Ministry of Science & Technology

Achievements of Indian Science Congress

Posted On: 21 SEP 2020 6:50PM by PIB Delhi

Annual Indian Science Congress has been held every year ever since 1914. This year, 107th Indian Science Congress was held at University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka from 3-7th January, 2020 with the Focal Theme - Science & Technology : Rural Development

Through this process, the Indian Science Congress Association has been contributing to the development of Science in general and National Science Policy, in particular. The Children Science Congress, Women Science Congress, Farmer-centric Science Congress, Science Exhibition and Science Communicators’ Meet were also organized during the above period. Proceedings of the conference, journals, reports and other materials were circulated among the participants to popularize science and to create a scientific temper among the people of India.

About 15,000 participants, including Nobel Laureates, Scientists, intellectuals, academicians, policy makers, researchers, students and delegates from different institutions participated in the 107th Indian Science Congress. 14 Sectional meetings on subjects of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Anthropological and Behavioral Sciences (Including Archaeology, Psychology, Education and Military Sciences), Chemical Sciences, Earth System Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Information and Communication Science & Technology (Including Computer Sciences), Materials Science, Mathematical Sciences (Including Statistics), Medical Sciences (Including Physiology), New Biology (Including Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology), Physical Sciences and Plant Sciences, were held during the congress. The recommendations of these meetings as an outcome of the Congress were circulated among the participants for sensitizing the rural and student communities.

The recommendations of the 14 sectional meetings of 107th ISC, were circulated to 28 Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) regional chapters. These chapters envisage constructive work for the popularization and advancement of science throughout the year. Ministry of Science and Technology has taken several steps for translational science and promotion of affordable and sustainable innovations. Some major initiatives in this direction are as follows:

  1. Department of Science and Technology (DST) has established five Technical Research Centres (TRCs) in the existing autonomous institutions of the department to reinforce translational research.
  2. DST has also collaborated with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT) Project. The initiative expands the catchment of implementing institutions by adopting a more demand- driven strategy of solution development and incorporates specific externalities of the states of India so as to make end- user translation and technology adoption easier.
  3. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) promotes innovative Research and Development activities in the field of Biotechnology through research institution, scientific organizations and universities. The department also promotes translational research through its public sector undertaking Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). BIRAC has been supporting innovative research & development activities in the area of biotechnology through various programs. The support is provided across all stages of product development including ideation, proof of concept, prototyping, pilot scale development, validation and product development.
  4. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is pursuing cutting edge science and developing technologies, products and knowledge based services in diverse areas such as Aerospace, Electronics and Instrumentation & Strategic Sector; Civil Infrastructure and Engineering; Mining, Minerals, Metals and Materials; Chemicals (including leather) and Petrochemicals; Energy (conventional and non-conventional); Energy Devices; Ecology, Environment, Earth Sciences and Water; Agri, Nutrition & Biotechnology; and Healthcare. Taking further steps for giving more emphasis on translational research, CSIR is implementing two types of projects, viz. Fast Track Translational Projects and Mission Mode Projects.


This information was given by the Union Minister of Science and Technology, Earth Sciences and Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan in a written reply in Rajya Sabha on September 20, 2020.




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