Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Time Use Survey

Posted On: 26 MAR 2025 4:31PM by PIB Delhi

National Statistics Office (NSO) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) conducted the first all-India Time Use Survey (TUS) during January – December 2019. The latest TUS conducted during January to December 2024 for which factsheet was released in the month of February,2025. TUS provides a framework for measuring time dispositions by the population on different activities. It is an important source of information about the activities that are performed by the population and the time duration for which such activities are performed. One distinguishing feature of TUS from other household surveys is that it can capture time disposition on different aspects of human activities, be it paid, unpaid or other activities with such details which is otherwise not possible in other surveys. In recent years, time use surveys have gained much impetus among policy makers and other data users for their usefulness in measuring various aspects of gender statistics. The primary objective of the Survey is to measure the participation of men and women in paid and unpaid activities. TUS is an important source of information on the time spent in unpaid caregiving activities, volunteer work, and unpaid domestic service-producing activities of the household members. It also provides information on time spent on learning, socializing, leisure activities, self-care activities, etc., by the household members. TUS provides estimates of indicators of time use in both rural and urban areas with different levels of disaggregation like gender, age, etc. These can be used for planning, policy formulation, decision support and as input for further statistical exercises by various Departments and Ministries of the Government, other organizations, academicians, researchers and scholars, etc.

The Government of India has implemented various initiatives aimed at promoting education and learning activities, particularly among women. Education being in the Concurrent List, enhancing the quality of education is the responsibility of both the Central and State Governments. Various schemes/ projects/ programmes run by the Government have been aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. NEP 2020 aims to ensure that no child loses opportunity to learn and excel because of the circumstances of birth or background. This policy aims at bridging the social category gaps in access, participation, and learning outcomes, including providing greater access to women. The Central Government has taken various measures to promote higher education among the students across the nation including women, such as fee reductions, establishment of more institutes, scholarships, priority access to national level scholarships to aid students with poor financial backgrounds to pursue their education.

TUS provides a framework for measuring time dispositions by the population on different activities including learning, socializing, leisure activities, self-care activities, etc., by the household members. It also provides estimates of indicators of time use in both rural and urban areas with different levels of disaggregation like gender, age, etc. These can be used for planning, policy formulation, decision support and as input for further statistical exercises by various Departments and Ministries of the Government, other organizations, academicians, researchers and scholars, etc.

As per the TUS 2024 factsheet published in the month of February, 2025, estimated percentage of persons and minutes spent in a day on an average per participant in Learning activities are given in Table-1 for different categories of persons.


Table-1: Percentage of persons and minutes spent in a day on an average per participant of age 6 years and above in learning activities irrespective of whether the activity was a major activity or not during TUS, 2024

Category of person


percentage of persons doing the activity

minutes spent in a day on an average per participant

























Source: Fact Sheet on Time Use Survey, 2024


This information was given by Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation; Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Planning and Minister of State in the Ministry of Culture Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



(Release ID: 2115295) Visitor Counter : 603

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