Steps taken by the Government to Promote the Indian System of Medicines
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18 SEP 2020 7:10PM by PIB Delhi
To promote the education of Indian System of Medicines and Ayurveda globally, Ministry has signed 13 MoUs for setting up AYUSH Academic Chairs with foreign Universities/ institutes under which AYUSH experts are deputed in reputed Universities/ institutes to undertake teaching/ training / research activities. Country to Country MoUs have been signed with 23 countries for cooperation in field of Traditional Medicine and Homoeopathy in which, amongst others, research, education, training, etc. are some of the areas of cooperation. Under Fellowship/ Scholarship Scheme of Ministry of AYUSH, 104 scholarships are offered every year to the eligible foreign nationals from 99 countries for pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph. D courses in AYUSH systems in premier Institutes in India. The Fellowship Scheme aims at achieving recognition and acceptance of Indian traditional medicine systems abroad.
The Ministry of AYUSH has launched a scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals which aims at certifying the competence level of Yoga professionals through certification process and promoting authentic Yoga as a preventive and health promoting drugless therapy. Yoga Certification Board (YCB) has been established with the objectives to bring synergy, quality and uniformity in knowledge and skills of Yoga professionals across the world through certification programs.
Keeping in view the mythological and historical importance of Indian systems of Medicine, Ayurveda Day, Unani Day and Siddha Day are celebrated in the country every year. International Day of Yoga is celebrated in 190 countries and Ayurveda day is celebrated in more than 35 countries. The Ministry has been organizing International Yoga Conference every year since 2015.
Government of India is implementing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) in the country through State and UT governments for promotion and development of AYUSH systems. Under the concept of AYUSH Gram, AYUSH based lifestyles are promoted through behavioral change communication, training of village health workers towards identification and use of local medicinal herbs and provision of AYUSH health services.
Under Central Sector Scheme for promotion of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) in AYUSH, the Ministry of AYUSH undertakes promotional activities like organization of AROGYA fairs at State and National level; multimedia campaigns; preparation and distribution of publicity material including audio visual material, etc. The Ministry provides assistance for organizing seminar, conference etc. to eligible agencies and incentives to AYUSH industry for participation in AROGYA and other fairs. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry of AYUSH is making the optimal utilization of electronic and digital platforms for promotion and publicizing AYUSH systems.
Under Central Sector Scheme for promotion of International Cooperation, (IC Scheme), the Ministry of AYUSH undertakes various steps to promote and publicize AYUSH systems of medicine including Ayurveda across the globe. The Ministry deputes AYUSH experts to foreign countries to participate in international meetings, conferences, training programmes, seminars and on special assignment of the Government of India for promotion and propagation of AYUSH Systems. Financial assistance is provided for presentation of AYUSH related scientific research papers in international conferences, workshops, seminar etc.
Incentives are provided to AYUSH drug manufacturers, entrepreneurs, AYUSH institutions, etc. for (i) participating in International exhibitions, conferences, workshops, trade fairs, etc. for generating awareness amongst the public about the AYUSH systems of medicine and; (ii) registration of AYUSH products with regulatory authorities of the foreign countries. So far, more than 50 products (Unani and Ayurveda) have been registered in 08 countries namely Kenya, USA, Russia, Latvia, Canada, Oman, Tajikistan and Sri Lanka under the IC scheme of the Ministry.
33 AYUSH Information Cell have been set up in 31 countries to disseminate authentic information about AYUSH systems. The Ministry of AYUSH has deputed two experts (Ayurveda and Siddha) to Ministry of Health, Malaysia under ITEC Programme of Ministry of External Affairs for providing their services at Port Dickson Hospital, and Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital.
An Advisory Committee on formulation of Integrative Health Policy has been constituted by the NITI Aayog to propose framework of comprehensive integrative health policy to achieve an inclusive, affordable, evidence based healthcare; and roadmap for disease prevention and health promotion in National programmes based on modern and traditional integrative approaches. Ministry of AYUSH has signed an MoU with Ministry of Railways for establishment of AYUSH wings at 5 Railway Zonal Hospitals. An MoU has been signed with Ministry of Defence for integration of Ayurveda under the Health establishments of Ministry of Defence/ Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS).
This information was given by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan in a written reply in the LokSabha today.
(Release ID: 1656379)
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