Ministry of Home Affairs

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, participates in the debate on the No-Confidence Motion in Lok Sabha

Posted On: 09 AUG 2023 8:55PM by PIB Delhi

Speaking during the ongoing debate on the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha, Union Home Minister, Shri Amit Shah said that 27 no-confidence motions and 11 confidence motions have been presented in this House since independence


This no-confidence motion is such that neither the people, nor the House expressed no-confidence towards the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers

This no-confidence motion has been brought only to create confusion in the public and it is also not reflecting the public sentiment

People have confidence in the government because if any government has instilled new hope in the lives of 60 crore people of the country, then it is the government led by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi

After independence, if the people of the country have shown the most confidence in any government, then it is in the Narendra Modi government

After 30 years, for the first time in the country, the people of the country gave a stable government with full majority for two consecutive terms, many surveys around the world say that after independence, Shri Narendra Modi is the most popular Prime Minister of the country

After independence, there has been no Prime Minister like Shri Narendra Modi who works 17 hours a day without taking any leave, and has travelled the maximum distance and spent the maximum number of days across every state of the country

Narendra Modi government has taken more than 50 decisions in 9 years, which are landmark and will be written in golden letters in the history

On this day in 1942, Mahatma Gandhi had started the Quit India Movement and on this very day Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given slogan of Corruption Quit India, Appeasement Quit India, Dynasty Quit India

Earlier, the opposition party got power only by taking votes using the false slogan of 'Garibi Hatao', but did nothing to alleviate poverty, Shri Modi has done the work of removing poverty from people's lives, that's why he is considered as 'Deenmitra'

No one can agree with the violence in Manipur, no one can support these incidents, but doing politics on these incidents is more shameful

Misconception was spread among the people of the country that the government is not ready to discuss Manipur, whereas before the parliament session, a request for discussion had been made through a letter to the Speaker by the government

I am ready to respond from the first day of the parliamentary session; it is my duty and responsibility towards the country, parliament, and opposition

Opposition doesn't want discussion on an important issue like Manipur, and it just wants to protest

Shri Shah questioned the democratic notions of opposition for not allowing the Home Minister to present his side, the opposition cannot silence us with noise because we have been elected by 1.3 billion people

There has not been a single day of curfew, bandh, blockade in Manipur in the last 6 years and insurgency violence has almost ended

The violence in Manipur is a situational racial violence, and it should not be made into a political issue

On the Manipur issue, the Prime Minister has been in constant touch since day one, he inquired about the situation from me even at 4 o'clock in the morning, and then spoke to me again at 6:30 in the morning

We worked continuously for three days, conducted 16 video conferences, sent 36,000 security personnel to Manipur, used Air Force aircraft, and sent a security advisor

I review the security situation through video conferencing with the Unified Command every week, the Union Home Secretary reviews it every second day and the Director, Intelligence Bureau conducts the review on daily basis

Six cases related to the conspiracy behind the violence in Manipur have been handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Supreme Court has also assigned 11 cases to the CBI, and a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed for this purpose

Manipur violence has claimed 152 lives so far, of which 107 people died in May, 30 in June, 15 in July and 4 in August

Around 14,898 people have been arrested, and 1,106 FIRs have been registered so far

Violence is slowly decreasing and it should not be reignited

The shameful video of 4th May from Manipur is a very unfortunate incident, and any such incident happening with any woman anywhere in the world is a blot on society and no one can support it

On the day when the video was circulated, we arrested all the 9 persons with the help of face recognition software by matching them with the government's data and they are facing trial

With a very close watch over the issues, efforts are being made to establish peace there and soon we will be able to control the violence

I want to make a humble solemn request to both the communities of Manipur through the house that violence is not the solution to any problem, please talk

Solve this problem by sitting with the Government of India, rumours have created an atmosphere of mistrust

Government of India does not intend to change the demography of Manipur, we want to make all efforts to stop infiltration and establish peace, politics should not be done on this subject

