Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Parliamentary standing committee on Agriculture visited ICAR-CCARI Goa on 06.09.2021

Posted On: 08 SEP 2021 3:50PM by PIB Mumbai

Goa, 8 September 2021


A team of nine honourable Members of Parliament Chaired by Shri Parvatagouda Gaddigoudar along with officers of Lok Sabha secretariat and ADGs (Assistant Director General) of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Headquarters, visited Goa on 06.09.2021 for study of agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries research and development. The team visited experimental fields including coconut based cropping systems, coconut-heliconia, mango germplasm block of ICAR-CCARI (Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute), Ela Old Goa. The team also visited the exhibition stalls arranged in the campus and acquainted with various technologies of the institute and the extension activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra of North Goa. The members interacted with the scientists and few progressive farmers during the visit.

Dr Parveen Kumar Director ICAR-CCARI presented the overview of the institute and its achievements in the form of improved varieties and other technologies and their impact on the sustainable livelihoods. The members of the team appreciated the work carried out at the institute and made suggestions to fine tune the research. They suggested working on getting geographical indicator (GI) tagging of mankurad type mangoes of Goa. The team interacted with scientists on ways to promote economic returns in coconut by intercropping practices. The members suggested the easyharvest and spraying operations of coconuts by latest drone based techniques. The team emphasised the need for enhancing paddy productivity of Goa state by improved varieties.The committee suggested focusing the efforts of the scientists to improve the agriculture and allied sectors with the target to double the income of the farmers of the coastal region.

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