Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

State Governments and Corporations can purchase rice at Rs 2250/Qtl not exceeding 12 LMT under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) without participating in e-auction

Ethanol distilleries can purchase rice for ethanol production at Rs 2250/- per Qtl not exceeding 24 LMT under OMSS(D) policy

Posted On: 11 FEB 2025 5:10PM by PIB Delhi

The Department of Food and Public Distribution, Government of India issued Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) [OMSS(D)] Policy for 2024-25 for sale of excess stock of wheat and rice in the open market vide letter dated 09.07.2024. Provisions of OMSS(D) Policy dated 09.07.2024 are at Annexure-I. Thereafter, revised OMSS(D) Policy for sale of rice was issued on 07.01.2025 and 17.01.2025. Provisions of extant revised OMSS(D) Policy dated 17.01.2025 for 2024-25 are at Annexure-II.

As per current OMSS(D) policy, Reserve Price for sale of rice to State Governments, Corporations of State Government without participating in e-auction, and to the Community Kitchens has been fixed at Rs 2250/- per Qtl (Pan-India) for a total quantity not exceeding 12 LMT.

As per current OMSS(D) policy, State Governments and Corporations of State Governments of non-surplus States which require additional rice to meet their requirements are allowed to purchase rice under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) without participating in e-auction @Rs 2250/Qtl (Pan-India).

Rice is being offered for sale to ethanol distilleries for production of ethanol at a fixed price of Rs 2250/- per Qtl (Pan-India) for a total quantity not exceeding 24 LMT as per current OMSS(D) policy.  The supply of FCI Rice can be carried out to ethanol distilleries in both deficit and surplus states all through the year.

In case of shortage in supply of ethanol produced from maize/other category of feedstock, as allotted during ESY 2024-25, the shortfall can be met from ethanol produced using FCI rice.



  1. WHEAT
  1. Reserve price of Wheat:- 


Sl No


Reserve Price* (Rs./qtl)

(w.e.f 01.08.2024 to 31.03.2025)


Sale of wheat of all crop years including RMS 2024-25 to private parties through e-auction

2325/- (FAQ)

2300/- (URS)


Sale of wheat to Central Cooperative organizations, like NAFED/NCCF/ Kendriya Bhandar (Retail Sale) for sale under ‘Bharat’ brand through own stores/mobile vans and/or E-commerce/big chain retailers only




Sale of wheat to Community Kitchens


*Excluding transportation


  1. Transportation cost, as applicable, will be added to the reserve price.
  2. No sale should be undertaken during the procurement period in the procuring regions.
  3. Sale of wheat to Central cooperative organizations like NAFED/ NCCF/Kendriya Bhandar will be allowed in procuring regions as well as consuming regions during procurement period of wheat.
  4. Sale of wheat under OMSS(D) to Corporations/Cooperatives/Federations of State Governments is not permitted. Further, sale of ‘Bharat’ brand of wheat through private millers is not permitted.
  5. The quantum of stocks to be offloaded & timing, considering stocks holding at the relevant point of time may be decided by FCI in consultation with DFPD after keeping the stocks for PDS requirement, Buffer Norms and additional quantity of 20 LMT that can be used in case of any exigency.


  1. RICE


  1. Reserve price of Rice : - 


Sl No


Reserve Price* (Rs./qtl)

(w.e.f 01.08.2024 to 31.03.2025)


Sale of Rice to private parties through e-auction



Sale of rice from FCI depots to Small Private Traders/Entrepreneurs/ Individuals




Sale to State Governments without participating in e-auction



Sale of rice to Central cooperative organizations, like NAFED/NCCF/ Kendriya Bhandar (Retail Sale) for sale under ‘Bharat’ brand through own stores/mobile vans and/or E-commerce/big chain retailers only



Sale of rice to Community Kitchens


*Excluding transportation

$ w.e.f. 01.07.2024 to 31.03.2025


  1. Transportation cost, as applicable, will be added to the reserve price.


  1. No additional subsidy from PSF should be provided for items at Sl no (1)-(3) above.


  1. E-auction/direct sale as per Sl no (1) and (2) above will be done only in deficit regions and only during non-procurement period.


  1. Sale of rice to Central cooperative organizations like NAFED/ NCCF/Kendriya Bhandar will be allowed in procuring regions as well as consuming regions during procurement period of paddy.


  1. Sale of rice under OMSS (D) to Corporations/Cooperatives/Federations of State Governments is not permitted. Further, sale of ‘Bharat’ brand of rice through private millers is not permitted.


  • vii. Sale of rice to State Governments under OMSS(D) is restricted only to non-surplus States which require additional rice to meet their requirements.


