Ministry of Corporate Affairs
MCA Secretary inaugurates SPICe+ web form
SPICe+ to offer 10 services by 3 Central Government Ministries/ Departments in a single web form
Posted On:
24 FEB 2020 4:15PM by PIB Delhi

Shri Injeti Srinivas, Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs(MCA), today inaugurated the ‘SPICe+’ Web Form here today.
As part of Government of India’s Ease of Doing Business (EODB) initiatives, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified a new Web Form christened ‘SPICe+’ (pronounced ‘SPICe Plus’) replacing the existing SPICe form. SPICe+ would offer 10 services by 3 Central Govt Ministries & Departments (Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Labour & Department of Revenue in the Ministry of Finance) and One State Government (Maharashtra), thereby saving as many procedures, time and cost for Starting a Business in India and would be applicable for all new company incorporations.

Following are the features of the new Spice+ web form:
· SPICe+ would be an integrated Web Form.
· SPICe+ would have two parts viz.: Part A-for Name reservation for new companies and Part B offering a bouquet of services viz.
(i) Incorporation
(ii) DIN allotment
(iii) Mandatory issue of PAN
(iv) Mandatory issue of TAN
(v) Mandatory issue of EPFO registration
(vi) Mandatory issue of ESIC registration
(vii) Mandatory issue of Profession Tax registration(Maharashtra)
(viii) Mandatory Opening of Bank Account for the Company and
(ix) Allotment of GSTIN (if so applied for)
· The new web form would facilitate On-screen filing and real time data validation for seamless incorporation of companies. For ensuring ease while filing, SPICe+ has been structured into various sections. Information once entered can be saved and modified.
· Registration for EPFO and ESIC shall be mandatory for all new companies to be incorporated through SPICe+ and no EPFO & ESIC registration nos. shall be separately issued by the respective agencies.
· Registration for Profession Tax shall also be mandatory for all new companies to be incorporated in the State of Maharashtra through SPICe+.
· All new companies incorporated through SPICe+ would also be mandatorily required to apply for opening the company’s Bank account through the AGILE-PRO linked web form.

(Release ID: 1604176)
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