Ministry of Science & Technology
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Stakeholders Meet for Dissemination of CSIR Technologies in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Posted On: 17 MAR 2025 11:34AM by PIB Delhi

CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR), Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) - National Coordinating Institute, IIT Delhi, Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), and Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya (PI, UBA) jointly organised three day stakeholders meet (11-13 March) for dissemination of CSIR technologies in Port Blair.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, known for their unique geography and ecological richness, face distinct challenges in sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, water resources, healthcare, and disaster management. Despite their potential for sustainable development, limited infrastructure, underutilization of natural resources, and the lack of access to modern technologies hinder the region’s growth. However, with the application of innovative solutions, these challenges can be addressed effectively.

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), a leading research and development organization in India, has developed a wide array of technologies in key sectors such as agriculture, food processing technologies, bee farming and bee hive technologies, floriculture and AROMA mission, water purification technologies, water desalination technologies, fish processing, and more. The dissemination of these technologies could significantly contribute to the region’s sustainable development by creating livelihood opportunities and improving the overall quality of life.

To facilitate this, a three-day stakeholders meet was organized to discuss and disseminate CSIR technologies to address the region's specific challenges. The event, set to take place from March 11-13, 2025, at Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya (JNRM) in Port Blair, is jointly organized by CSIR-NIScPR, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) - National Coordinating Institute, IIT Delhi, Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), and JNRM. The objective of this event was to showcase CSIR technologies tailored to the socio-economic and ecological context of the region, facilitate dialogue among stakeholders, build collaborations and encourage partnerships for technology implementation, and provide capacity building through technology demonstrations and presentations. Key focus areas of the event included exploring CSIR's solutions and their potential applications in the region like Floriculture Mission, AROMA Mission, Food Processing Technologies, Solar Drier Technology, Bee Farming and Beehive Technologies, Water Desalination Technologies, etc.

The meeting follows an earlier event held in January 2024 and aims to further explore the potential application of CSIR technologies to foster sustainable development in the region. The event was graced by a distinguished panel of experts.

The meet was inaugurated in the presence of Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director CSIR-NIScPR; Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director CSIR-CFTRI; Dr.Ajit Kumar Shasany, Director CSIR-NBRI. This occasion was graced by the Chief Guest Ms Pallavi Sarkar, IAS, Secretary (Agriculture/ Animal Husbandry Coordinator CS Office) ED (ANIIDICO) and Guest of Honor Dr. Eknath B. Chakurkar, Director ICAR-CIARI. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Project Director UBA, Shri Sreeparasad Kuttan, organizing secretary VIBHA and  Principal in charge JNRM also present in this meet. Scientists from CSIR-CFTRI, CSIR-IHBT, CSIR-CIMAP, CSIR-IICT, CSIR-CSMCRI, CSIR-NIEST, CSIR-NBRI, CSIR-TMD and NIOT, representative from NABARD, and as many as 150 representations from various SHGs participated in this meet.

Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal highlighted the concept behind the organizing this programme and explained that how interventions of CSIR technology might harness the potential of Andaman & Nicobar region and expressed her believe that effort behind meet would certainly be translated in technology implementation enriching the socioeconomic profile of the region.  She noticed and remarked about the dominant participation of women in this meet. She discussed about the roles of the CSIR, UBA and VIBHA in working out providing S&T solutions at rural areas towards capacity building of rural regions.  She thanked CSIR-CFTRI, CSIR-IHBT, CSIR-CIMAP, CSIR-IICT, CSIR-CSMCRI, CSIR-NIEST, CSIR-NBRI and NIOT for participating in this event along with CSIR-NIScPR. 

Dr. K.C. Joshi, Principal in charge JNRM, welcomed the delegates and participants and highlighted the importance of technology intervention in rural development, which is very important especially in the Andaman & Nicobar region. He remarked that this would unlock the potential of this region.

Ms. Pallavi Sarkar, IAS, extended for her being given this interactive platform and remarked this event is a landmark event bringing scientifically validated technologies in the land of Andaman & Nicobar region. She requested that all the stakeholders should actively engage in all technology dissemination sessions with the scientist to translate natural-resource potential of this region in value added products which may be promoted to international market. She further elaborated that technologies suitable for the socioeconomic development of the Andaman & Nicobar regions should be properly worked out, mapped, and catalogued during this meet. Additionally, she suggested that the scientific community should also workout on mapping of natural resources for which potential technologies may be developed in synergy with the traditional knowledge for producing value added products which may be promoted in the international market. She emphasized that the technologies may be promoted that forest-based products, animal based, sea based products, value added products from coconut, honey bee farming and value added products from honey those could be taken to international scale.

