Ministry of Communications
Special Campaign 2.0 for Cleanliness: Best practices adopted by the Department of Telecom
Posted On:
19 OCT 2022 8:10PM by PIB Delhi
Special Campaign 2.0 is being undertaken in all Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India during the month of October, 2022. This time there is a special thrust on activities in Subordinate/ Attached/ Field Offices across the country.
Apart from impressive quantitative targets, the Department of Telecom, Ministry of Communications has adopted certain ‘best practices’ in Sanchar Bhavan Complex which are already showing promising results. These include:

Stopping Single Use Plastic Drinking Water bottles in the Sanchar Bhavan Complex.
Replacing plastic folders with environment friendly recycled paper folders in the Sanchar Bhavan Complex.


Consulting services of a contractual lady Doctor every working day afternoon. This is a boon for health & hygiene of the 900 regular and contractual employees posted in Sanchar Bhavan Complex.
(iv) Setting aside fixed time every Friday afternoon for special cleaning of the office premises.
(v) Cleaning up of piled up scrap in the basement and converting it into a Recreation Club.
Before Inauguration

After Inauguration

(vi) Converting space adjacent to parking lot into a modern canteen which due for operationalization shortly.
Before After

In addition, the following ‘pilot projects’ have been taken up during the Special Campaign 2.0:
Replace plastic pens with environment friendly recyclable pens

Provision of Sanitary Napkin pad dispenser in ladies washrooms.

Providing motion sensor detectors to ‘switch on’ and ‘switch off’ all lights/other electrical appliances in Office Chambers.
It is proposed to extend and replicate best practices as above wherever feasible in all other offices of DoT including its CPSEs/Field Offices.
(Release ID: 1869318)
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