Ministry of Law and Justice

Shri Robin Phukan appointed as Additional Judge of the Gauhati High Court

Posted On: 18 JUN 2021 8:02PM by PIB Delhi

The President of India, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (l) of Article 224 of the Constitution of India, appointed Shri Robin Phukan, to be an Additional Judge of the Gauhati High Court. He will hold the office for a period of two years with effect from the date he assumes charge of his office. A notification in this regard has been issued by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice today.


Shri Robin Phukan, M.Sc., LL.M., joined the Judicial Service on 09.03.1993. and has served as Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup; Civil Judge & Asstt. Sessions Judge, Tezpur; Addl. District & Sessions Judge, Silchar; Registrar (PM&P); Registrar (Administration); Registrar (Vigilance) and Registrar General Gauhati High Court; District & Sessions Judge, Golaghat; Special judge, CBI & NIA. He was working as District & Sessions Judge, Jorhat from 06.01.2020.




(Release ID: 1728327) Visitor Counter : 699

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