Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Central Pollution Control Board celebrates its 46th Foundation Day; pledges to provide technical leadership for more science-based environmental management.
Improving the air quality a shared responsibility : Shri Babul Supriyo
Posted On:
23 SEP 2020 8:43PM by PIB Delhi
Union Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change ,Sh. Babul Supriyo today said, people and governments need to share the responsibility and work together to keep the air clean. Speaking at the webinar to commemorate 46th Year of Establishment of Central Pollution Control Board, he said, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been doing a remarkable work in terms of collecting and collating the data related to pollution which is acting as a key policy input for the government and the concerned agencies to improve air quality. He said, CPCB has been providing a real time data which is commendable.
Shri Supriyo said, that the pandemic COVID-19 has given us the opportunity to press the reboot button to save the environment. The Minister further said, that there is a need to ensure that water is not polluted because it can have an adverse impact on the crops. He appreciated CBCB for handling bio-medical waste during the times of COVID-19.
The CBCB was established on September 23, 1974 under The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as a technical arm of Central Government for environmental research, monitoring, regulation and enforcement in the country.
Since its inception, CPCB is working tirelessly towards environmental protection in the country. Some of the pro-active actions of the Central Board include setting sector specific standards (86); real time surveillance of more than 5,000 industries; river basin studies, which led to genesis of Ganga Action Plan; multi-city source apportionment studies; establishing extensive monitoring network and data management for public dissemination; setting national ambient air quality standards; and fixing water quality criteria.
CPCB’s actions have been critical in obviating steep environmental degradation expected of rapid industrial, commercial and population growth. With increasing environmental challenges and mounting public expectations, CPCB is working to re-define pollution control technologies and management strategies.
On the occasion of CPCB’s Foundation Day on September 23, 2020, a webinar was organized at Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change to present CPCB’s transformative goals for 2030 and discuss CPCB’s role in meeting India’s Environmental Objectives and Innovative Pollution Control Strategies.
The webinar was inaugurated by Shri Babul Supriyo, Union Minister of State for Environment,Forest and Climate who also released the following technical reports on the occasion :-
A Ready Reckoner for Personnel engaged in Environment Management in Small and Medium Scale Industries. Click Here.
National Ambient Air Quality Status and Trends 2019. Click Here.
River Water Quality during Lockdown Period. Click Here.
Ambient Air Quality during Lockdown Period. Click Here.
A Sewage Treatment Plant(STP) reporting Mobile Application for smooth data collection and rapid reporting from 1,641 STPs in the country was also launched by the MoS.Adequate treatment ofsewage, before it is let into water bodies is very important. In this direction the STP monitoring App launched today will be an important step.
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Additional Secretary, MoEF & CC in his address said that CPCB is on the forefront of efforts for a clean environment. Over the years, it has done lot of commendable works, technological upgradations and is motivated to continual improvement. AQI, NCAP & waste management initiatives will ensure more healthy and conducive environment .
Shri Shiv Das Meena, Chairman, CPCB while briefed about the achievements made by CPCB in past 46 years. He also outlined the challenges laying before the Board in ensuing future and appealed to the employees of the Board to continue to work in right earnest to meet the new environmental challenges.
Member Secretary, CPCB,Shri Prashant Gargav, presented transformative goals for 2030. He presented CPCB’s vision for revisiting approach to pollution control by revamping monitoring & analysis system, action planning guided by science, capacity building including strengthening research and development department, enhancing engagement of IT tools and future development areas to be focused on.
A panel of eminent speakers, comprising Shri C.K. Mishra, Former Secretary, MoEFCC; Shri S. P. S. Parihar and Prof. S. P. Gautam, both Former Chairman of CPCB; Shri Shiv Das Meena, Chairman CPCB; and Ms. Sunita Narain, Director General, Centre for Science & Environment, shared their views. They expressed admiration for CPCB’s efforts towards environmental protection and emphasized on need for revisiting its role and investing in its capacity building.
Participants included Principal Secretaries (Environment) of the States, Chairmen and Member Secretaries of State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees, Board Members of CPCB, former Member Secretaries of CPCB and Senior Officials from MoEFCC and CPCB.
(Release ID: 1658378)
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