During the riots in Manipur in previous government, the MoS gave a statement and their Home Minister did not even speak and here I myself is asking again and again to give the statement, but they have kept the Parliament session on hold

Violence happened so many times in Manipur during the rule of the previous government but till date none of their Home Ministers stayed there, I myself stayed in Manipur for 3 days and MoS Shri Nityanand Rai continuously stayed there for 23 days

For almost 30 years, the politics of this country has been suffering from the issues of corruption, nepotism and appeasement

Indian democracy was surrounded by these three issues, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given preference to politics of performance by removing corruption, dynasty and appeasement and today development is helping the people to take decisions

Still corruption, nepotism and politics of appeasement are visible at some places, that is why today Shri Narendra Modi has given the slogan of Corruption Quit India, Dynasty Quit India, Appeasement Quit India

If corruption, nepotism and appeasement are eradicated from the country, then the new era ushered by Prime Minister Modi in the last 9 years will create the India envisioned by our freedom fighters much before 2047

Bringing no confidence motion exposes the character of parties and coalitions

We are in politics to establish the politics of principles, not to save power by any means

Shri Narendra Modi did not make any big promises but he wanted to eradicate poverty because he himself came from a poor family and became the Prime Minister of the country

They are neither farmer friendly, nor poor and backward class friendly, they are not worried about anyone except their family

The Modi government made arrangements to send Rs 2.40 lakh crore to the bank accounts of 14.5 crore farmers of the country, so that they do not have to take loans

During the Covid-19 period, PM Modi fought against the pandemic by taking everyone along with the spirit of federalism, the central, state governments and 130 crore people fought together against COVID-19 in India

Modi government also imposed lockdown and did not let anyone sleep hungry, we gave 5 kg of food grains per person per month to 80 crore people at the time of lockdown, which is being given even today

Formed National Commission for Backward Classes, gave constitutional recognition to backward classes, gave 10 percent reservation to economically weak section for the first time after so many year

The government is working for the welfare of the poor, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has taken many initiatives for the welfare of the poor, and they refer to Shri Modi as 'Dinmitra' and see a friend in him

Shri Narendra Modi, who came from a poor family and became a successful Chief Minister, has worked to take the country's economy from 11th to 5th place in the world in last 9 years

Kashmir, LWE and Northeast are the three hotspots, there has been a significant change in our policies in Kashmir

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, since 2014 , the Government of India has worked continuously to free Kashmir from terrorism

Correcting the mistakes of earlier governments, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi took a historic decision to abolish Article 370 on August 5, 2019, and removed  'Do Vidhan, Do Nishan' from Kashmir

The three families that ruled over Kashmir did not hold Panchayat elections, but in 2018, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Panchayat elections were held in 9 phases, resulting in the election of 4,483 Sarpanchs and 35,000 Panchs

Modi government has brought policies like the Homestay Policy, Film Production Policy to boost tourism, and has opened new avenues for development, such as the Houseboat Policy and Industrial Policy and provided jobs to 20,000 people

We will neither discuss with Hurriyat, nor with Jamiat and Pakistan, we will discuss only with the youth of the valley

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the government of India by adopting a zero-tolerance policy has cracked down on the Left-Wing Extremism (LWE)

Today Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are free from Left Wing Extremism and only three districts of Chhattisgarh are to be freed from LWE and under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi this will be done very soon

Shri Narendra Modi with his whole heart, has done the work of connecting Northeast with India

Distance is not reduced by roads, railways and aeroplanes but by heart, Prime Minister Modi has reduced distance with Northeast and has brought Northeast into mainstream

In the last 9 years, PM Modi has been to Northeast more than 50 times, this shows that Northeast is a part of the country

Peace in the North-East is not merely on paper, but is driven by strategy, hard work, and dedication

Agreements have been made with organisations like National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT), National Democratic Front of Bodoland, Karbi-Anglong, Adivasi Armed groups in Assam, and Dimasa National Liberation Army, resulting in the surrender of nearly 8,000 armed insurgents

