Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare
Production of Organic Fertilizers
Posted On:
07 DEC 2021 5:26PM by PIB Delhi
Government has been implementing dedicated organic farming schemes of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development in North East Region (MOVCDNER) since 2015-16. Under these schemes, farmers are primarily encouraged for organic cultivation using organic fertilizers and provided hands-on training about on-farm production of organic fertilizers and its use are integral part of these schemes. Farmers are provided subsidy of Rs. 31000/ ha / 3 years under PKVY and Rs. 32500/ ha/ 3 years under MOVCDNER for various organic inputs including organic fertilisers. In additions, Organic cultivation on either side of River Ganga, large area certification and support for individual farmers has also been introduced under PKVY to increase coverage using organic fertilizers.
Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati (BPKP) has been introduced as a sub scheme of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) since 2020-21 for the promotion of traditional indigenous practices including Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF). The scheme mainly emphasises on exclusion of all synthetic chemical inputs and promotes on-farm biomass recycling with major stress on biomass mulching, use of cow dung-urine formulations and plant based preparations. Under BPKP, financial assistance of Rs. 12200/ha for 3 years is provided for cluster formation, capacity building and continuous handholding by trained personnel, certification and residue analysis. Until now, under natural farming an area of 4.09 lakh ha area has been covered and a total fund of Rs. 4980.99 lakh has been released in 8 States across the country
Under Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme (CISS), Credit linked back ended subsidy is provided through NABARD to individuals/ private agencies/companies/ Farmers Producers Organization Farmers (FPOs) for setting up of Fruit & Vegetable Agro Composting Unit (of 100 Ton Per Day (TPD) capacity) @33% of total financial outlay subject to maximum of Rs 63 lakh/ unit and Bio-fertilizer production units (200 Ton Per Annum (TPA) capacity) @ 25% of cost limited to Rs.40 lakh/unit.
An amount of Rs 650 crores has been approved for promotion of organic farming for the year 2021-22, out of which Rs. 450 crore has been approved for PKVY and Rs. 200 crore has been approved for MOVCDNER The details of funds released under the schemes -PKVY and MOVCDNER during last three years is given below:
(Rs. in Crore)
Release/ Expenditure
Release /Expenditure
PKVY scheme
This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Lok Sabha today.
(Release ID: 1778911)
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