Ministry of Communications
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Postal Pension Adalat under Goa Region to be held at Panaji on January 10

Complaints and grievances can be submitted till January 1

Posted On: 22 DEC 2023 3:12PM by PIB Mumbai

Panaji, 22 December 2023


To redress the grievances of Postal pensioners effectively, Department of Posts is organizing a Postal Pension Adalat of Goa region at the office of the Postmaster General, Patto Plaza, Panaji, at 03.00 PM on January 10, 2024. The Goa Postal Region comprises the State of Goa, and Sangli, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg Districts of Maharashtra state.

Complaints and grievances regarding pension and pensionery benefits pertaining to those who retired or died while in service from the Department of Posts will be entertained at the Adalat. Pensioners, whose issues have not been sorted within three months of the date of filing the complaint, can make use of the opportunity.

Cases involving purely legal issues such as CAT or court cases, succession disputes and grievances involving policy matters will not be entertained at the Adalat.

Pensioners can apply for grievance redressal addressed to Shri Mahesh N., Accounts Officer/Secretary, Pension Adalat, O/o Postmaster General, Goa region, Panaji- 403001, or email it to on or before January 01, 2024. The applications received after the deadline will not be considered at the Adalat.




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