Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
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Bureau of Indian Standards conducts enforcement raids in Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Large number of toys violating Toys (Quality Control) Order seized

Posted On: 12 JAN 2023 2:25PM by PIB Mumbai

Mumbai : 12 January 2023

Acting on information received regarding violation of Toys (Quality Control) Order, 2020 a team of officials (Shri. T. Arjun-Deputy.Director & Shri.Vivek Reddy-Asst.Director) from Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Mumbai Branch Office-II, conducted two Enforcement Raids yesterday, 11.01.2023 at M/s. Dua Lima Retail Pvt Ltd, Inorbit Mall Vashi & M/s. Cross World Book Store Pvt Ltd, Inorbit mall, Vashi. The raids revealed that the companies were selling Non-ISI toys, which is in violation of Toys (Quality Control) Order. BIS is initiating action to file a case in the appropriate Court of Law.

As per Toys (Quality Control) Order all Toys shall be BIS certified as per IS 9873-1(safety aspects related to mechanical & physical properties) & IS 15644(safety of electrical toys) and shall possess standard mark with valid BIS license number on it. During the search and seizure operation, it was unearthed that the toys did not have the IS-9873-1 certification. A large number of such Toys found during the raid were seized and supporting evidence indicating that the firms were involved in selling these toys, which forms a violation of Clause 17(1) under BIS Act 2016, was collected. The clause prohibits the manufacture, import, distribution, sale, hiring, leasing, storing or exhibiting for sale,  goods without a Standard mark, except under a valid license. 

The Violation of QCO order is punishable with imprisonment up to two years or a fine of minimum Rs. 2, 00,000 or both under sections of BIS Act 2016.

All consumers are encouraged to use BIS CARE App (available both in Mobile Android + IOS) to find out the list of mandatory products which shall be BIS certified and also requested to ascertain the genuineness of ISI Mark on the product before making purchase, by visiting BIS website Citizens are requested that in case they come across any instance where mandatory products were being sold without BIS certification or misuse of ISI Mark on any product, the same may be informed to the Head, MUBO-II, Western Regional Office, BIS, 2nd Floor, NTH(WR), F-10, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093. Such complaints can also be made by E-mail at the address The source of such information will be kept confidential.        

About BIS

Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) is National Standard Body of India, established under the BIS Act 2016. The main activities of BIS are, Standard Formulation, Product Certification, Laboratory Testing & System Certification. BIS is contributing to the national economy by providing safe, reliable and quality goods, minimizing health hazards to consumers, protecting the environment etc. The standards and product certification schemes of BIS apart from benefiting the consumer and industries, also support various public policies especially product safety, consumer protection, food safety, environment protection, building and construction etc.




Source :  BIS



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