Popular Front of India (PFI) was involved in activities aimed at destabilising the country, changing the demography, and spreading terrorism, in September 2022, ban was imposed on PFI through raids conducted in more than 90 locations across 15 states in a single day

56 individuals have been declared terrorists under the UAPA

Absconding criminals are being brought back from across the world, Investigation into attacks on Indian embassies in London, Ottawa, and San Francisco has been handed over to NIA

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Ministry of Home Affairs has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against narcotics since 2014

On the occasion of the 75th Independence Day, 1,65,000 kilograms of narcotics were destroyed, and within a year of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the quantity of narcotics destroyed has touched the figure of 10 lakh kilograms

All departments have united in the Nasha Mukt Abhiyan (Drug-Free Campaign), and approximately 9.5 crore people have pledged for a drug-free India


Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, participated in the debate on the No-Confidence Motion in Lok Sabha. Speaking during the ongoing debate on the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha, Union Home Minister, said that 27 no-confidence motions and 11 confidence motions have been presented in this House since independence. He said that this no-confidence motion is such that neither the people, nor the House expressed no-confidence in the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers. This no-confidence motion has been brought only to create confusion in the public and it is also not reflecting the public sentiment.

Shri Amit Shah said that people have confidence in the government because if any government has instilled new hope in the lives of 60 crore people of the country, then it is the government led by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. After independence, if the people of the country have shown the most confidence in any government, then it is in the Narendra Modi government. Shri Shah mentioned that after 30 years, for the first time in the country, the people of the country gave a stable government with full majority for two consecutive terms. Many surveys around the world say that after independence, Shri Narendra Modi is the most popular Prime Minister of the country. He said that after independence, there has been no Prime Minister like Shri Narendra Modi who works 17 hours a day without taking any leave, and has travelled the maximum distance and spent the maximum number of days across every state of the country.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that the Narendra Modi government has taken more than 50 landmark decisions in 9 years which will be written in golden letters in the history. He added that on this day in 1942, Mahatma Gandhi had started the Quit India Movement and on this very day Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given slogan of Corruption Quit India, Appeasement Quit India, Dynasty Quit India.

Shri Amit Shah said that on one side are the people who bought the majority by spending crores of rupees for the sake of power, and on the other side are those who left power for the sake of principles. He added that earlier, the opposition party got power only by taking votes with the false slogan of 'Garibi Hatao', but did nothing to remove poverty. Prime Minister Modi has done the work of removing poverty from people's lives, that's why he is considered as 'Deenmitra'.

Union Home Minister said that no one can agree with the violence in Manipur, no one can support these incidents, but doing politics on these incidents is more shameful. He added that the misconception was spread among the people of the country that the government is not ready to discuss Manipur, whereas before the parliament session, a request for discussion had been made through a letter to the Speaker by the government. Shri Shah assured that he is ready to respond from the first day of the parliamentary session; it is his duty and responsibility towards the country, parliament, and opposition. He stated that the Opposition doesn't want discussion on important issue like Manipur, it just wanted to protest. Shri Shah questioned the democratic notions of opposition for not allowing the Home Minister to present his side. He said that the opposition cannot silence us with noise because we have been elected by 1.3 billion people. He highlighted that there has not been a single day curfew, bandh, blockade in Manipur in the last 6 years and insurgency violence has almost ended.

Shri Amit Shah said that the violence in Manipur is a situational racial violence, and it should not be made into a political issue. He added that on the Manipur issue, the Prime Minister has been in constant touch since day one, he inquired about the situation from me even at 4 o'clock in the morning, and then spoke to me again at 6:30 in the morning. Shri Shah said that we worked continuously for three days, conducted 16 video conferences, sent 36,000 security personnel to Manipur, used Air Force aircraft, and sent a security advisor. He stated that he review the security situation through video conferencing with the Unified Command every week, the Union Home Secretary reviews it every second day and the Director, Intelligence Bureau conducts the review on daily basis.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that six cases related to the conspiracy behind the violence in Manipur have been handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The Supreme Court has also assigned 11 cases to the CBI, and a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed for this purpose. He said that a relief and rehabilitation package has been provided for those affected in Manipur, and 10-10 lakh rupees have been given to the families of the deceased. Despite the difficult circumstances, the supply chain in Manipur is functioning smoothly. Around 30,000 metric tons of rice have been sent to Manipur, and eight teams have been sent from various All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for medical facilities. He said that online education for children has started. In the valley, 98% of schools are open with an 80% attendance rate. Remaining 2% of schools are being run under camps, and the work to make them into permanent centres has been initiated.

