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azadi ka amrit mahotsav g20-india-2023

Indian Star Tortoises Seized By Chennai Air Customs

Posted On: 19 AUG 2024 4:31PM by PIB Chennai

On the input shared by AI Airport Services Limited at Anna International Airport, Chennai, stating that they found bags containing suspicious subjects belonging to 3 Male passengers, who were bound to Kuala Lampur from Chennai on 16.08.2024, the Air Intelligence Officers from Chennai Air Customs intercepted S/Shri Kadhir Ibrahim, Shri. Makkan Mohamed and Seyyathu Mahthoom Yoosup Hussain for examination of their respective baggage. On open examination of the suspected baggage all of them found to contain Indian Star Tortoises of various sizes wrapped with adult diapers. Immediately on recovery of the bags containing wildlife animals, Officials from Wildlife Crime Control Bureau at Chennai were informed. Shri Doki Adimallaiah, Wildlife Inspector, WCCB, Southern Region, Chennai on examination of the wildlife species identified the Exotic Wildlife species as Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone Elegans). As per the Export Policy, export of live animals listed in the Wild Life (Protection) act, 1972 and CITES without a valid CITES permit, DGFT license, NOCs from Chief Wildlife Warden and MoEF&CC, Animals Quarantine Certificate are prohibited. Moreover, possession, sale, transportation of Wild Animals as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and their parts and products are prohibited. Also, commercial trade of species listed in CITES Appendix-I is also prohibited. The above passengers had attempted to smuggle 778 nos. of Star Tortoises against the Export Policy.

The Air Customs Officials treated the rescued Star Tortoises at the airport with utmost care with the help of WCCB Officials. Further all the Star tortoises have been seized under Customs Act, 1962 and handed over to the Wild Life Officials. Shri Kadhir Iburahim, Shri Makkan Mohamed and Shri Seyyathu Mahthoom Yoosup who attempted to smuggle the above said Star Tortoises have been arrested and remanded to Judicial custody. Further investigation is in progress.

Indian Star Tortoise has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2016, as the population is on a declining trend. It is threatened by habitat loss and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade. It was upgraded to CITES Appendix I in 2019 by full consensus among all member states, giving it the highest level of international protection from commercial trade.



(Release ID: 2046650) Visitor Counter : 90

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