Ministry of Science & Technology
azadi ka amrit mahotsav


Posted On: 06 DEC 2024 6:24PM by PIB Delhi

Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar, kicked off the SMF2024 (Sheet Metal Forming) Conference on Sheet Metal Forming with emphasis on FormingFuture “Shaping the Future with Advanced Sheet Metal Technologies’ during 5-6th Dec 2024.

The conference was inaugurated by Chief Guest, Dr. Santosh Kumar, (Corporate Head and Vice President of R&D at Jindal Stainless Ltd.) and Prof. K Narasimhan, (Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science Department, IIT Bombay and Secretory of SMFRA).Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, our Director and Patron of this conference conveyed his best wishes to all participants and expressed his unwavering support for the success of this event.

More than 100+ delegates from Academia and various industries were present across the length and breadth of the country in the specialized fields of Sheet Metal Forming and emerging areas.

Organizing SecretaryProf. Anupam Agrawal and co-organizing secretaries Prof Navin Kumar and Prof Ekta Singla of Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Ropar welcomed the guests and the participants while giving the overview of SMF2024, followed by the address of Dr. Prabhat K. Agnihotri, HOD of Mechanical Engineering Department and Organizing Chairman of the conference.

Prof. K Narasimhan,Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science Department, IIT Bombay and Secretory of SMFRAgave the details aboutSMF2024. He highlighted the history of SMFRA and its activities in promoting research in Metal Forming a specialization of mechanical engineering in India. He also urged the researchers and faculty to become the member of the SMFRA. He discussed forming the mechanical components, including sheet metal forming, superplasticity, modeling and simulation.

While giving the presentation, Dr. Santosh Kumar, focused on the use of Materials as he has extensive expertise in steel characterization, alloy design, product development, and process technology. He focused on the development of numerous steel products for various segments, including automotive, construction, defense, and shipbuilding. Kumar's contributions have significantly advanced the field of metallurgical engineering and continue to impact the industry positively.

Prof. Navin Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar and Co-Organizing Secretaryof this conference presented a vote of thanks. Faculty members from the Mechanical Engineering Department and other departments attended the event. The conference was sponsored by prestigious private organizations-AutoformEngineering India Ltd., Electropneumatic & Hydraulic (I) Pvt. Ltd. and Altair Inspire Form.



(Release ID: 2081601) Visitor Counter : 737

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