Ministry of Culture
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Third day of “Destination Northeast India” festival at National Museum, New Delhi sees performances from Nagaland and Mizoram

Posted On: 03 NOV 2021 8:39PM by PIB Delhi

The National Museum, New Delhi is celebrating the rich heritage of North East India, under the Ministry of DoNER & NEC’s initiative titled “Destination North East India” as part of the celebrations of AzadiKaAmritMahotsav to commemorate 75 years of progressive India and the glory of its people’s culture and achievements. The celebration at Museum was inaugurated on 1st November, 2021 and will continue till 7th November 2021.

On the 3rd Day of celebration of Destination North East India, dance performances of Nagaland and Mizoram was organised. The forenoon session was started with Kabui Naga Dance Folk by Panthoibi Jagoi Marup , followed by Blind fold act (Martial art) of Manipur by Agragami dance and cine teamand at last Fusion song by Agragami dance and cine team.The post lunch session was started withSong by Dr KKS Deori, National Museum, followed by Blind fold act (Martial art) of Manipur by Agragami dance and cine team in Auditorium, followed by Bamboo Dance of Nagaland in open rotunda  by Agragami dance and cine team, followed by NagalandFolk performances by team from Nagaland in open Rotunda  and ended with Kabui Naga Dance in open Rotunda by Panthoibi Jagoi Marup.The audiences and visitors to the Museum enjoyed the cultural performances demonstrating the folk dance tradition of North-East India(Photos illustrated).


The cultural performances are being live streamed through Social Media handles of the National Museum (;;;


Kabui Naga Dance by Panthoibi Jagoi Marup in Auditorium

Kabui Naga Dance by Panthoibi Jagoi Marup in Auditorium

Blind fold act  of Manipur by Agragami dance and cine team

Blind fold act of Manipur by Agragami dance and cine team

Folk Fusion song by Agragami dance and cine team

Folk Fusion song by Agragami dance and cine team

Song Performance by Dr KKS Deori

Blind fold act (Martial art) of Manipur by Agragami dance and cine team

Blind fold act (Martial art) of Manipur by Agragami dance and cine team

Bamboo Dance of Mizoram by Agragami dance and cine team in

                        Bamboo Dance of Mizoram by Agragami dance and cine team

Nagaland Folk performances by team from Nagaland in open Rotunda

Kabui Naga Dance by Panthoibi Jagoi Marup in open rotunda

Kabui Naga Dance by Panthoibi Jagoi Marup in open rotunda

Group photo of Artists

Group photo of Artists




(Release ID: 1769318) Visitor Counter : 1199

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