Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Central Zoo Authority Successfully hosts the 2nd National Stakeholder Workshop on Wildlife Health and One Health Collaboration
Posted On:
23 DEC 2023 7:19PM by PIB Delhi
The Central Zoo Authority successfully conducted the 2nd National Level Stakeholder Workshop on December 22, 2023 in New Delhi. The workshop, chaired by the Union Minister of State, Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MoEF&CC),Shri Ashwini Chaubey and assisted by Secretary MoEf&CC Ms.Leena Nandan,Secretary MoFAHd Ms.Alka Upadhyay, DGF&SS MoEf&CC Shri C.P.Goyal, ADG Wildlife Shri Bivas Ranjan aimed at advancing the Development of the National Referral Centre for Wildlife (NRC-W) and fostering collaboration for One Health initiatives.
The event witnessed the convergence of experts from diverse organizations of human health,livestock health,wildlife research Institutes,National Park managers,zoo directors etc.. Institutions like CCMB, ICAR-NIVEDI, WII, NTCA, IVRI marked their presence.
The workshop served as a platform for insightful discussions and a consultative approach towards the development of the National Referral Centre for Wildlife. Member Secretary, CZA Shri Sanjay Shukla and DIGF, CZA Ms.Akanksha Mahajan extended a warm welcome, setting the stage for collaborative deliberations on critical aspects of wildlife health management.

Shri Ashwini Kumar Chaubey highlighted the “unique position of India with regard to rich wildlife and biodiversity and the unique position of our country as the number one in the elephant range and the exclusive home to the Asiatic lion emphasized upon the importance of a holistic approach towards wildlife health and disease management.” He also mentioned that the ministry will always be supporting such initiatives likewise the support demonstrated for the One Health mission by actively endorsing science and technology initiatives under the Prime Minister's Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). He underscored the need for integrated surveillance covering humans, livestock, and wildlife. Drawing parallels with the COVID-19 pandemic, he commended Prime Minister Modi's adept handling of the emergency through a comprehensive and integrated strategy. The example served as a reminder of the efficacy of a united approach in mitigating the impact of crises, both in the realm of public health and wildlife conservation.
Further, engaging sessions covered themes such as the Development of NRC-W, Disease Surveillance Needs in the Wildlife Sector, linkages with Human and Livestock Programs, R&D Needs for the Wildlife Sector, and the Need for an Effective Capacity Building Framework.
Stakeholders acknowledged the importance of the One Health concept for a comprehensive and controlled health ecosystem in India and the world. The workshop concluded with enriching discussions and collaborative strategies among stakeholders, aiming to fortify the development of the NRC-W. Stakeholders deliberated on innovative frameworks, technological interventions, and resource mobilization crucial for the NRC-W's effective establishment.

Key highlights of the workshop included the emphasis on a holistic approach integrating humans, livestock, and wildlife for effective wildlife health management. Engaging sessions were conducted by various experts from the stakeholder organisations covering various themes such as Development of NRC-W, Disease Surveillance Needs in the Wildlife Sector and linkages with Human and Livestock Programs, R&D Needs for the Wildlife Sector and the Need of an Effective Capacity Building Framework. All the stakeholders acknowledged the importance and the concept of One Health for a comprehensive and controlled health ecosystem of India and the world.
The culminating discussions of the workshop centered on an enriching exchange of ideas and collaborative strategies among stakeholders, aiming to fortify the development of the National Referral Centre for Wildlife (NRC-W). Engaging dialogues spanned diverse perspectives, consolidating insights from experts across the spectrum of wildlife conservation, health management, and One Health initiatives. Stakeholders, united in their commitment, deliberated on innovative frameworks, technological interventions, and resource mobilization crucial for the NRC-W's effective establishment. The exchange emphasized the necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge sharing, and leveraging collective expertise to ensure the NRC-W's role as a beacon for wildlife health and One Health principles in India and beyond. The workshop's conclusion resonated with a shared vision, inspiring stakeholders to continue their concerted efforts in advancing this critical initiative for the benefit of biodiversity and public health.
The workshop provided insights on the focus areas deliberated for the proposed National Referral Centre for Wildlife which include..
- Disease/species-based research from the perspective of emerging infectious diseases
- National Wildlife disease surveillance Program
- Prevention and management of wildlife diseases in emergent situations
- Skill-based training and continued capacity-building of wildlife professionals
- Command Control Data & Information Management (Analytics)
- Shaping Wildlife Health Policy
Besides, the workshop also provided an overview of the livestock disease surveillance system, paving the way for robust collaborations and information exchange between sectors.
(Release ID: 1989965)
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