Shri Amit Shah said that a commission under the chairmanship of a retired judge from the High Court and a peace committee under the chairmanship of the Governor have been established to investigate the violence in Manipur. He mentioned that so far, Manipur violence has claimed 152 lives, of which 107 people died in May, 30 in June, 15 in July and 4 in August. Shri Shah added that violence is slowly decreasing and it should not be reignited. He mentioned that around 14,898 people have been arrested, and 1,106 FIRs have been registered so far.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that the shameful video of 4th May from Manipur is a very unfortunate incident, and any such incident happening with any woman anywhere in the world is a blot on society and no one can support it. He said that on the day when the video was circulated, we arrested all the 9 people with the help of face recognition software by matching them with the government's data and they are facing trial. Shri Shah added that we are very closely watching over the issues, and efforts are being made to establish peace in the region and soon we will be able to control this violence. He said that he want to make a humble solemn request to both the communities of Manipur through the house that violence is not the solution to any problem, please talk. He suggested to solve this problem by sitting with the Government of India, as rumours have created an atmosphere of mistrust.

Shri Amit Shah said that Government of India does not intend to change the demography and we want to make all efforts to stop infiltration and establish peace, politics should not be done on this subject. Shri Shah said that during the riots in Manipur in previous government, the MoS gave a statement and their Home Minister did not even speak and here he himself is asking again and again to give the statement, but they have kept the Parliament session on hold. He added that violence happened so many times in Manipur during the rule of the previous government but till date none of their Home Ministers stayed there. He said that he himself stayed in Manipur for 3 days and MoS Shri Nityanand Rai continuously stayed there for 23 days.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has initiated a new political era in 9 years from 2014 to 2023. He stated that Prime Minister Modi has given stable governance to the country that's why the country is developing. Shri Shah said that for almost 30 years, the politics of this country had been suffering from the issues of corruption, nepotism, and appeasement. He added that Indian democracy was surrounded by these three issues, and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given preference to politics of performance by removing corruption, dynasty and appeasement and today development is helping the people to take decisions. He said that still corruption, nepotism and politics of appeasement are visible at some places that is why today Shri Narendra Modi has given the slogan of Corruption Quit India, Dynasty Quit India and Appeasement Quit India. He added that if corruption, nepotism, and appeasement are eradicated from the country, then the new era ushered by Prime Minister Modi in the last 9 years will create the India envisioned by our freedom fighters much before 2047.

Shri Amit Shah said that bringing no confidence motion exposes the character of parties and coalitions. He said that we are in politics to establish the politics of principles, not to save power by any means. He added that Shri Narendra Modi did not make any big promises but he wanted to eradicate poverty because he himself came from a poor family and became the Prime Minister of the country. He said that Prime Minister Modi made the houses of 9.6 crore poor women smoke free by sending gas cylinders to their homes, and there were 11 crore families in the country who did not have toilets, but Shri Modi provided toilets to 11.72 crore families in 9 years.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that crores of poor, Dalits, Tribal and backward class people of the country did not have pure drinking water in their houses. He added that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi worked to provide tap water to 12.65 crore houses under Har Ghar Nal Yojana. He said that the opposition is neither farmer friendly, nor poor and backward class friendly and they are not worried about anyone except their family. Shri Shah added that the Modi government made arrangements to send Rs. 2.40 lakh crore to the bank accounts of 14.5 crore farmers of the country, so that they do not have to take loans. He added that there were about 50 crore people in the country who were worried about the cost of treatment during illness, and PM Modi waived off all health expenses up to Rs. 5 lakh for 50 crore people. The Home Minister said that we opened 49.65 crore bank accounts in which have 2 lakh crore rupees of the poor, the money of more than 300 schemes of central and state governments is transferred directly to Jan Dhan accounts through DBT.

