celebrated the 350th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh ji; now the preparations are going on for the celebrations of 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Our government is fortunate to have got this opportunity to associate with both these auspicious occasions.
The Government has decided that this festival will be celebrated in all the States and Union Territories of the country and this event will also be organized in our Embassies throughout the world.
Moreover, you also are very well aware of the fact that now with the tireless and unprecedented efforts of the central government the Kartarpur corridor is going to be constructed. Now every Indian, every Sikh, who walks on the path shown by Guru Nanak, will not require binoculars, but will be able to see Narowal with his eyes by making a visit. You will be able to go and will be able to see the Darbar Sahib without Visa.
This is an atonement for what could not be done in the year 1947. The most important venue of our Guru was just a few kilometers away, but that was not included in our side of the border. So, this corridor is a valid attempt to reduce that loss.
All our gurus, whether Guru Gobind Singh ji or Guru Nanak Dev ji, have taught us to stand with justice. Walking on the path shown by them, this government is engaged in the work of turning the era of injustice that began with 1984 to an era of justice. Now the law will wipe off the decade-old tears of the mothers, sisters and daughters and give them justice.
On this auspicious occasion today, we must once again take the resolution of walking on the 11 fold path shown by Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj. Today, as India is on the path of being established as a powerful nation, there is a need to further empower the spirit of India.
I firmly believe that all of us will strengthen our resolve of building a New India with the guidance provided by Guru ji.
Once again, I congratulate you all on the Prakash Parv. I wish that this New Year brings a lot of joy and happiness to you all. With this expectation -
जो बोले, सो निहाल!..सत् श्री अकाल!
(Release ID: 1559764)
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