Ministry of Company Affairs
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

BIS Mumbai officials investigate quality of Helmets and conduct enforcement search and seizure operation in Mumbai

Posted On: 11 APR 2022 3:22PM by PIB Mumbai


Officials from Mumbai Branch Office of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) conducted an Investigation of Helmets not conforming to Quality Control Orders under Central Consumer Protection Authority and carried out enforcement search and seizure operation at M/s Lazy Ass Bikers (Project Revolt LLP) on 03 December 2021.


The store is situated in the Gala G-G & F/105, Nahar and Seth Industries Estate, Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai. The operation was carried out to check the violation of Quality Control Order on Helmet for Two-wheeler riders. The store was found selling Helmets without BIS standard mark (ISI mark).


90 Helmets bearing BIS standard Mark (ISI mark) were seized. As per the Quality Control Order of Helmet for riders of Two Wheelers Motor Vehicles, 2020, Protective Helmets for the Two-wheeler Riders have been included under compulsory BIS certification and shall bear the Standard Mark under a licence from the BIS.


As per the section 16 and 17 of BIS Act, 2016, no person shall manufacture, import, distribute, sell, hire, lease, store or exhibit for sale helmets without a Standard Mark, except under a valid license.


Whoever, fails to comply with any direction of the Central Authority under sections 20 and 21, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to twenty lakh rupees, or with both.


Citizens/ general public are informed that a number that safety issues are involved with Helmet. Hence Government of India has made it mandatory that all the Helmets for Two-wheeler riders shall be sold in the market duly certified by BIS. Therefore, manufactures, importers, and sellers shall desist forthwith, from selling toys without a licence from BIS.


BIS Mumbai/CP/PK


सोशल मिडियावर आम्हाला फॉलो करा: @PIBMumbai   Image result for facebook icon /PIBMumbai    /pibmumbai  pibmumbai[at]gmail[dot]com

(Release ID: 1815643) Visitor Counter : 378

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