Shri Amit Shah said that during the Covid-19 period, Shri Modi fought against the epidemic by taking everyone along with the spirit of federalism. The central, state governments and 130 crore people fought together against COVID-19 in India. Shri Narendra Modi did the work of saving 130 crore Indians from Covid-19 by providing both doses of Covid-19 for free. He said that Modi government also imposed the lockdown, but did not let anyone sleep hungry, and provided 5 kg of food grains per person per month to 80 crore people at the time of lockdown, which is being provided even today. The government formed the National Commission for Backward Classes, gave constitutional recognition to backward classes, provided 10 percent reservation to economically weaker sections for the first time after so many years. He stated that the government is working for the welfare of the poor. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has initiated a yajna for the welfare of the poor, and they refer to Shri Modi as "Dinnmitra" and see a friend in him. Home Minister said that Shri Narendra Modi, who comes from a poor family and became a successful Chief Minister, has worked to take the country's economy from 11th to 5th place in the world in the last 9 years.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that Kashmir, LWE and Northeast are the three hotspots. He added that there has been a significant change in our policies in Kashmir. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, since 2014, the Government of India has worked continuously to free Kashmir from terrorism. Shri Shah said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Union government took a historic decision on August 5, 2019, to abolish Article 370 and eliminated Do Nishan ( dual symbol) and Do Vidhan (dual legislation). He noted that the three families that ruled over Kashmir did not hold Panchayat elections, but in 2018, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Panchayat elections were held in 9 phases, resulting in the election of 4,483 Sarpanches and 35,000 Panchs.

Shri Amit Shah said that for the first time after the 1990s, the Jammu and Kashmir Police are actively confronting terrorism, and a new high-security jail has been constructed in Jammu. He added that there has been development in the tourism sector in Jammu and Kashmir as well. In the year 2022, 1.8 crore tourists visited Jammu and Kashmir. Shri Shah said that the Modi government has brought policies like the Homestay Policy, Film Production Policy to boost tourism, and has opened new avenues for development, such as the Houseboat Policy and Industrial Policy and providing jobs to 20,000 people. He added that if we compare the earlier governments, which got elected on the basis of nepotism, appeasement, and corruption with the Modi government, which has been elected on the basis of dedication to the nation, we can see that there has been a reduction of 68% in terrorist incidents in Jammu and Kashmir, a decrease of 82% in civilian deaths, and a 56% decrease in security personnel casualties, in the span of past 9 years.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that it was previously said in this House that if Article 370 is removed from Jammu and Kashmir, there will be rivers of blood, but under the leadership of PM Shri Modi, Article 370 was revoked without any turmoil. He said that we will neither hold discussions with Hurriyat, nor with Jamiat and Pakistan, we will hold discussions only with the youth of the valley. Shri Shah added that we have abolished two Darbars, abolished Lakhanpur toll tax and ensured rights to Dalits, Adivasis and Safai Karamcharis. He said that after 33 years, cinema halls have opened in Kashmir, night shows and the Shikara Festival have started, and stone-pelting incidents have become history. Home Minister said that temples have been given protection and we have brought a law to return Hindu property