  1. Quantum of stocks to be offloaded, and timing, considering stocks holding at the relevant point of time may be decided by FCI in consultation with DFPD after keeping the stocks for PDS requirement, Buffer Norms and additional quantity of 30 LMT that can be used in case of any exigency.




  1. Reserve price of Coarse grains: - 


Sl No


Reserve Price* (Rs./qtl)

(w.e.f 01.07.2024 to 31.03.2025)


Sale of Bajra to private parties through e-auction



Sale of Ragi to private parties through e-auction



Sale of Jowar to private parties through e-auction



Sale of Maize to private parties through e-auction


*Excluding transportation


  1. Transportation cost, as applicable, will be added to the reserve price.




  1. Reserve price of Rice : - 


Sl No


Reserve Price (Rs./qtl) (PAN India)*


Sale of Rice to Private Parties and Cooperatives/ Cooperative Federations through e-auction




Sale of Rice from FCI depots to Small Private Traders/Entrepreneurs/ Individuals



Sale of Rice to State Governments and Corporations of State Governments without participating in e-auction



Sale of rice to Central cooperative organizations, like NAFED/NCCF/ Kendriya Bhandar (Retail Sale) for sale under ‘Bharat’ brand through own stores/mobile vans and/or E-commerce/big chain retailers only



Sale of Rice to Community Kitchens



Sale of Rice to ethanol distilleries for production of ethanol

2250/- (Fixed)

* i.e no additional transportation cost to be added


  1. No additional subsidy from PSF should be provided for items at Sl no (1)-(3) above.


  1. E-auction/direct sale as per Sl no (1) and (2) above can be done only in deficit regions and during both non-procurement period and procurement period. During procurement period in deficit regions, FCI to ensure that sale of Rice during procurement periods restricted to varieties of rice that are not being procured in the State during the Procurement period.


  1. Sale of rice to Central cooperative organizations like NAFED/ NCCF/Kendriya Bhandar will be allowed in procuring regions as well as consuming regions during procurement period of paddy.


  1. Sale of Bharat Brand of rice to institutional buyers like hostels, religious institutions, charitable organizations, hospitals is allowed.


  1. Sale of ‘Bharat’ brand of rice through private millers is not permitted.


  1. Sale of rice to State Governments under OMSS(D) is restricted only to non-surplus States which require additional rice to meet their requirements.


  • vii. Quantum of stocks to be offloaded, and timing, considering stocks holding at the relevant point of time may be decided by FCI in consultation with DFPD after keeping the stocks for PDS requirement, Buffer Norms and additional quantity of 30 LMT that can be used in case of any exigency.


  1. The supply of FCI rice can be affected by ethanol distilleries in both deficit and surplus states all through the year. Further, with regard to FCI rice supplied for ethanol production, inter-alia the following modalities shall be adopted:
  1. Sale of FCI rice for ethanol production will only be allowed to distilleries registered with OMCs as suppliers of ethanol.
  2. Distilleries along with a copy of signed contract with OMCs regarding supply of ethanol may approach the FCI depot of their choice.
  3. FCI will allocate the rice as per the quantity of ethanol allocated to distilleries in their contract with OMCs.
  4. Distilleries to provide a copy of certificate issued by OMCs regarding supply of ethanol.
  5. The OMCs would be furnishing details of quantity of ethanol produced from FCI rice, received at respective depot every month.

ix.        a.         Reserve price for sale of Rice to ethanol distilleries for production of ethanol as indicated in SI. No. 6 above, is fixed for a total quantity not exceeding 24 LMT. For this purpose, old rice should be utilized to the extent feasible.

b.         Tender under Cycle 3 (C3) for the supply of about 110 crore litres of ethanol during ESY 2024-25 should be restricted to ethanol produced using FCI rice.

c.         In case of shortage in supply of ethanol produced from maize/other category of  feedstock, as allotted during ESY 2024-25, the shortfall may be allotted to ethanol produced using FCI rice.

x.         Reserve price, is fixed for sale of Rice to State Governments and Corporations of State Governments without participating in e-auction as indicated in SI. No. 3 above and to the Community Kitchens as indicated in Sl. No. 5 above for a total quantity not exceeding 12 LMT.

2.         OMSS(D) Policy for 2024-25 communicated earlier vide letters dated 9.07.2024, 07.01.2025 and letter dated 17.01.2025 will be valid till 30.06.2025.

This information was given by the Union Minister of State for the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Smt. Nimuben Jayantibhai Bambhaniya in a written reply today in the Rajya Sabha.


Abhishek Dayal/Nihi Sharma

(Release ID: 2101827) Visitor Counter : 999

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