Vice President's Secretariat
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Text of Vice-President’s address to the Interns of the 5th Batch of the Rajya Sabha Internship Programme (Excerpts)

Posted On: 27 JAN 2025 5:43PM by PIB Delhi

Good morning all of you. आप सब भारत की उभरती ताकत के सैंपल हैं। And therefore, welcome you all to this very unique programme.

Credit has been given to me, but as a matter of fact, the idea originated with Rajit. Because he alone is responsible for it. I am not. But if credits are due, we can share. This is the fifth batch. But this batch is unique.This is the first inaugural session we are having at Upa-Rashtrapati Enclave. 

This fifth batch is also standing out because we have now entered in the last quarter of this century of adoption of the Indian Constitution. A milestone development.

Because when India got the Constitution, many doubted whether it will remain as such. But thanks to the spirited contribution of the Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, that he brought about integration of the nation so effectively and impactfully. You need to discuss amongst yourselves that Sardar was involved with integration of all these states except Jammu and Kashmir. Have you got my point? If Sardar had been so involved also with Jammu and Kashmir integration, much of the problems we faced may not have been there. Our Indian Constitution owes much to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. He was chairman of the drafting committee.

He had a global perspective and was a visionary. He drafted all the articles of the Constitution except one, Article 370. You have seen with respect to Sardar.

 He was not associated with integration of Jammu & Kashmir. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was so nationalist and sovereignty was in his mind. By writing a communication, he declined to draft Article 370. You'll have the occasion to go through that. Had Dr. Ambedkar's will prevailed? We would not have paid a huge price which you we have paid. Let me illustrate one price which we paid.

In 1989, I was elected to Parliament as Lok Sabha member. In 1990, as a Union Minister, I went to Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar. The Hon'ble Prime Minister was there, Council of Ministers members were there. I was one of them. What did we see. Not even 20 civilians on the roads of Srinagar. Boys and girls, last year, we had more than 2 crore tourists in Jammu and Kashmir because the government led by visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a decision that the only temporary article of the Indian Constitution, the only one not drafted by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the only one with respect to which Dr. Ambedkar had the occasion to use his pen like a sword. Why am I not drafting it? Cease to be in the Indian Constitution. Milestone development.

I am inviting your attention to this because you will have to self-learn. You will have to learn out of inquisitiveness. What will be taught to you is not the end of it. It will be just the tip of an iceberg. If you look at the original Indian Constitution, which is so well preserved, you will find, you look at it, admire it but not all you. You have to think about it, how the beginning was made, how many members of the Constituent Assembly were there.

How when Independence was gained by us, how many members went to the other side? How members were appointed or elected.How six members of the constituent assembly could not sign the Constitution. Who were Chairman of the various committees, who was the first Chairman of the Constituent Assembly.

For how much period the Constituent Assembly met? It held how many sessions? Where was the Constitution calligraphed? And the miniatures in the Constitution that reflect our civilization journey of 5,000 years, how they were created.

It will be an eye-opener for you. So your visit to that place, you come with homework.

Have it. When you enter the new building, you will see something very different. When you look at the QR code, find, क्या है? 5,000 साल की सांस्कृतिक विरासत आपके सामने है। You must deliberate seriously कि जिस द्वार से आप प्रवेश कर रहे हैं उसका नाम क्यों रखा गया है।

Go to the old building and find out कि संस्कृत के श्लोक वहां क्यों हैं? आपका एक एक पल आपको उपयोग में लाना पड़ेगा। इसका अल्टीमेट object क्या है? इसका objective है, कि Members of Parliament reflect will of the people. Parliament is the most authentic platform reflecting sanctified will of the people और उनके Representatives को जब काम करना पड़ता है। They also require handholding. Those who come as Member of Parliament to begin with, may not be aware of many things.

You therefore are in a category to be so well prepared to be very special when it comes to rendering assistance कि आपको गहराई की जानकारी है। Your purpose has to be to help a Member of Parliament optimally to perform his duties, to be aware of Constitutional Powers, obligations और इसकी आवश्यकता जितनी आज है उतनी पहले कभी नहीं थी।

आपको देखना पड़ेगा कि Constituent Assembly के सामने कितने divisive issues थे,  contentious issues थे, भारी मतभेद थे, मन भेद कभी नहीं हुआ। The tough terrain was negotiated, the headwind was faced. Air pockets were overcome by dialogue, debate, discussion and deliberation. Idea was not to score a point, idea was to arrive at a consensus, a consensual approach because India is a country that is the role model of inclusivity, tolerance, adaptability. यह सब आपको देखना पड़ेगा।

You may have to invite attention if you get an opportunity to help a member की वाद विवाद कैसा होना चाहिए? हमारी संस्कृति कहती है बिना वाद विवाद के समस्या का हल नहीं हो सकता। I firmly believe the world faces problems. Problems that are existential in nature, also climate change, or conflagrations. We have one in Russia, Ukraine and another Israel, Hamas. But at the end of the day, as the Prime Minister indicated, resolution takes place only through dialogue and diplomacy. Therefore, are we performing at the moment like this? Have we not yielded space of debate, dialogue to disruption and disturbance? Have we not yielded space of consensus building to irretrievable confrontational stance?

