Ministry of Power
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Renovation & Modernization and Life Extension of Power Plants

Posted On: 15 DEC 2023 3:21PM by PIB Delhi

The Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy has informed that power plants including thermal and hydro carry out annual maintenance and periodic maintenance of various plant items/machinery to prevent breakdown, loss of generation and loss of efficiency etc. As per Central Electricity Authority’s (CEA) General Review 2022, the efficiency of coal and lignite-based plants increased from 34.68% in 2014-15 to 35.88% in 2021-22.

With regards to Renovation & Modernisation (R&M) and Life Extension (LE), CEA has prepared a report after studying various aspects of R&M and LE of coal based thermal power plants in August, 2023 and the same has been circulated by Ministry of Power (MoP) to all power utilities wherein CEA had identified 148 thermal units with a total capacity of ~38150 MW as potential candidates for R&M/LE works. The phasing plan for implementation for R&M/LE at 148 units was also prepared in consultation with central, state and private power utilities.  Generation is a delicensed activity, therefore, it is for the utilities to decide whether to carry out R&M/LE activities or not with the approval of state Electricity Regulatory Commissions after cost benefit analysis.

With regards to Renovation and Modernisation (R&M)/ Upgradation of hydro power plants, it is mentioned that the normative operating life of hydroelectric power plant is 40 years.  The decision to undertake Renovation and Modernisation (R&M) of existing old hydro power plants is taken by the concerned State and Central Power Utilities considering the condition of machine through Residual Life Assessment (RLA) studies and cost effectiveness.

Renovation & Modernisation (R&M)/Upgradation works is a continuous exercise, as a cost effective option for optimization of energy resources through improvement in efficiency, better availability and also augmentation of capacity. For this purpose, the Government formulates 5 year plans for continuous monitoring of Hydro Power Projects which are undergoing Renovation, Modernization, Uprating & Life Extension. The Renovation,  Modernization, Uprating and Life Extension works at 64 Hydro Electric Plants (HEPs) with an aggregate installed capacity of ~11718 MW is programmed for completion during the year 2022-27. Further, The Renovation, Modernization, Uprating and Life Extension works at 21 Hydro Electric Plants (HEPs) with an aggregate installed capacity of ~2879 MW is programmed for completion during 2027-32 through Life Extension and Uprating.

This information has been given by the Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy Shri R. K. Singh, in a written reply to a question, in Lok Sabha on December 14, 2023.



PIB DELHI | Alok Mishra / Dheep Joy Mampilly

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