Dr. Eaknath B. Chakurkar, Director of ICAR-CIARI, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, delivered the Guest of Honor address, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between scientific research institutions and local authorities for the region’s sustainable development.  Dr.Chakurkar, extended his thanks to organizers for inviting him in this crucial event and outlined the prior linkages ICAR-CIARI is having with UBA and VIBHA. He mentioned about the secondary agriculture, in which people are not directly involved with agriculture, such amul butter,  sindoor plant, Arica net plate making business, etc. He asserted that this event is remarkable as many scientists have made themselves available to discuss with the stakeholders. He therefore requested all the stakeholders to make the maximum utilization of this opportunity.

Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director CSIR-CFTRI, expressed that she believes that CSIR-CFTRI technologies shall be of great importance for uplifting the quality of value added food products in this region. She mentioned briefly about the important technologies developed by CSIR-CFTRI such as Amul milk powder, spice oils and oleoresins, instant mixes etc. She emphasized the need of adopting the indigenous technologies for rural development. She exemplified the coconut based technologies of CSIR-CFTRI as one of the technology which implementation will be discussed in this meet considering the easy availability of coconut in this region. She mentioned and listed out several training programmes, incubation centers, and hand holding support CSIR-CFTRI has provisioned for rural capacity building. 

Dr. Kandimuthu, extended his hearty welcomed dignitaries and introduced Padmashri Ms. Panchimal Nariayal Amma and Smt. Meenamal who are working in the Andaman & Nicobar regions at grass root level.

Dr. Ajit Kumar Shasney, Director CSIr-NBRI Lucknow, in very simple words, communicated the importance of technology and underlined the importance this event to the audience. He explained the efforts CSIR institutes are making multiple and sincere efforts towards the Lab-to-Land translation of rural technologies. He mentioned about the changes brought by organic khaad and bacteria-based solutions, substituting urea and pesticides, developed by CSIR-NBRI, which have potential applications in Andaman & Nicobar region.

Dr. P.K. Singh, project director UBA, highlighted the activities of UBA running over pan India. He mentioned about the various events UBA is conducting in collaboration with CSIR-NIScPR. He requested students aspiring towards rural developments to explore UBA projects which come twice in year. He further mentioned about various other activities UBA has undertaken to increase involvement of the faculties and student in rural development.

Shri Sreepasad MK, address this meet highlighting the role of VIBHA for uplifting the rural livelihood. He mentioned about the 38 chapters VIBHA has introduced pan India in various Indian states. He also mentioned about him being the representative of Andaman & Nicobar in VIBHA. He further exemplified the importance of this event and unique opportunities this event is going provide to stakeholders.

Dr. Yogesh Suman, Chief Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR, New Delhi, presented the activities undertaken for rural development through S&T interventions in the project ‘Creating livelihood opportunity through CSIR Technologies using UBA and VIBHA Network’. He also proposed the vote of thanks to all the experts, scientists, and participants.

MS. Kamachi Chellammal, Andaman's 'Nariyal Amma' Padamshree awardee was also participated in the event and the scientist also visited to their agricultural forms for mapping of suitable technologies for their region.

The technical session 1 related to the Making Value Added products using Food Processing Technologies CSIR-CFTRI, presented by Dr Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Dr Aashitosh Inamdar, and Dr Pratap Singh Negi. The CSIR-CFTRI technologies suitable for Andaman and Nicobar Islands along with dissemination and adaptation strategies were presented in the session.

The technical session 2 related to exploring application of CSIR Technologies related to floriculture and AROMA mission in Andaman region were highlighted from Dr Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, Dr Rajesh Kumar Verma from CSIR-CIMAP, Dr Sukhjinder Singh from CSIR-IHBT Palampur and Dr. Manish Bhoyar, CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow.

The technical session 3 of day 2 was started with Bee farming and Bee hive technologies for Andaman Region by presenting ‘Imporved Beehive Technology’ developed by CSIR-IHBT Palampur and presented by Dr Sukhjinder Singh, CSIR-IHBT Palampur. The application of Water Desalination Technology in Andaman Region presented by Dr S. Sreedhar  CSIR-IICT Hyderabad and Dr. G. Venkatesan, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai. Dr. Bhupendra Markam

CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhav Nagar presented the Application of decentralized solar thermal dryer for hygienic drying of Agri-food products and highlighted the suitability of this technology for agro-food products and fish drying for Andaman and Nicobar region. Overview of Funding Schemes available in NABARD Andaman region presented by Shri Pratap Singh, Assistant Manager NABARD, Andaman Region. The field visit was also organized to understand the issues and the technology mapping for the region.



(Release ID: 2111702) Visitor Counter : 530

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