और ऐसा क्यों है, गत 10 वर्ष में आप देखिए तो किसी भी देश ने इतनी बड़ी उछाल नहीं लगाई है अर्थव्यवस्था में, संस्थागत ढांचे में, तकनीकी विकास में जितनी भारत ने लगाई है।

India is singled out as the only nation that has registered in last decade huge economic upsurge, exponential infrastructural growth, deep technological penetration, hand-holding policies that are affirmative for youth and what has been the outcome, an atmosphere of hope and possibility.

People of this country have tasted development for the first time, because they have a toilet in the house, gas connection in the kitchen, internet available to them, road connectivity, air connectivity. They are about to have piped water, potable water.

40 million have already had affordable housing. When you taste such a situation, you become an aspirational nation. And this was done by a great planning, लोग appreciate नहीं करते। जब प्रधानमंत्री जी ने पहली बार कहा देश में aspirational districts होने चाहिए, उनकी संख्या कम होती जा रही है। वो वह जिले थे जहां कोई अधिकारी collector नहीं बनना चाहता था। SP जाना नहीं चाहता था। Development वहां नहीं था। He took it upon himself that the entire nation has to be like a plateau, not like a pyramid. नतीजा क्या हुआ? Identified aspirational districts. आज के दिन बदलाव 180 degrees आ गया है। IAS का  आदमी aspirational डिस्ट्रिक्ट में जिला मजिस्ट्रेट बनना चाहता है। यह बदलाव है।

Smart cities. Smart cities का कॉन्सेप्ट, लोगों को लगा जैसे कपड़े की स्मार्टनेस होती है। Smartness has to be seen in the human body by the soul. By your mind. Smart city का मतलब the city is enabled in several factors to help our young people utilise their talents. जब calibration चालू हुआ कौनसा शहर सबसे ज्यादा साफ है? जब प्रधानमंत्री जी ने clarion call दी Swachh Bharat, Mahatma Gandhi जी ने दिया था उदाहरण के तहत। अब देखिए क्या करिश्मा हो गया है। हमारी मानसिकता बदल गई है,यह सब आपको ध्यान देना है। अब इतना तो कुछ हो गया है।

अब लोगों की आकांक्षा आसमान छू रही है, अब हर कोई सब कुछ चाहता है, लोगों के मन में आ गया है की प्रगति की गंगा जब इतनी ज्यादा बह गई है तो हम दुनिया में नंबर एक बनकर रहेंगे और सबसे पहले वह खुद को देखता है। आपका दायित्व है, as brilliant young people you will have to find out what are the opportunities for youth.

I am somewhat concerned that our youth is still thinking in terms of coaching classes for government jobs. He's in a silo, he's in a groove. सरकारी नौकरी से आगे नहीं सोच पा रहा है, उसको ध्यान देना चाहिए कि आज के दिन the basket of opportunity बढ़ता ही - बढ़ता जा रहा है। नतीजा है स्टार्टअप का। Tier 2 and 3 cities के स्टार्टअप्स बहुत ज्यादा हैं। यह सब हुआ है।

आपका एक एक पल यहाँ भारत के Dream को realise करने का हैI विकसित भारत अब Dream नहीं रहा, विकसित भारत हमारा Definitive Object है, Destination हैI We will achieve it for sure at 2047, when we will celebrate centenary of Independence.

But it may happen earlier. यह आप और आपकी जमात का दायित्व है। आज के दिन भारत के पास सबसे बड़ी चीज है तो वह यह है Demographic dividend of the youth. दुनिया में इसका कोई मुकाबला नहीं We are the envy of the world. यह चैलेंज भी है यह अपॉर्चुनिटी भी है। Challenge hai, उनको काम नहीं मिलेगा तो they will become restive. They will become restless. काम मिलेगा, they will convert the challenge into opportunities. मेरी एक बात का ध्यान रखें, आप इसका विवेचन कीजिए। International Monetary Fund ने जब कहा कि India is a favourite global destination of investment and opportunity. थोड़ा सोचिए। क्या सरकारी नौकरी के लिए कहा था? क्या बाहर के लोगों को यह कहा था कि यहां आकर सरकारी नौकरी कीजिए। तो जिस चीज के लिए कहा था वो हम क्यों नहीं कर पाएंगे। देखना पड़ेगा। थोड़ा सा सोचोगे हालात बदल जाएंगे आपके बदल जाएंगे

आज के दिन एक बहुत शुभ संकेत हुआ है और वो शुभ संकेत है कि संविधान निर्माताओं ने जिसकी कल्पना की थी और निर्देश दिया था संविधान में and that is in part 4 of the Indian Constitution. Directive Principles of State Policy. Our framers of the constitution directed the state to work hard to realise directive principles. कुछ का realisation हो गया है, like the right to education. पर एक जो realisation है वो Article 44. Article 44 of the Indian constitution mandates, ordains, the state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India. We all are in joyous mood today.