Shri Amit Shah said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Indian government has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards Left-Wing Extremism (LWE). He said that the number of incidents of violence in the year 2005-2014 in the areas affected by Left Wing Extremism was 14000, the number of deaths was 5790, the number of districts affected by violence was 118 and the number of police stations affected by violence was 545. However, in 2014-22, the number of incidents of violence decreased by 52% to 6900, the number of deaths decreased by 69% to 1811, districts affected by violence to 45 and police stations affected by violence to 176.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation mentioned that giving priority to development, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi provided electricity, roads, medicine and skill development programs to every village in Left Wing Extremism affected areas and opened 195 new Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) camps to fill the security vacuum. He added that National Investigation Agency (NIA) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) were linked together which broke the back of finance received by left wing extremists, a separate vertical and data centre was created in NIA for investigation of cases, and computerization of FIRs in left wing areas was done so that they can be analysed through Artificial Intelligence (AI). Shri Shah said that now, Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana are free from left-wing extremism, and only three districts of Chhattisgarh are to be freed from LWE and under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi these will also be free from Left Wing Extremism.

Shri Amit Shah said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi with his whole heart, has done the work of connecting Northeast with India. He added that distance is not reduced by roads, railways and aeroplanes but by heart, Shri Modi has reduced distance with Northeast and has brought Northeast into mainstream. Shri Shah added that in the last 9 years, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been to Northeast more than 50 times, this shows that Northeast is a part of the country. He added that during the previous government's time, the Northeast witnessed 10,000 violent incidents, 397 security personnel casualties, and 2,298 civilian deaths. In contrast, during the 9 years of the Modi government, there has been a reduction of 68% in violent incidents, 68% reduction in security personnel casualties, and 82% reduction in civilian deaths, with 3,238 violent incidents, 128 security personnel casualties, and 420 civilian deaths, respectively.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi activated North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) and conducted a comprehensive study of the entire North-East region. He added that the waters of the Brahmaputra River will be diverted for irrigation, flood mitigation measures will be implemented to make the North-East flood-free, and tourism will also be promoted. Shri Shah said that peace in the North-East is not merely on paper, but is driven by strategy, hard work, and dedication. He said that agreements have been made with organisations like National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT), National Democratic Front of Bodoland, Karbi-Anglong, Adivasi Insurgent Groups in Assam, and Dimasa National Liberation Army, resulting in the surrender of nearly 8,000 armed insurgents.

Home Minister informed that Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) has been lifted from over 70% of the area in Assam, 19 police stations in 7 districts of Manipur, 18 police stations in 8 districts of Nagaland, and completely from Tripura and Meghalaya, with only one district and three police stations in Arunachal Pradesh still under its purview. Soon, AFSPA will be lifted from the remaining districts in the North-East.

Shri Amit Shah said that Popular Front of India (PFI) was involved in activities aimed at destabilising the country, altering demographics, and spreading terrorism. Hence, in September 2022, ban was imposed on PFI through raids conducted in more than 90 locations across 15 states in a single day. He added that 56 individuals have been declared terrorists under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), Investigations into attacks on Indian embassies in London, Ottawa, and San Francisco have been handed over to NIA as part of efforts to bring back absconding criminals.

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Ministry of Home Affairs has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against narcotics since 2014. He highlighted the establishment of Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) in 2019 and the creation of data integration and knowledge management system portals. Shri Shah said that a Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) has been formed, involving all governments and departments, for a comprehensive investigation into drug trafficking. Dedicated Anti-Narcotics Task Forces have been set up in states, and the National Narcotics Canine Pool has been established.

Shri Amit Shah said that on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day, 165,000 kilograms of narcotics were destroyed, and within a year of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the quantity of narcotics destroyed has touched the figure of 10 lakh kilograms. He said that figures reflects the actions taken and cannot be altered. From 2006-13, 1,52,000 kilograms of drugs were seized, while during 2014-22, there has been a 181% increase, with seizure of 3,73,000 kilograms drugs. He added that during 2006-13, drugs worth Rs. 768 crore were seized, 1,257 narcotics cases filed and 1,367 arrests made. In contrast, the Modi government, from 2014-22, seized drugs worth Rs. 18,000 crore, filed 3,700 narcotics cases, and made 5,400 arrests. He added that all departments have united in the Nasha Mukt Abhiyan (Drug-Free Campaign), and approximately 9.5 crore people have pledged for a drug-free India.



(Release ID: 1949528) Visitor Counter : 2086

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