Ministry of Education
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Enhancement of ‘Material Cost’under the Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN) Scheme

Posted On: 09 DEC 2024 8:57PM by PIB Delhi

PM POSHAN Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme under which one hot cooked meal is served to 11.70 crore students studying in Balvatika and classes I to VIII, in 10.24 lakh Government and Government-aided schools on all school-days. The Scheme aims at providing nutritional support and enhancing school participation of students.

Under the PM POSHAN Scheme,‘Material Cost’ is provided for procurement of following ingredients required for cooking the meals :


Per student per meal quantity

Bal Vatika & Primary

Upper Primary


20 gm

30 gm


50 gm

75 gm


5 gm

7.5 gm

Spices & Condiments

As per need

As per need


As per need

As per need


The Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour provides data on inflation for these items under the PM POSHAN basket on the basis of Consumer Price Index – Rural Labourers (CPI-RL) in consonance with CPI index for PM POSHAN and accordingly CPI index for PM POSHAN basket has been worked out. The CPI-RL is constructed by Labour Bureau, Chandigarh on the basis of collecting continuous monthly prices from the sample of 600 villages spread over 20 States of the country.

On the basis of inflation index provided by the Labour Bureau, the Ministry of Education, Government of India, has enhanced the ‘Material Cost’ by 13.70 %. The material cost is enhanced from Rs 5.45 to Rs 6.19 for primary and Bal Vatika classes and from Rs 8.17 to Rs 9.29 for upper primary classes with effect from 01.12.2024. The Material cost could not be revised during FY 2023-24, therefore the inflation value of items under PM POSHAN basket for both FY 2022-23 (6.45%) and FY 2023-24 (6.74%) has been considered for enhancement of Material cost. The Central Government will bear the additional cost of Rs 425.62 crore in FY 2024-25 on account of this enhancement.

The new rates will be applicable across all the States and UTs. These rates of Material Cost are the minimum mandatory rates, however, States / UTs are free to contribute more than their prescribed share, as some States/UTs have been contributing more than their minimum mandatory share from their own resources for providing meals with augmented nutrition under the PM POSHAN Scheme.

In addition to the Material Cost, the Govt. of India provides about 26 lakh MT foodgrains through Food Corporation of India. The Govt. of India bears 100% cost of foodgrains including subsidy of approx. Rs. 9000 crore per annum and 100% transportation cost of foodgrains from FCI depot to schools. The per meal cost after adding all components including foodgrains cost under the scheme comes to approx. Rs 11.54 for Bal Vatika and Primary classes and Rs 16.74 for upper primary classes.



(Release ID: 2082529) Visitor Counter : 2319

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