The beginning of the last quarter of the century of adoption of the Indian constitution has taken place with Dev Bhoomi, Uttarakhand. Making UCC a reality. One state has done it. I congratulate the farsightedness of the government of Uttarakhand for realising a vision of founding fathers of the constitution in having uniform civil code in their state. And I am sure it will be a matter of time when the entire country will have similar legislation.

Some people, I would say out of ignorance are criticizing it. How can we criticize something which is mandate of the Indian Constitution. Ordainment emanating from our founding fathers. Something that has to bring about gender equality, Why we oppose it? I'll come to that later on.

हमारे जहन  में राजनीति ने इतना घर कर दिया है कि वह जहर का रूप ले चुकी है, राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए राष्ट्रवाद को तिलांजलि देते हुए पलक भर भी नहीं झपकते।

How can anyone oppose promulgation of Uniform Civil Code! you study it. Study the debates of the Constituent Assembly, study how many times the Supreme Court of the country has so indicated. While I have been the chairman of Rajya Sabha, I had a rare historical moment when after three decades of failures, constitutional prescription was there for reservation of women to the extent of one third in Lok Sabha state legislatures.

Because gender justice is integral part of Democracy. Who will live? Go to our Vedas. In the earliest Vedic culture you will find women philosophers, women leaders. They were at the same pedestal when it came to policy evolutions. I don't want to name countless numbers. यह आपको चिंतन करना पड़ेगा। I will appeal to you that you have a list of the members of Constituent Assembly and each one of you must pick a one member for deep study that he participated on what subject, what was his level of participation.  There is an important article where the author today picked up a member of the Constituent Assembly, the article is in the Indian Express. When you go through the article you will find you should pick one member and you'll be able to be enlightened.

Boys and girls we have to see the challenges and the challenge to nation is millions of illegal migrants are living in our land. Is it not a challenge to our sovereignty? Such kind of people will never be wedded to our Nationalism. They will use our resources of health, education and other facilities, in jobs meant for our people. I expect everyone in government to take a severe look at this. This problem and resolution of it can not be delayed by even a day. How can a Nation suffer illegal migrants in millions. They are threat to our democracy because they are trying to influence our electoral system, they are also a threat to our societal harmony to our nation's security to our Nationalism. आप सब जो यहां पर हैं, आपके पास एक बहुत बड़ी ताकत आ गई है आज Power of social media.

When you are seeing institutions being run down in this country, why? Because a small number has fragile connect with our nationalism. You have to expose them, anti-national narratives of a nation that is on the rise as never before and the rise is unstoppable. The destination is well set ऐसी परिस्थिति के अंदर ऐसे विचारों को कुचलना पड़ता है, उन पर प्रतिघात करना पड़ता है, उन पर कुठाराघात करना पड़ता है और यह सबसे बड़ा दायित्व आज के नवयुवकों और नवयुवतियों के ऊपर है।

You have to take on this challenge, neutralize these narratives. आज के दिन क्या हो रहा है? Avalanche of misinformation. कुछ भी कह देंगे मुझे बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ, देश में कुछ ऐसे महानुभाव हैं जो कहते हैं कि भारत के अलावा उस देश की हालत अच्छी है| क्या हो गया उन देशों मे, दुनिया में शांति स्थापना के लिए, दुनिया कि प्रगति के लिए, हमारी धरती माँ को बचाने के लिए सबसे प्रभावी सार्थक मज़बूत पहल कहीं है तो भारतवर्ष में है|

यह आपका समय है, यह आपका दायित्व है, you will have to self learn, you will have to be inquisitive,  यदि अगर आप दो-तीन  एक साथ आए है आप और दोस्ती बनिए, there is platform now, Interaction उसमे organise किया जाएगा। आप का connect राज्य सभा से, मै रहूँ  या ना रहूँ जीवन प्रियंत है। आपका संपर्क उन लोगों से जिन्होंने पहले इस Internship का लाभ उठाया है जीवंत होना चाहिए।  सबसे बड़ी खसियत्ता है you are representative both in terms of regions , language, gender and education यह unique opporunity है।

Our purpose is not to burden you with homework, you have to create homework. जो लोग आप को assist कर रहे है They are in nurturing mode but not in placatory mode. They expect you will give the very best to them.

Thank you.


(Release ID: 2096737) Visitor Counter : 893

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