Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
National Statistical Office to launch Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (July 2022-June 2023)
Data collected in the HCE Survey is used to calculate important socio-economic indicators like Consumer Price Indices
We appeal to the public to co-operate with us for the Household consumer expenditure survey: DDG, NSO
Posted On:
20 JUL 2022 3:39PM by PIB Mumbai
Mumbai, 20 July, 2022
National Statistical Office (NSO), Mumbai, Maharashtra (West) Region has organised a 3-day regional training conference beginning today, aimed at imparting training to its field functionaries in conducting Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (July 2022-June 2023). National Statistical Office, the premiere field survey office under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is going to launch Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (July 2022-June 2023).
Information collected in the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey will be primarily used for preparation of weighting diagram, through determination of budget shares of different commodity groups in total consumption. The data availed is further analyzed for the compilation of consumer price indices for rural and urban India. In addition, statistical indicators of level of living, social consumption and well-being, and inequalities therein will also be compiled from the data collected in the survey.
Sharing the details of the survey, DDG, NSO, Ms Supriya Roy said Mumbai said the survey is crucial because the data collected for the survey is used to calculate important socio-economic indicators like the Consumer Price Indices. Ms. Roy said ‘The survey is going to be carried-out across the country, barring certain areas in Andaman and Nicobar.’ She added that the sample size is around 15,000, including urban blocks and villages and the households are selected digitally to avoid any kind of human bias.
Household Consumption Expenditure Survey is carried out every year and helps in developing a strong database on various social economic parameters through its countrywide sample surveys, which have helped the Central as well as State Governments in development of planning and policy formulations.
Deputy Director General, Sample Design and Research Division, NSO, Shri Omkar Prasad Ghosh said ‘Various agencies in India and abroad utilise the NSO data for estimation of poverty, construction of price indices and assessing the impact of various programs on pattern and level of household consumption expenditure, employment-unemployment situation, condition of agricultural households, migration, utilisation of health and education services, domestic tourism etc. He added ‘We appeal to the public to co-operate with us for the Household consumer expenditure survey’. He also added that the information collected, which may also include some personal information is only used for the purpose of the survey.
Household consumer expenditure survey (HCES) is primary source of statistical indicators on social consumption and wellbeing, living and inequality thereof and for estimating various other parameters.
Average Monthly Per Capita Consumption expenditure (MPCE) of any sub-population of the country (any region or population group) is a single number that summarises the level of living of that population. More detailed analysis of the distribution of MPCE reveals the proportion and absolute numbers of the poor with respect to a given poverty line. Alternatively, MPCE can also be looked upon as an indicator of purchasing power of the household.
PIB Mumbai| DJM/Prarthna/PM
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